39516 (43%) 51524 (57%)
39516 (43%) people have pressed this button, while 51524 (57%) did not.
You can make anyone love you
You know they don't actually love you, you just told them to.

Innovative-Question7 years ago
I did press the button but I know I didn't press the button, I just told me to.

Link258 years ago
Well I press a button that make me the sexiest person in the world

EmAnndEm8 years ago
lol #TwisredAndLoveIt

Lucas0194929418 years ago

BadTimeSans17 years ago
Same question
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Donnie Wayne Moreland11 years ago
Then you aren't making anyone love you

NiftyChibi6 years ago
You don't HAVE to make anyone love you. You CAN, but once you do, they won't love you for who you are, but because you want them to. Regardless, they still feel the emotion of love towards you, even though it"s artificial.
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dogesarecool8 years ago
Lol this is so weird if u tell them to love u in real life they would say no

Donuts9 years ago
Wut no what's the point It's like stabbing someone and no blood comes out

SomeoneRandom8 years ago
I like your reference

Vixa6 years ago
Hey gurl will u lov meh??? Ok, sure, I will love you but I will not love you

Maxy9887 years ago
But they do love u... else the question doesn't make sense.

Firelord7 years ago

Victor the Enforcer8 years ago
Don't use the power unless u need to

Superduperbooperdooper8 years ago
That's emotional rape! You're making them love you but they don't love you!

sir butt butt butt8 years ago
What is wrong with u people that person loves u who cares if u know they don't actually love u

Alia M11 years ago
Depressing and lonely to force someone to love you...that's not real love!

Pedro Pacheco11 years ago
But you already knew that, you're using magic to control people.

NEONNUCLEUS8 years ago
forget it !

Rachael Snider11 years ago
Hmmmm, you're not very good at this are you?

TheHipsterOne7 years ago
Dude sounds like Kilgrave

AnnieIsTr1gger3d7 years ago
This doesn't make sense lmao xD

MisaelD8 years ago
Its already happen to me #sosad

coolkidash1239 years ago
That's a dumb question no

MrEricosulBos-694 years ago
I mean if they just love you i am ok with it

ButtonAdmin9 years ago

TooSmartFurYou6 years ago
I get the delima here, but the won't know the difference

JosiahBerry7 years ago
This question makes no sense

AllastroS488 years ago
Wgy not? This is one of that strange or useless power that you use if you want or dont use and it wont affect your life

SHEEESH3 years ago
You can but I'm not gonna do it so.... its a win for me

Americanpatriot8 years ago
This person Hates you but they dont actually hate you

randompanda36009 years ago
i dont need no love just frainship and family =3 and games =]

The only way 6 years ago
Doesn't matter, had sex. Besides, just because I have the power to force love, it doesn't mean I still can't get by the ol" fashioned way

jamesbuchananbarnes988 years ago
Hmmm that is difficult

SadSatan-Chan-Kawaii-poison7 years ago
well, that"s quite Contradictory Q.Q

Marcus Meek8 years ago

James Han11 years ago
This is contradictory...

MisaelD8 years ago
Im afraid of heights but i cant fly, fuck it

Gerias7 years ago
That"s what I want....If you know what I mean

itsthatweirdguy4 years ago
Make a rich person "love" me. Marry them, divorce them for tons of money. Never use the ability again. People can still fall in love with you without you using the power.

The responsibale guy8 years ago
That makes no sense

Snowfrost9188 years ago
Then you aren't making them love you. This is the situation: "HEY. LOVE ME!" "Sure, okay! I love you. Whatever floats your boat, man." You're telling people to love you, but they're just saying that they love you and you've just made a fool out of yourself...[Show full comment]

Yingjie9 years ago
Having an illusion is okay.

Nico36 years ago
Fake friends :(

Alec Moyes11 years ago
Good to have the choice to do it even if you don't use it.

Ignathiel7 years ago
"You can make anyone love you" implies that I can choose whether or not I want to make them. So if I simply want someone to love me, I don't try to make them. Simple.

BadPunzDillema8 years ago
If someone threatens to kill you, make them love you. BAM! LIFE SAVED!

SketchiiDodles8 years ago
but the point of a 'lover' is to produce offspring and a hunting partner. thats how nature works. they really just need to be willing to raise offspring.

AnnoyedBunny8 years ago
I wouldn't really use it on anyone I actually loved. I would just want some tricks up my sleeve--like if someone was about to kill me, I could make them 'love' me, so they wouldn't.

Dr_Crowlast month
So infinite rizz, but you can only use 100% of that rizz to brainwash? Kinda weird.

Vdmma9 years ago
Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever? Boy:no Girl: do you even like me? Boy: no Girl: would you cry if I walked away Boy: no She'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes The boy grab...[Show full comment]

Vahanian6 years ago
Well that"s kinda redundant

Magnarwhal7 years ago
I could get away with so many thing"s it"s a press

Marcus Meek8 years ago
Fix the rn problem
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