14472 (27%) 38278 (73%)
14472 (27%) people have pressed this button, while 38278 (73%) did not.
You have the ability to teleport anywhere on earth
you don't control where or when you teleport.

Malix1744 months ago
I cant go back home/ nor i dont know where ill be so NOPE

Maharid7 months ago
So i can teleport at random in the middle of ocean, in a volcano or in the middle of a desert without having the ability to reteleport myself? Way to make a power nearly completely useless.

zmh1029384 months ago
Use it when necessary, it can possibly save your life

bbbbbbbbb8 years ago
What if you're in the middle of sex with someone and then all of a sudden *bam* you're teleported to a church butt naked.

Leo_Boi3 years ago
OWO WHA- oh shit
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mychemicalpanic922028 years ago
*falls asleep at home* *wakes up in the middle of the ocean* Fuck not again

Skyelord7 years ago
I totally agree hahaha😄😃😆

imwaytolazy4thisshit8 years ago
Imagine, your wearing your all american t shirt, rasing the middle finger to someone and suddenly your next to a very confused Kim Jon-Un

TheJovenshireOFFICIALlast year
dude....you should write a tv show that sounds...erm...epic!!!
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Justin_boi_678 years ago
Taking a shit at home cause you stayed home and then poof your at school shitting on the floor in front of your class

Logical-loopholes6 years ago
You control it

Donteverusetoilets7 years ago
Free way to get out of class randomly!

The Howling Wolf8 years ago
OK,hint;Think beforeyou press,ok?It helps a lot.

HalfTheMask8 years ago
There's no upside to this. It just means that you'll randomly have to start a new life somewhere else at random points in time and you can't every teleport back because you have no control over it.

Skyelord7 years ago
Or you could just have a shit load of passports
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ElChonSsj8 years ago
You teleport in the middle of the ocean and die

kjhovey8 years ago
There's no point: If you can't control when and where you go, you basically just teleport randomly with no warning and with no control

Skyelord7 years ago
The only reason I'm playing this is cause markiplier was playing it lmao

SoConflictingToAnswer7 years ago
Same Skyelord

AlexBrown6 years ago
In the middle of peeing at the urinal and BAMM your in the middle of a graveyard peeing on someone grave

superE048 years ago
what if i was at a gun store and tried to steal the gun by teleporting but teleported into the white house... while holding a gun...

Skyelord7 years ago
Well then your just flat out FUCKED

ersehrNehrm8 years ago
what if you were having a shower and you suddenly teleport in the middle of a highway naked

LeapingLunatic6 years ago
then you own that shit! Let nothing faze you!

RandomGuyOnTheInternet6 years ago
There"s 99.999999% chance you will, teleport into space and die

BleghBlegh6 years ago
Anywhere on earth

GreenJello3217 years ago
Sounds like a suicide machine.

Dagnut7 years ago
Wut is the point

Raddudesman8 years ago
Why do so many people get teleporting and time travel confused

_DarkMagick_8 years ago

FandomTrash4Life7 years ago
It would be cool, but not for long. It"d be very inconvenient.

Iggy8 years ago
What are the odds of being teleported into Earth itself, and suffocating?

Totally8 years ago

devinnnc7 years ago
so i can't control where or when i teleport but i have the ability to teleport anywhere on earth ? i thought i couldn't have control on where i teleport smh

shutyourtraps8 months ago

DarkusYuh8 years ago
I wouldnt want to teleport to a creepy ass place

Pitler108 years ago
Reali simular to jumper

TheOOOF4 years ago
What if i teleport to the bank vault? Free money mothafucka

Icedragonsoul8 years ago
It would be fun and all to blink around all of space time.... but eventually you'll have no access to basic nessesities and regret pressing the button.

lilWizzyWYPTB8 years ago
You In Class *Teleports To A Cave Full Of Spiders and Teleports Back WTF JUST HAPPENED!?!?

Kamek713 years ago
bruh this could be amazing like ur playing just dance for this less do 2017. And it"s about to start and u get teleported there and DESTROY THE COMPETITION. While ur getting ultra starts the max score ur final opponent could get was super star. Pathetic. A...[Show full comment]

Laparas8 years ago
That's an awful question, what if you teleport into a psychopath's house or something?

IndominusRex097 years ago
I see no downside to this. It gives me an excuse to get out of class

Pancakes6546 years ago
But what if you"re having a bath and suddenly you"re in a random guys house naked?

TheFriendlyGamer4 years ago
Cool, fun!

I could end up in the middle of a mass sex scene!😱

Maypaws3 years ago
Hard mode unlocked

Pancakes6546 years ago
If you are reading this, you will get bipolar in 20 years, 32 minutes. If you already have bipolar, it will get worse. To remove the curse, you must send the quoted text to your enemy: "4444". This does not apply if you are the one that typed this comment.

Viggovits6 years ago
F off man

JTrei4 months ago
So press button to likely die? There are a LOT of places on earth where you will die instantly (or get jailed and likely deported if you don't look and speak like the natives)

Coolcon8 years ago
Youre just enjoyong ypure life then you telport to the ocean and drown

VireDaWolfYT4 years ago
What if ur teleported to a different time and universe?

STORMTROOPER84 8 years ago
That's nuts what if you get teleported to the bottom of the ocean while your sleeping

SoundestLoki8918 years ago
If you teleport somewhere bad you can just teleport really quick again!

I'mVeryAngryIt'sNotButter8 years ago
Ahem. "You don't control where or when you teleport".

djcoletheboss8 years ago
What if you end up in the middle of the sea

Saltusecretagent6 years ago
I find spongebob

nixx618 years ago

HikaruKatayama7 years ago
Seems legit

TurboAchilles2 years ago
You’re just gonna be scp 507. Ok

mampfer8 years ago
Just teleport again fast enough until you are wherey ou want to be :3

JeremyLee7 years ago
Dont blame us if you spawn in the middle of the pacific ocean or spawn in point nemo

Recycletrash8 years ago
There's an awful lot of water out in the big bad world so I think I'll pass

Dhsnsbs3 years ago
This is just dumb

CallJGWentworth877cashnow7 years ago
I will press it. [Okay so when I wake up in the morning I have to do everything fast. Oh and when I use the bathroom.]

Psycho3337 years ago
The where part could mean you randomly pop up in outer space and die or in the earths core and die
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