38544 (34%) 74335 (66%)
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You could become any animal you want
You would live at the vet's

bob_burger4 months ago

death2claw9 years ago

Jonathan416247 years ago
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FlameWraith123 8 years ago
XD i would be a Dragon

Sarah Microwavabledoompigeon Nightingale11 years ago
Bitch, I'd be a dragon. I would have destroyed the vets and I just sleep in the space where it used to be.

CheeseRapistlast year
Dragons are not animals ?
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Randomchiz8 years ago

Popnuk8 years ago
Dragon then crush the vets

shinydaumbreon4 years ago
Ahh, to be a shiny Umbreon named shiny at the vet to help people

NHLic8 years ago
Or I could just be his lover... wait wby does this sound so horrible

ChunK8 years ago
I like how everyone are saying they'd become Pokémon and I'm like, seriously?

Dubbinumbreon9 years ago
Woo! Umbreon.

TrickyUmbreonSML8 years ago

DarraghCleryYT7 years ago
SLENDER MAN. He"s technically not a human so he"s animal.

OH_HALLO_THERE4 years ago
Slender man is not an animal its a creature, a mythical beast, A DEMON NOT AN ANIMAL

Louriana Davis11 years ago
I'd be a cat. A black and red, agile, intellegent, slender cat. I'd probably escape the moment the door opened. Hehe.

OH_HALLO_THERE4 years ago
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Rain Stevenson11 years ago
I would just leave whenever I want.

Zuccinin Cham-Sparr11 years ago

FlameWraith123 8 years ago
I would be a Dragon

Richard Haines11 years ago
I would become a jaguar or a leopard, and I would practically live at a animal reserve.

Diana Tolentino11 years ago

יותם קראוז11 years ago
Its whale time mothafuka'

SpamtonG.Spamtonlast year
you"d drown

Andrew Parker11 years ago
Bitches, the evts pet

Emma love Roblox8 years ago
Vets bro

redisica8 years ago
I would become a Tree A Tree is an Organism right? im dumb af xD

Jayboy3126 years ago
Fucking Godzilla

Facc20049 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

SamanthaThePenguin8 years ago
I would LIVE there, doesn't mean I have to spend my whole day there

Tumblrcrap7 years ago
Proper health and food, yes of course.

Tntim1118 years ago
That's cool!

mrmcshizzle9 years ago
be a unicorn. i SHALL poop rainbows.

Jdude14338 years ago
i would make my friend the vet so i wouldnt have to worrry

lewis04282 years ago
didn’t say i couldn’t leave the vet’s

madnessLord8 years ago
be a dragon and just move out?

Wtfamidoingwithmylifestudios8 years ago
I would be t the vet so whereever I go I'm at the "vets"

That1girl4 years ago
Well I mean, if it"s a cute vet... then why the hell not!

8750079 years ago
there is noooo way that I am living at the vets

trojan7 years ago
Be a rhino and kick their asses out

Deathsmaster11710 years ago
how about yes. I dont care if i have to live at the vets i can fuck with people all day long and get loved by all the workers and visitors so hell yeah.

Diddlydoodleduck6 years ago
I would be a t-Rex and dragon mix I would be huge

Toikaa9 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

MiyukiEstelle8 years ago
Ima be a dark unicorn then the vet won't believe in me so I can leave (that probably doesn't make sense but oh well..)

miku_hatsune's_biggest_fan8 years ago
i would be a really cute(suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper <3cute<3) anime cat girl even though i am a boy:)

MGMasterOv9 months ago
Only the furry's

VelocityRaptor288 years ago
a humanoid drake

SomethingNotSpecial7 years ago
....Rayquaza. I"d like those vets try to calm me down.

Goldsquirtle9 years ago
Since other animals do not have the cognitive ability of humans, I would be forced to live in blissful ignorance. Blasphemy!

Lilliana36133 years ago
I'm a dragon!

DannyTheButtonClicker8 years ago
i will become a dinosaur ill destroy it an make more dinos

Kittenlover1017 years ago
Didn't say you had to BE there.

Pokemon girl10 years ago
no I hate needles

calebddreher8 years ago
I WANT TO BE A HAMSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ni49328 years ago
Hell nah

LoopholeHacker8 years ago
Sure, I love there, but I can still go where I please.

Purple-Cat6 years ago
I would be a tiger. Who would want to be at a vet’s where there is a savage tiger on the loose?
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