45923 (54%) 38864 (46%)
45923 (54%) people have pressed this button, while 38864 (46%) did not.
You can instantly learn anything including language,
You will be treated forever like you are an idiot.

Etharian8 years ago
Learn how to get people to stop treating me like an idiot.

04-10032last year

Guy Who Watches Slenderman7 years ago
me:*Cures cancer* everyone else:YOUR A COMPLETE IDIOT!!!!!!!

Bountyhunter32336 years ago

Mr.jack_17 9 years ago
It would change nothing I'm already an idiot.

Blackout-Button3 years ago
And it was beautiful
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Dat_guy6 years ago
Ill learn how to not be treated like an idiot

SamBaum7 years ago
so when ever sombody hears im autistic?

Naomimiller7 years ago
My old friend is autistic but he is really smart

Psycho3337 years ago
Since I am already treated like an idiot the only thing that would change is instant knowledge

Aero Kijjaroenvisal11 years ago
So, basically what I already have.

KingMysterious8 years ago
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Ghost.0237 years ago
Don't care just prove them your wrong

ygodragon7 years ago
So they"d be the idiots there

Thisisausername7 years ago

Jizzygee8 years ago
So, me on YouTube

NickingCZ8 years ago
This is my life. :|

Nicholas Barnhisel11 years ago
I can be treated as an idiot, but i'l still know more :P

Gabestar1o8 years ago
He just set his date to 46 years ago
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arley869 years ago
thats what my internet life is for, forever a warrior

Qwerty2000186 years ago
I'm already treated like an idiot so...

anime lover 1208 years ago
no no no

Your_AveragePotterhead7 years ago
My life...

KirbyRainbowYoshi8 years ago
So I'll be treated even if I'm NOT an idiot.

AmazingSuperDan 8 years ago

LegendofZelda10 years ago
That's my life. Seriously, my friend thinks I'm 'mentally impaired' yet uses me as a human calculator.

Pigrickton8 years ago
So they would treat me like an idiot, but I know that they are dumber than me.. GG

Cayden MD Tobin11 years ago
why push the button..... seriously

dikbutt7 years ago
Learn how to make nuke. Test it someplace. Now people are afraid.

IWantCake5 years ago
Can I have some cake?

xDarkDiamond998 years ago
I won't press it!

ninjagoron9 years ago
So nothing changes

Doritomurr8 years ago
I'm normally treated like an idiot.

AmazingSuperDan 8 years ago
IDEOT!!! (XD, I'm playing along)
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Trixie Lulamoon9 years ago
There's no difference

ThijsTheMajesticFlamingo6 years ago
im flamingo not an idiot

Will Howard11 years ago
I'll surprise them!

ChristyAnn4697 years ago
Very similar to Merlin then...

Anonymouslydone8 years ago
I am already treated like an idiot (by idiots) so this is nothing but a step up.

Dumbass848 years ago
Plus u can just prove that ur smarer then them by someone asking a question and coz u know everything it would be easy to answer

Caribou2 years ago
Most of us won't notice any change.

2fun4you9 years ago
I don't need to learn a language. #noneedforlanguage

JessicaMasterson6 years ago
Dude sometimes it is fun to be an idiot, and if everyone thinks you are one, no one scolds you for your behavior

abby1495310 years ago
I'm already treated like an idiot so ok I'm good

Doc-B7 years ago
Ha! I already am treated like an idiot!

Butt8 years ago
I am an idiot

Psycho3337 years ago
Already treated like an idiot so all that changes is I instantly learn stuff

Felix Hinson8 years ago
Gives me another reason to avoid everyone. I'm game!

Mephlot9 years ago
I can learn how to burn them so badly that they would suicide, or learn how to shut these newbs SYKEEEE

setokabia4 years ago
#shikamaru from naruto

Falconxpunch8 years ago
Imagine finding the cure for cancer and then being patronizingly swept aside because they think you're too stupid to do anything of value.

2Cool4U9 years ago
Already treated like an idiot. Loophole :D

Chepi8 years ago
So I can learn any language, but still be treated like I already am by most people? ok.

Jon White11 years ago
no one will treat me like an idiot once I chop 3 peoples heads off with a light saber...or use my tardis to take them to the past and throw them into a dinosaur nest.

TEDDNIEUW7 years ago
So.... Kinda like i life now except i can learn anything i want! Cool!

Jaybae1378 years ago
I'm already treated like I'm an idiot so... not much change there

ThePaulDude8 years ago
I know I'm not an idiot so screw everyone else!

minimite169 years ago
Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grabbe...[Show full comment]
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