Have as many gigabytes on your phone or ipod as you desire
Your battery depletes twice as quick and cannot be recharged until after 24 hours
I will not

ButtonGuy583910 months ago
who's stopping me from plugging my phone then downloading much of the internet as i can?

Dreamwarrior149 years ago
Why can't you just charge your phone while you use it?

EagleBro9 years ago

loubob699 years ago
i have no phone

BlueHairlast year
Then how-

DrunkDeLeon8 years ago
I have 64 gigs already

jshaw717 years ago
Use phone in stand by as WiFi hotspot

FinleyRS7 years ago
Get a phone with 24 hour battery.

Rodgal03047 years ago
Why would anyone want to have to wait 24 FUCKING HOURS

AsyBasy8 years ago
That means my phone will die in 10 seconds....FOR ME IS NO UPSIDE!!!! FUCKING S3 MINI!!!

Ibrahim Amk12 years ago
replaceable battery! ho ho ho

Hyltran3 years ago
Yes you can replace the battery 🔋 but I don’t think 🧐 that benefit is worth doing that every day.
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Rasmus Hagland Lundqvist12 years ago
Apple fan-boys, suck on this one! If all that extra memory successively depletes my battery, I'll just make sure to always have two rechargable batteries with me!

TJOCcreation5 years ago
I'm more concerned you have an Apple.
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Pinkuniverse659 years ago
I would not want to replace a battery !

Doodle1283 years ago
Use the iPod as an external storage device for a PC, it"s on charge constantly and you get infinite storage space, you could download the internet onto an iPod

Ben Dunlap12 years ago
well my ipods battery lasts like 3 days on a full charge so im fine with that

4L015108 years ago
get a super battery

Pick-or-Choose4 years ago
What about my plugged in gaming computer?

loopholelife9 years ago

gamingcrisis9 years ago
fok no xD

Zacattac9 years ago
i may have pressed the button but i don't get the phone till I'm 18 so i have a few years yet and hopefully they will fix the battery problem

smsff710 years ago
Extra batteries :)

miggi297 years ago
my ipods always dead anyway.

Theodor Midtbø Alstad12 years ago
Bah, extra batteries

SpartanX8 years ago
It"s only an profit for even 5000 dollars yay

mrmegatyrone9 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

DatGuyObsessedWithToothless9 years ago
what if you charge while using it and/or replaceble batteries?

xDWolfWhoIsRediculus.xD8 years ago

FatalitySonic29 years ago
That's why humanity created emergency batteries. Gotcha bitch!

Maypaws3 years ago
Nah. I already got as much space as I need, only stuff I download are the occasional fun-looking little games from advertisements and that"s about it.

GhastlyBoy9 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

AliSaif7 years ago

Tmpancakes9 years ago
Can't I just have an entire bookbag full of batteries? ??

Alanluddy7 years ago
Better than my phone

boompop1319 years ago
my sister has 2 phones so she'll be fine... probz?

Peradox11 years ago
Keep changing batteries.

rullerdude9 years ago
i dont use apple

SonC072 years ago

Natasha Cherryblossom12 years ago
My good old MP3 player takes a single AAA that lasts for up to 9 hours. >=D

Kittenlover1018 years ago
Just saying.... I have so much coding experience that I can make an infinite battery app...

Kittenlover1018 years ago
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Unum4 years ago
sell your 1 zettabyte drive to the NSA and buy a new phone

I_Love_Vussy9 years ago
This comment may be offensive. Press to show.

EliteGeneral9 years ago
I would say those who will not and did not press the button are a bit short-minded, think outside the box you skeptical people(most of you are), yep am definitely gonna do at least 2, and possibly 3 batteries, besides, hehehe I can download a ton load of a...[Show full comment]

Holly TEN 9 years ago

why do you care9 years ago
My electronic is crap so I'd get like 1 hour a day on it!

ParkerCrane7 years ago
If you have a Samsung you already have unlimited storage

Binglesquirk8 months ago
nokia with unlimited gigabytes?

Sherly Holmes12 years ago
nd how is this different from now..?

TheBigFriendlyCF9 years ago
Eh i use a laptop so it doesnt apply to me

Blu23 years ago
Bruh, infinite storage not on my computer? cringe

IAlwaysPressTheButton9 years ago
That's what my tablet is for.

.-.-.9 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

Victoriamw6 years ago
What if I don't even have an iPhone

noddiah10 years ago
charge while your on it, but if that don't work, good because people need to get off of them
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