29590 (34%) 58732 (66%)
29590 (34%) people have pressed this button, while 58732 (66%) did not.
You have the best romance of your life plus great sex
it has to be with the girl or guy in the closest proximity to you right now

Mammot4 months ago
I can't have a relationship with my imaginary friends... they hate me...

Vexrak9 years ago
*Slide's over to crush across the room* *Presses button* *Realizes friend is leaning over shoulder to see what I'm doing* R.I.P.

LeelandClark2 years ago

Axel9 years ago
I-n-c-e-s-t i-s NOT a-n o-p-t-i-o-n

Capt_Pug6 years ago
It’s the S O L U T I O N
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ImmaWhovian8 years ago
HELL NO! THAT'S JUST WRONG! Never do the nasty nasty with your dad kids ^_^

dankmemes1017 years ago
"the nasty nasty" XD lol yes

Inka Halme11 years ago
My dad? Not gonna happen.

ZeFrenchTurtle6 years ago
Yeah I’m not having a relationship with my IDENTICAL SISTER and fuck her
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Cutely_Cool6 years ago
I'm next to my crush... SHIT HE SAW I PRESSED IT

ANIMOO8 years ago
My parents? Hahahahahahahhahahahahahah! No.

NightfalI8 years ago
*walkss up to my ex, then presses the button. *

Jonathan Santos Pereira11 years ago
I'm going to press it when I'm close to the person i like

Sændugan7 years ago
My thoughts exactly
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Internetz8 years ago

666satan8 years ago
*drives to playboy mansion* *presses button* hell yeah

Piotr Grochowski8 years ago
With my 4-year old sister...

cow4cow8 years ago
wait are u tryin to say to me dat thats a bad thing
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squidkiller1229 years ago
Wait till in near a hot girl... And pressed!

All_the_sweg9 years ago
It's my mom... no, nononononononononononononono...NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO!

Tankdestroyer36108 years ago
I like your reaction. So many No's

J_Liester6 years ago

THE_BUTTON_GOD6 years ago
My best friend is sitting next to me 😍😍😍

ADoesCooee7 years ago
My little brother? Haha, NOPE.

iffataisy7 years ago
im with my brother now yeee:-) it"s gonna be a great one

Katcicles7 years ago

JustLikeTheySay8 years ago
*walks next to bæ, presses button* YASSS

Louie8 years ago
No I'm next to my mom

nima19908 years ago
Ew. No family members

JonBanning8 years ago
my grandmother/father fuck that or does it mean the closet closest to you cause i would so do it then

Potato Lord9 years ago
Isn't that called incest having sex with your two brothers? Wow, fuck that.

Hatsune_Miku_Fan8 years ago
Anime And Potato!

Derek Taylor11 years ago
Ha ha my wife next to me right now

Ddoomsday Timothys11 years ago
my neighbours son or daughter there 8 and 9 I am not pressing that button

Davd8 years ago
Even if you did, this might happen in ten years or more. Hypotheticals with vague premises are fun like that.

Sarah Yates11 years ago
My boyfriend? k.

Andy Scrivener11 years ago
I'm sitting next to my crush anyways

Marysa LeoGrande11 years ago
Best masturbation ever.

TheAlphaKitten8 years ago
well loolmaster443 is right cause if your alone then you have to have romance with a neighbor or some random stranger -who knows what age they could be-
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Serenity Lightwood Herondale-Malfoy11 years ago
my brother is reading these with me... needless to say i did NOT press the damned button

Losechester677 years ago
Hey how could you know about the mortal instruments 47 years ago? OMG are you Tessa?

Hadi Kalakeche11 years ago
I'm sitting right beside my crush right now. *ANGRILY RAPES RED BUTTON*

Breezy Bree Chrystelle Hobson11 years ago
Not my mom lol

Brandon Stinson11 years ago
Go stand next to someone you like, then press.

Arousingrudog6 years ago
Just walking to the building next door...... Ahhh

Nerdyboy7 years ago
My brother... :8

keithstone 9 years ago
Well I just gotta find a super hot chuck and press the button

Bon_Bon6668 years ago
*barfs in garbage can* NOT HAVING IT WITH MY CAT!!!

gabbo verde 9 years ago

JovanPopovic7 years ago
My very hot girlfriend? K den

Thecatlord8 years ago
My cats? Well I don't think it would be appropriate to date my subjects

VelocityRaptor288 years ago
soooo my grandma? i think id rather drink the urine of the closest animal to me

Tsvetock9 years ago
And anyone sitting next to thei parents simultaneously groaned

-Ace1ntheh0le-3 months ago
You got me to say no when you mentioned sex!

Tesla027 years ago
I'll Come back to you later

Erin Parcel11 years ago
My Mother?.... ... Never

DanielPletsch6 years ago
Does a picture count? Im going to say yes so my love!

skankhuntfortytwo8 years ago
My grandma ;;;;;;:::::;::::

NintendoFan19859 years ago

eeeee772 years ago
no not my dad

flamber7 years ago
either my cat or my creepy little brother... NO THANKS!

Weirdaccountforcomments9 years ago
Right next to gf :)
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