47272 (43%) 62610 (57%)
47272 (43%) people have pressed this button, while 62610 (57%) did not.
You would be the most popular person in your town
The only social network you could use would be Google+

Maharid5 months ago
What a sorry dilemma.

kittens03308 years ago
I hate attention, and i couldn't use Tumblr?! Hell no

Honk Honk8 years ago
Who cares about popularity? Right?

Tobsuus8 years ago

jayce2358 years ago
Hey most of your friends are in your town wtf is the point of social media when your famous in your town and they all know where you live.

MoosePlayz6 years ago
I dont live in a town lol.

FireHeart397 years ago
Bruh I only use Google anyways. No downside for me


Vortex12126 years ago
I need my Soundcloud

Uncookedham877 years ago
Google plus? That still exists?

kupeck5 years ago
No it doesn't, they killed it.

Supersonic20167 years ago
The only social network I use IS GOOGLE+ I see no downside

Uncookedham877 years ago

Technocolor1357 years ago
I only have that

Felicia Threatt11 years ago

superninja448896 years ago
You can't waste something you don't have.
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Jat LaBerge11 years ago
I'd make it popular by using it, duh

Hamburger Guy7 years ago
PLUS 8 million people will like me... I live in New York City.
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Zack Babcock11 years ago
At least it's not MySpace...

the Duckworth 8 years ago
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Deadpool11228 years ago
Google+ is awesome! Why do people hate on it?

Ruben146 years ago
I live in Chicago and don't use social media- win win.

vivajohn19688 years ago
Don't even use social media lel

Oddbodd8 years ago
Fuck no

spasticVocalist9 years ago
I have long since forgotten how to breathe any air that isn't tainted by Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr. Popularity is overrated anyway. I also wouldn't be able to deal with that much social interaction.

GreenDog38 years ago
Already only use G+

imavirginnn3 years ago
ha ha ha, google+

loganp8 years ago
I have google+ its not bad

asdguy0010 years ago
i hate social networks anyway

doomoocv8 years ago
That's the ONLY social media I use, so whatever...

dan_0183746 years ago
I am famous on google+ sooooooooooooooo (breaks the button by smashing it)

ok_then7 years ago
i don't do social media. and i literally live in a forest soooo.....

Rodgerza8 years ago
My town has 1000 people

Kritzy6 years ago
I'm assuming its just a google+ account, so no Youtube? Then thats a big no for me

loophole198 years ago
No one said u can have one of your "friends" make the social network look and behave differently. By "behave" I mean work differently.

Cristian From PL8 years ago
Ohh sweet Google+ come to ur new papa

Catie Bormann11 years ago
If I'm the most popular, everyone will start using google+ to keep up with me.

GriffinBowes7 years ago
Google rules

Juliet Elysa8 years ago
I don't want to be the most popular person in town.

iTzTitanium8 years ago
Google+ = Youtube. So , Why Not?

Lucas Littner11 years ago
Fuck Google. I fucking hope they get fucking bombed.

frenchiegirl4 months ago
i use microsoftbing

MiceCrispie8 years ago
Fuck google.

Cmg45678 years ago
I only use g+ instagram and pinterest. No big loss

Samuel5268 years ago
Make a wish and find the zero ;) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO If you found it then your wish will come true ;) (not really)

SinonMercer6 years ago
2 downsides.

powerreader108 years ago
But I don't want to be popular...

suzy6669 years ago
who is making these questions??? are they that stupid??? did you know what people did before facebook? i started using most forms of social media and stopped because of how detached it is from reality. it's not real, and you should call your friends (or ev...[Show full comment]

flexr8 years ago

oels7 years ago
i only use google+

TeamKobus27 years ago
Edgy af

Lisa Sue Krawczyk11 years ago
I need youtube and tumblr, sorry google+

DerpTheToastCat8 years ago
or i could be a normal person like everyone else and not constantly be watched by random people

EvanRocks10118 years ago
No Google+ sucks

Mark Andres11 years ago
Not worth.

Deadpool11228 years ago
555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Now close you eyes...[Show full comment]

GuyCalledTy6 years ago
Ialready am the most popular In a certain catagory that involves nerds

matser8 years ago
hell no

Progamer72 years ago
I use Google so...
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