You have a time machine, live forever, and can travel all of time and space and do whatever you want.
In the end, you will always be alone.
I will not

thelichking8 years ago
Doctor who and the tardis

Alexis_Holmes_6562 years ago
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Scrudgiegamer7 years ago
over 8000 people chose this so I won't be alone!

FutureChannel7 years ago
Dr. Who in 1 dilemma

NukeOfficial8 years ago
You live for ever. There is no end. No dowside...

TeamAwesomeness3 years ago
living forever is the downside
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If you are immortal u will be alone no matter what so..........thx!

Drew7145446 years ago
Dr who for the win

Luranathesynth6 years ago
I'm already alone

Iamkyco6 years ago
Are you tho

LkreDalgaard6 years ago
Yeah this is basically Doctor Who

GamerBoyBobduran6 years ago
Lonely I’m mister lonely i have nobody foor my oooowwwwwnnnn.

GamerBoyBobduran6 years ago

belle297 years ago
I don't want to live forever, being immortal would ultimately suck

ActualDaughterOfSatan7 years ago
"In the end you will always be alone" so doesn't that mean that I won't be alone until the end of my life?

Nrtje-Cllrs7 years ago
I already am alone so there"s no difference

YaelAvsker8 years ago

theduckoflife137 years ago
But you don't have to be lonely at farmers only .com
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LogicMaster7 years ago
If you live forever there is no "end".

lightningdash_178 years ago
You keep going back to the time you liked the best. And get a lot of money and buy the freaking world.... I see no downside to being World Emporer.

CodyThompson6 years ago
good enough for me fuck people

yeshasaccepted3 years ago

YAMADA8 years ago
You can go back in time and destroy the time machine when you had enough

xXLalaDevilukeLoverXx8 years ago
I Hadn't Thought Of That.

ImClever1238 years ago
sarri but im a loner #thuglife

Senseless7 years ago
so what? I like to be alone

Osator128 years ago
Yay my dreams come true, I will be alone, other part doesn't matter.

AFourTunePotato4 years ago
But it will never come to the end right?

suben8 years ago
Then just die once you've had enough.

Coolconner3076 years ago
HA jokes on you, I'm already alone with no friends

ChronicDepression7 years ago
So basically Doctor Who...

DankityDankDankMemes6 years ago
I’m already alone

TrisJackson8 years ago
This is based doctor who

poimqs3 months ago

kingsy10008 years ago
but when im incharge there is no end so no downside

BARTIMAEUS8 years ago
This is just a fact. No one else can live forever so. . .

PansexualPanter3 years ago
doCtOR wHo

EleanorMcCarty7 years ago
So basically, you are the doctor BUT you are the doctor.

Uberzerganator5 years ago
I'm already forever alone so....

oreoflurrybase7 years ago
The Doctor

applbottomjeans8 years ago

Insane_fangirl8 years ago

Alexis_Holmes_6562 years ago
yes. but only because i become the doctor.

Tyren8 years ago
Doctor who?

_Perfect_Cell_7 years ago
This is me

BonelessChickenWings4 years ago
im already alone.

LoganKarbon7 years ago

CMP116028 years ago
It says in the end i will always be alone but if i have a time machine can't i just go back in time to where everyone is still alive?

TheTraveler7 years ago
I LIVE FOREVER BUT IN THE END I"M LONELY? how can i be at the end if i live forever

Atarmii28 years ago
If you live forever, there won't be an end.

Pandaman_56 years ago
I chose no on the "live forever" part

PootisLeader3 months ago
"In the end, you will always be alone". Then go back in time, when you wasn't.

livvy_bird8 years ago
*turns on doctor who theme song* DOoo weee oOoO

Galiclya8 years ago
Pretty much The Doctor And the TARDIS

1111122227 years ago
hey who cares about being alone?? I'm always forever alone anyways so there isn't any bad

Dalek-Of-Gallifrey8 years ago
Doctor who in a nutshell lmao
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