50952 (51%) 48595 (49%)
50952 (51%) people have pressed this button, while 48595 (49%) did not.
You will do great acts that will not be forgotten and everyone will know you for thousands of years
You will die at the age of 32

pokemien4 months ago
can it be faster?

coolestguy2 months ago
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Squirtle dude 1528 years ago
I already pressed a button that made me not able to die

Bear52 months ago
you outplayed the system #OWNED these wokeceled libtards

Triggeredhawkmemes8 years ago
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Its_CX6 years ago
32 years can be 32 years on Jupiter, which every year is 916 days on.

ExtremeIdiot8 years ago
What if my great acts include immortality? Or respawning?

Starslinger7 years ago

Robert Coon11 years ago
So what if one of my great acts is to live beyond 32 despite being expected to die at 32?

Lightbeam6 years ago
The button says you will die at 32, which means you will die at 32. There is no avoiding it.
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EurekaCat8 years ago
I'd rather just live, dammit

Starslinger7 years ago
My great act is to live past 32 even though I was supposed to die at 32.

foxyiscute8 years ago
Markiplier is awesome and he plays it better

dudef1209 years ago
What if your past 32

Lostfeather2377 years ago

Robin Guten Nylander11 years ago
Shit I accidentally became Jesus

magicfishcloudchicken788 years ago
lol :) =^.^=

WBGrock7 years ago
I am 41. so if i were to die -at- 32, that makes me effectively immortal, as i will never again -be- 32. I would do great things, and be famous for it. Win-Win

magicfishcloudchicken788 years ago
I pressed it because I could sell computers for free and then ill be loved by everyone and just make them appear out of nowhere(the computers not people lol)AND DAT WILL BE A GREAT ACT BY THE MAGICAL...uuuhhh MAGICAL....ummmm MAGICAL.........eeemmm MAGICAL......MAGICAL...MAGICAL SOMETHING

angel07459 years ago
Read this or your crush will hate you forever and in 10 days when you turn off your lights to go to bed you will be killed by mutated zombie in your sleep If you do this, tomorrow you will get a kiss from your crush: 1. Close your eyes and think of your cr...[Show full comment]

CharismaticElephants6 years ago
Yeah okay
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Steven Got Lemons Robinson11 years ago
What if someone who presses the button is older than 32?

Zach738 years ago
They die instantly and the things they did are just stories

Bri Slater11 years ago
Why would anyone want to live past 32?

CharismaticElephants6 years ago
Cuz death sucks
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Geonix348 years ago
Never said how

Wrjebel5 years ago
Yes, I will be Jesus

SnarkyTurtle6 years ago
I wouldn't do it because i don't care if I'm famous I can do good acts without being famous.

Sparkling vampire8 years ago

lone wolf 29 years ago
2 years left no

BobbyWasabiMk27 years ago
All I want is financial stability.

Yaretheresomanyshitquestions2 years ago
1 year?!?

micekoin9 years ago
There are two kinds of people on this site: People who bring god into everything, and people who don't.

Flameice2 7 years ago
So I become Jesus?

dnzinni8 years ago
eh already dead on the inside

PlayMoreGames8 years ago
What if you over 32? Just wondering.

Owenhalle8 years ago
Only thousands?

poopingpete9 years ago
so, thats half of my life anyways, i am a male and the average male lives up to 70

Nwitherspoon847 years ago
I'm already good at acts

Paige Sketchpad -dhmis-8 years ago
you know, its better to make other people feel better even if you don't feel good about yourself. to do great acts and inspire people is worth the short life

peanutbutterpegasus9 years ago
What if a 33 year old pressed that button? Do they end up dying a year ago or just keep living?

EpicGold9997 years ago
I want to keep living not dieing until I am 32 years old πŸ‘ŽπŸΌπŸ‘ΏπŸ˜ πŸ˜‘πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜§πŸ˜¨!!!

RainBro8 years ago
Much as I'm sure it would be great, I couldn't bring myself to push the button. I think the better question is, would you want to live that long?

coolestguy2 months ago

TheAlmightyDoge8 years ago
I will have a long life, thank you very much!

Little Snowflake 8 years ago
If I did something THAT amazing... Fuck it, I'm in.

yuronoakuma5 years ago
In my opinion I"d rather not be known I don't like attention

Kill4money21310 years ago
So you be like Alexander the Great or something? Alright.

SamohtGP9 years ago
why would i be known for something like that and die at my 32 while i can work for it and do it whitout dying at 32

FlamingRaven6 years ago
So Jesus

mishaltahir8 years ago
I am 13 year old it took too many years to die and if I know that I will die at age of 32 I will say to scientists to Make me younger

XYZLoleodjfhadsfawdfgbhrstghjhgff7 years ago
y r u responding

Weirdo_artist6 years ago
Cause I want to

Achelol8 years ago
after 32 decades

tails9999 years ago
Dudef120 found a loophole!

Yolo4208 years ago
it didn't say 32 what.32 centuries.

SomePerson25692 years ago
S I have 20 years to live

herestothe90skids9 years ago
Alexander De Grote

TSOCOOKIEHD7 years ago
Did you really have to be that specific. 32.32. It just had to be 32. Why couldnt it be non specific like 40. Why 32. Why

BladeoftheArbiter6 years ago
Death in combat is the best way to go
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