you can bang any girl at any time
you cant wear a condom
I will not

ZoruaGirl199 years ago
Lesbian girls unite

hjacker93 years ago
Aro and asex are with u as well.
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FoxtrotLegend263 years ago
Who the hell made this one, freaking perv

mwplast year
fuck you we are just horny as fuck cry about it
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Professor Zoom9 years ago
Rape? Nope.

Xs10sial_Crisis7 years ago

Mike90906 years ago
Lmao if you make a dilemma atleast make it so that both male and female can answer, bi, straight or gay/lesbian. This is only for straight guys. Also I hit no.

daBruh9 years ago
Have them wear a condom

Jetsetmacaroon7 years ago
Fuck this game it thinks I'm a guy I'm a fucking girl and am not a lesbian

ranboombalast year
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Lady Madam 10 years ago
It is easy for us lesbians.

SmolFandomTrash8 years ago
Yup, precisely

BorislavaDimitrova7 years ago
*lesbians laugh in distance*

Bunniie106 years ago

asdashasrdcasd6 years ago
Love these buttons where there"s no downsida at all

Makayla Kutch11 years ago
Im a bisexual girl? This is not a downside at all.

minty666last year
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Alice133710 years ago
Since I'm a lesbian this one was perfect for me

ghostgal28057 years ago
Where my my lesbian girls at can I get a haynow

DeppressedandQueer7 years ago

TheFancyLion7 years ago
Do it in the butt

JordyBear8 years ago
When you a gay guy tho

XxAngelAngstxX8 years ago
Lmao I'm a girl so yeah I will push the button

Sardonyx-gem8 years ago
Pregnancy isn't the only problem.. have you never heard of STD's? That cant be stopped by birth control, and they can still transfer even if you're a lesbian

TinkyWinky7 years ago
No downside

TeamKobus27 years ago
The pill

AtomicSloth8 years ago
im a bisexual male sssoooo

Rye_bread6 years ago
Bisexual doesn’t mean you don’t like girls. It just means that you like both genders.

Wooflewaffles8 years ago
I'm a lesbian

Sophwiphwi8 years ago
Lesbian woop woop

Yukiyasama4208 years ago
No downside for me. I am a female, and bisexual :3

pokeguy9 years ago
birth control no downside ladies here i come

PaloozaChu10 years ago
And since I'm a girl, I would need one because...?

Molly Boysen11 years ago
there's girl condoms, and birth control, so no real problem here

Photons1157 years ago

Alec Cremeans11 years ago
where the fuck is the downside

ThePaulDude4 years ago
Unplanned pregnancy.
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Sawyer Keeneth11 years ago
I don't even like women...

ThatrandomGuy47 years ago
@who needs a name well maybe"s he"s an asexual huh
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GalaxyTraveler7 years ago
As long as the girl consent and you make sure she"s clean there"s no downside to this.

GalaxyTraveler7 years ago
Also I'm a girl so we couldn't have kids.

mf.earl9 years ago
Pull out game strong and you need said they can't use one

starreburst_2 years ago
pov: you"re a girl

uselessgiraffe8 years ago
lesbian!!! also if youre a guy you can just use another form of birth control

Alex Rice11 years ago
UMMMMM I don't like girls.... like in that kind of way

takashi_shirogane6 years ago
This is incredibly disrespectful

Myak78 years ago
Lesbian powers!!!!

Suman_4 years ago
I am a girl so ewwwwww

vampireslayer1978 years ago
If u wear a condom what's the point of having sex

Michael Carter11 years ago
vasectomy, dont pick a girl with an STD

katsudon_is_my_eros6 years ago
hah sweet im a lesbian

Crazedkid8 years ago
If i dont want the bitch prego she gose on top

little--miss--boring7 years ago
FINALLY! I can bang Emma Watson! (It"s okay, I'mma chick)

thewithercreeper9 years ago

Pademelon6 years ago
2 ways to eliminate the downsides: 1. Wait until you want kids 2. Pull out!

Rob Anybody9 years ago
No thanks I'm not that desperate and also there are other forms of birth control. Removing the condom from the situation just makes it more pleasurable to the male.

ThePaulDude7 years ago
The only way this isn't a downside is if you want kids.

TeamKobus27 years ago
Or of you take the pill

rolecyland9 years ago

Letsmine6 years ago
I'm a straight girl What should I pressed

imightpushthebutton8 years ago
I don't like condoms anyway, I'll just be careful who I sleep with.

GayPeople2 years ago
Me, a bisexual woman:

Kkenzie-216 years ago
I’m bisexual and a girl so yeah... no down side
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