You are in perfect health and have all the muscle strength your body can handle for now on without the worries of eating healthy or exercising again.
You are immediately transported in another dimension where you have to protect giant walls everyday for the rest of your life from giant human eating monsters trying to eliminate humanity. That dimension needs your strength more than the one you are currently living in.
I will not

Maharid30 days ago
No, in the extra hope that that dimention will collapse. (F AoT).

Dilan8 years ago
That's totally attack on titan

Kitaro6 years ago
Aot confirmed
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Ripper7 years ago
Trump gave Mexicans steroid"s

Corpal.nae8 years ago
Attack on titan like hell XDD

GameRaven138 years ago
I get to be 100% in shape.... AND I get to be in Attack on Titan? Where my physical well being would only benefit me? Hell yeah.

nurturedVex 8 years ago
Attack on titan much?

Rawrzer18 years ago

GhostTuber686 years ago
Mikasa loves Eren
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steve20103 years ago
Attack on Titan

Brreezy4 years ago
Aot? Attack on titan refrence?

TinyTim6667 years ago
sooo.... basically become Hercules in attack on titan? WHAT IS THE DOWNSIDE??

Iamsuasidal6 years ago
Hercules was week and had no love for most of the movie

Yeet1236 years ago
Perfect health and I get to live in a action anime. Dude sign me up

Gvondobschutz217 years ago
AoT much?

Joaquin88783 years ago
That’d be badass but I’d be leaving everything behind

JoshPlaysGames8 years ago
Idc about humanity. Fuck them

KenJen64207 years ago
Not only am I a badass physically, but I can use this badassery to kill Titans? *punches button*

Rayakuma5 years ago
Mikasa es Sukasa

ssurvivor7 years ago
If these are other humane too... Yes

SachiLal7 years ago
Fighting the giants sounds like exercise to me.

AlecPorter7 years ago
it is attack on titan lol

Unforgivable_Hexagon2 months ago
I love AoT but I don't want to live there

TicTocTom7 years ago
No downside!

CrossOut8386 years ago
Attack on Titan basically so no

Radioactive_Foxy3 years ago
I"d use it and go Genocide mode on the monsters

Button4Life8 years ago

Galaxywonders6 years ago
At least you can use your strength and health and never have to worry for something good right? Your protecting lives. :)

Knightfury6207 years ago

bahito7 years ago
What"s the downside? I get to become One Punch Man AND be in Attack on Titan!

MadisonHolloway7 years ago
Yumicuri will be the one true ship

BlackstonePlaysYT4 years ago
Attack on Titans

mushroomdasmall8 years ago
already strong [mind blown]

mememan697 years ago
is this not attack on titan

Migdin17 years ago
It is.

Mixmaster6 years ago
Hello, this Attack on Titan, an we are suing you for copyright infringement

hudson8 years ago
thats just the life of miska eren levi and whats his face

Jhorse20148 years ago

Hawk-Of-Doom7 years ago
This sounds like a billion superhero fantasies I"ve had. And since I"d be in perfect health, I"d actually be able to be a superhero! Win win!

GoldF6 years ago
Toooo long

Themessigcn7 years ago
So basically Attack on Titan

Mastercoollast year
Attack on titan but its america fighting the evolved mexicans 💀

MarineCowie7 years ago
So... cough potatoe 90% of the day, and no exercise? K.

EdwardElric1207 years ago
so, basically attack on titan. Im gonna press the button for eren.

Ruru-Chan8 years ago
Dood attack on titan

Pizzasavage03296 years ago
So basically attack on titan

MissBliss4 years ago
Who the hell wrote this

DemonKitty20008 years ago
Awesome I fight monsters so hell yeah

SarahVeronicaHall7 years ago
No way. I'm a wimp and a scaredy cat, I don't wanna risk my life for anything.

Sephiroth987 years ago
Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger!

Crusader21137 years ago
Find the portal and launch nukes on the titas after eacuation of the humans.

MelanieCrybaby7 years ago
i aint got time for dat

nekokirito8 years ago
sure i will be the hero that guards the great alien wall of china

roflcopters7 years ago
no u will be part of AOT/attack on titan

Ifyouseethisyouaresus3 years ago
i would tell them to use freaking TANKS. it didn't say what year?

TheMemer8 years ago
not worth it
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