60303 (66%) 31365 (34%)
60303 (66%) people have pressed this button, while 31365 (34%) did not.
You become the greatest artist humankind ever had or will ever have. Your work will inspire and influence every subsequent generation of humanity...
... but only after you die. No-one in your lifetime will recognise your genius.

TheDarkPants7 years ago
Its better than not being an artist and never being remembered

Marty1234 years ago
What’s the downside? You don’t have to deal with the cons of being famous

Jio2 years ago
But you get none of the upsides, like the money

Monkeysgt5 years ago
So this is basically a no downside. I get to draw art while do my stuff and still be remembered after I die...

muchin7 years ago
No downside - -

Mary Kelly11 years ago
so i'll be like van gogh and many other great artists? at least I get to make a difference, better late than never

Taker_of_Hells4 years ago
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KenJen64207 years ago
So basically every famous artist?

S2FROMTHE28S7 years ago

Maggie Corliss11 years ago
So Vincent Van Gogh?

Carmela7 years ago
But with both ears
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John Tuna Tapcalap11 years ago
This is the fate of every great artist.

Livy-bear Wolfer11 years ago
I just want to be remembered. As long as people still like me, I'm cool with that.

JakeTheGamer8 years ago
I meant me to
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Lujain Samarkandi11 years ago

LandonBygate6 years ago
Good to leave a legacy so my descendants can be famous and have me to thank.

Macduff8 years ago
already happening

Beringtord9 years ago
sounds like Van Gogh.

libanwater118 years ago
Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grabbe...[Show full comment]

MapleUndertale20168 years ago
READ THIS ALL. Like if you are tired of the Girl: am i pretty? or COPY AND PASTE THIS TO 15 DILEMMAS OR YOU WILL DIE AT 11:59 TONIGHT. Copy and paste this to everyone chain post you see. but not all the time! Just replies to chain posts.

noddiah10 years ago
Look at that guy who made the mona lisa.........

Lionelden7 years ago
Im not recognized anyways so...

Kektribi3 years ago
wright a couple of books. they imagine that i was a genious then they reads my books and learn how i see the life

Gingereena52017 years ago
Sure why not

Normal Joe8 years ago
Sounds like Hitler

RainaLovesStampy8 years ago
WHAT?! how?

PokeMasterTim048 years ago

Sophiab6739 years ago
i can draw a decent tornado

Moonlitblackcat6 years ago
This is what it’s like with any artist

TH00PIDSQWRL2169 years ago
I will be the next Vincent Van Gogh.

Bobebelcher7 years ago
My grandchildren or children can sell some paintings and make enough money to bring me back to life

The Howling Wolf8 years ago
I don't want to be famous anyway,so no downside.

Toph23367 years ago
But that"s my worst fear

CashCow11348 years ago
kinda like bill haley

GENERALKENOBI123455 months ago
So… Vincent Van Gogh?

Jilles de Vos11 years ago
van gogh in one sentence

My stupid comments are saving the world9 years ago
So I make the most powerful gaming computer brand ever and a resurrection potion that will be injected right after I die. they said after you die so this would count then right. More best tasting cookies and 10000 secret recipes for me

Bw05178 years ago
so picasso

jshaw716 years ago
The story if besrky every gifted artist ever...

andrewls6718 years ago
I'd just do the art on the side, and focus on other things I would get recognition for!

lovey8269 years ago
I will be the Van Gogh!

Some atheist gamer8 years ago
No downside

lepaigeymack || instagram10 years ago
ayeeee just like every other artist

Whycantithavespaces7 years ago
Is it specifically PAINTING artist? I would much rather be a composer.

Night Cat8 years ago
I'll just continue living as normal but produce amazing work in my free time, not bad.

Hyltran3 years ago
My heirs would become rich 🤑 so a can waist everything I have with a good conscious.

RedVexeD7 years ago
You just described art in general; the value of the piece ALWAYS goes up exponentially and becomes more valued after the artist dies because they can never make more. So... Yeah this one"s a no brainer. I'm already an underappreciated artist, so this isn't much of a change for me.

Ryanmroxz6 years ago
Its free evrythinis same but money and fame

Pugsly the magician 8 years ago
Just continue with normal life and on the side paint some smileys and give your paintings to people you like and bang they become rich

copycathippo019 years ago
Van Gogh right

jjdafeesh9 years ago
Except van Gogh was stupid and cut his ear for a prostitute.

Abbadon8 years ago
So almost all artists in a nutshell?

shadowdragon4099 years ago
So... Basically Ill become the next Van Gogh??? COOL!!! SIGN ME UP!!!

GerardGay12347 years ago
Well, people are already ignoring me, so I guess then I just get to be a good artist.

jacc-_2 months ago
That’s basically most artist

Maximilian Schönbäck11 years ago
to much work for nothing

Jaysky7 years ago
Try some of my dilemmas http://WillYouPressTheButton.com/272912 http://WillYouPressTheButton.com/272914 http://WillYouPressTheButton.com/272924 http://WillYouPressTheButton.com/272927 http://WillYouPressTheButton.com/272931 http://WillYouPressTheButt...[Show full comment]

stefenlovekate8 years ago
I will build monument
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