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you get unlimited wishes
You cant use them until the day you die (you cannot wish to live, you must die)

phantom1133 years ago
Having unlimited wishes in the day I die is better than not having unlimited wishes on the day I die

PurpleMS3 years ago
Just wish to restart life and you’ll restart life with unlimited wishes

Smallfreis3 years ago
Wish for the ability of revival. Like a Phoenix. You WILL die, but every time you do, you will be reborn.

TheNexMan8 years ago
Wish to be reborn every time you die

Tricky8 years ago
Why would you do that? Life sucks

AlphaErebus3 years ago
I wish... to be able to change the rules

Doritoesforever6 years ago
I wish to time travel to my childhood,then repeat this over and over

Smallfreis3 years ago
Remember to wish to keep you memories from your past lives. So you can remember that you should appreciate your childhood while it lasts.

MidLid4 years ago
That"s not a negative side... Even if you only get them on your last day

NotRealyHere4 years ago
Wish to be reborn with all the wishes and memories w/o the wait;)

SAKO4444GODZ7 years ago
just.. time travel

Curt Snow11 years ago
There's no downside to this, this is just you get to wish when you're on your death day.

Lonely Pizza 7 years ago
When noone understands a joke and says "damn emo kid" lel
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JacquesDeMolay5 years ago
I would wish I had infinite wishes forever and then wish my mind would be transferred I to someone others body. So I technically would die but on the other hand I would still live on.

Joshua C. Bowen11 years ago
i would wish to have the ability to wish to live

Maxbobo1232 years ago
You can’t but you wish you could BOOM NOW YOU CAN
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Jack Seage11 years ago

Alex6669last year
@Ekrub even better
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Victoria Clark11 years ago
hell yes! Make a difference in the world before I die. we all have to die one day anyway, ill go out knowing I helped make a change

Hikari Jansen11 years ago
It says nothing about any of the wishes coming true at all, though. I can wish all I like at this age already.

CodyMcCoy7 years ago
Witch to come back to life and tadda you live live forever

CodyMcCoy7 years ago
Wish not witch

TheGuyWithaCookie9 years ago
I would wish for a happy life and world peace and all suffering to end then for me to got to heaven

Yubashiri8 years ago
Where is the up side to this, it"s all DOWN SIDE

Tricky8 years ago
Actually there is no downside at all, you just get to know one day that is your last day alive and you can wish anything besides a longer lifespan. What is the downside to that? It doesnt say you die immediatly

Nour9 years ago
When I die and if I go to paradise, I'll get whatever I want :v

AhmetSabir6 years ago
Well i wish to remove the downside and then unlimited wishes for the rest of my life and then i can just go into virtual world and live forever before i die

pippa meadow8 years ago
I would wish to die and come back as a vampire it's not technically living

Alex Thoms11 years ago
I wish I could wish I could wish to live.

vampireslayer1978 years ago
Wish to b resireced as a lycan that can change @ will instead of having to change on a full moon

Ategde210 years ago
I would wish to change the definition of day to an infinite duration of time.

Skarlazer6 years ago
i wish 1 quadrillion dollars

BellaLovesBlackButler8 years ago
Ugh why do I still have to die you could not wish for anything fun cuz you are just ganna die

Mek1017 years ago
You can wish to reborn in a universe of your choice wirh over powered abilities or wishes :)

Doriko9 years ago
What's the point...?? It's like there is no downside, I will know when I will die, and might even change what could happen, like if I would have died from a terrorist, then I would know I could have unlimited wishes, and could just wish the terrorist would have got f*cked...

JjButtonBoi7 years ago
Ok. Last Words-I wish i come back to live after i die" Done!

dragonrider28928 years ago
how do you know when you are about to die??

BESTUSERNAME6787 years ago
My wish is that my death day lasts forever :v

PhanIsLovePhanIsLife9 years ago
I would wish to be resurrected.

sirudy8 years ago
the wish to transfer my soul to an immortal body right after death and that has all the best superpowers ever.

borkman10 years ago
i dont want to die i is too young

Deathbed7 years ago
I like it

Katelyn_Kat9 years ago
How are you supposed to tell when you die then? What if you ended up dying by a car crash? How are you supposed to know thats gonna happen

Meemstar6 years ago

ModSavvy8 years ago
wish to become undead (vampire)

Anders Lisborg Simonsen11 years ago
Wish that i have the ability whatever i think off out of the thin air and then get a potion of unlimited life

JakobiTheBobi7 years ago
I"d wish for world peace, to where there would be no more deseases and no more starvation

GGuy123458 years ago
never said i couldn't wish to not die, just that i can't wish to live.

shit-apes-yum6 years ago
Wish to push your death day. Said you had to die, not when.

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool3 years ago
You can't wish for your death day to get pushed because that would make you unable to wish for that

PotatoCat8 years ago
Just wish you can wish to live and then wish to live

CatOvOer7 months ago

Hella-Jeff7 years ago
just wish to become immortal

ericisboss9 years ago
Cant u wish to be see able

ShakespeareanQuotes8 years ago
How about you wish to be a zombie?

CBtheDB9 years ago
How the fuck would you wish for stuff the?

Migdin17 years ago
i wish that i get resurected after i die... i still die and i did not wish to live longer or not die....

LennytheNana9 years ago
Lup holes in that question
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