You can rewind time and go back to any period to fix any mistakes you made.
You can't forward time and are stuck in the past, having to relive all that time again.
I will not

coolerdogpond123 months ago
hi guys i'm stuck on ym math assignment, can you guysd help me? x + 3y = 5x - 2 + 6y. tank you! :)

TrueComment4 months ago
This is what caused Flowey to grow insane.

Maharid5 months ago
So, i can go back in time to fix my mistake, relive my life in a better way, then go back again and again living virtually forever... thanks for the double pro.

voidstryker7 years ago
So I get to live my life a million different ways?

oldnotweak8 years ago
quick fixes... not to mention lottery numbers and stock tips

ThePaulDude8 years ago
I like where your head's at dude.

Ket King8 years ago
wait till u fuck up and use it immediately

Coolbro16038 years ago

Imaunicornshh8 years ago
Yesterday I said I wasn't Hungary but i'm gonna back in time and eat that taco! Taco I'm coming for you! *Teleports into garbage can* Fuck these buttons always lying

ThatKillerWolf8 years ago
Who else thought Life is Strange immediately?

burglaryman7 years ago
it dose not say you cant keep your memory so you can be the smartest 5 yr old and your pretty much undieing

Satan'sPenis8 years ago
It's finger lickin' good

Andrej Križan11 years ago
Just take it and just use it for short time-jumps for important events and emergencies.

5 years ago
Beat me to it
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SemiIsback6 years ago
I'll stop Hitler from killing himself. Whats with this hitler topic? XD

Lellovessundee7 years ago
I am sick and... I think I could do my life more healthy

21harrisont7 years ago
I would rewind time to before Donald Trump was president.

broden528 years ago
Life is strange in real life confirmed

WBGrock8 years ago
I might rewind time just so I CAN do things again. Like go to college, be successful, or Short sell the banking crisis of 2009

OmegaTV8 years ago
Being a kid was awesome!!! It was just me and my Wii...

Satan'sPenis8 years ago
I am the epitome of Satan's anus because I don't follow Christ. Or so my mom says.

sonicj018 years ago
if ur mum is religious and u dont believe in god then they cand judge u if thats what u r trying to say if it is what u r saying she is an idiot coz if u believe in god which i dont then jesus taught u to respect other people no matter their religion

Mr.jack_17 9 years ago
That's a reference to life is strange

Paul Double11 years ago
"You can't forward time"? That is the best Englandish I've ever read

Gamermaryumgirl4 years ago
I think that’s correct English and your wrong
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Noah Egler11 years ago
Good. No Timey-Wimey shit, then. The problem solves itself.

Paycer Mensik11 years ago
the things ide do

Nyggz7 years ago
Highschool I miss U!

WBGrock8 years ago
So the first mistake was when I was 5.... don't really see a downside. Could win the lottery, go to college, fix all the problems with my life. I get my youth back. Maybe get a girlfriend this time around.

Panifex6 years ago
This could essentially make me immortal

MrSquelcher059 years ago
I want to date Leanne savageI want to date Leanne savage

Lurker20008 years ago
I can!

GoFlex656 years ago
Oh, I’m about to die? Time Travel back to eightteen

justTHATgirl9 years ago
I can redo stuff!?! I'm in

Sebi_8 years ago
Just go 1 fucking day back and win in lotto

Stellunar667 years ago
Yes, i can go back to when i was in my meeting last week and not drink as much coffee as i did

SaveTheLoser10 years ago
Not worth it!

BlurryFace_Fangirl8 years ago
I accidentally pressed the button!!!

Hyltran2 years ago
This would be the best type of immortality.

Alkeniw8 years ago
Rewind a few seconds when you mess something up.

DBoehme8 years ago
I could just Explode the whole world HAHAHA

Dankstank5 years ago
Rewind time

JesseClark99 years ago
This is fine, depression wouldn't exist for me anymore that'd be for sure, being a child was the happiest time of my life.

AlexWilmot7 years ago
I would just use it right after something bad happens. That way I would only have to re-live a little bit.

Alex Head11 years ago
homura: must save madoka

limepaint6 years ago
I would live through those two years again! I would do it not to die inside and cry myself to sleep!

Poseidon The Supreme Overlord9 years ago
Whoo! I'm On A Dinosaur!

IMidnightPhoenix8 years ago
It wouldn't be boring, because you are making different choices there would be different out comes

Andrei20068 years ago
This is just Life is Strange but worded

Nova Sniperr8 years ago
Jokes on you, i'll use it on the spot.

ThatGuyyy8 years ago
Step 1: Fuck someone Step 2: Rewind time Step 3: Do this again I like this life

Latin7 years ago
You could just press the button, then use this to basically use this to win small-chance things (ie. lottery, if you lose then go back to get other ticket)

Blastobutton9 years ago
I wouldn't mind doing one do-over on my life. Besides, you can just use it for quick-redo's. Broke something? Tripped? Wanna win big at the roulette table? Just go back a minute.

soul_seeker4 years ago
Here’s an idea. Why tf not?

Christofle Valiant Sangkanparan11 years ago
ahh just like a kid
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