48798 (56%) 38634 (44%)
48798 (56%) people have pressed this button, while 38634 (44%) did not.
Live in your favourite magical-fantasy-anime-cartoon world
You will live there as a normal human without any powers or unusual traits

Primalinea7 years ago
HENTAI Problem solved.

DeanBeanMcDouglelast year

DoktorLoogy7 years ago
RWBY. With enough practice I can control my aura.

Nasho4 years ago
You can't develop any power there :/
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StevieGamer8 years ago
it doesnt say you can get them one punch man? anyone?

Derpyspaghetti8 years ago
Attack on titan! (no, of course I won't go there. I'm not stupid.)

AddieHardy6 years ago
I’m glad??? 😂

nerdybucket7 years ago
In deathnote, if you touch the death note, you get to see shinigami. Plus, you can own a death note and be able to kill virtually anyone you want! :)

Osomatsu-Khonjin7 years ago
i want my own shinigami so win win

M4thDJ7 years ago
I"d live in the Naruto Universe and become a new Rock Lee since he was pretty much a normal human to begin with!

goodboy20047 years ago
no downside :D

Ken Chapman11 years ago
Pokemon. There are literally no draw backs. If this button existed I'd hit it in an instant.

WoF-Fanatic-292 years ago
Same lmao
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Sophwiphwi8 years ago
Attack on titan- id rather not be a titan shifter

ThehueofBlu8 years ago
Undertale :3

Sprinkles2577 years ago
I agree! (God I'm late)
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KIRA18 years ago
SAO I just need a good sword and I'll kill Asuna before she meets Kirito and then fall in love with him no magic needed

Migdin17 years ago
And i dont think your can beat her, she is one of the best there are in the game.
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LydiaPrez6 years ago
Teen titans (the good one aka the old one) like whats point on even going if you don't do anything but fear the danger.

FantasyKitten7 years ago
Ask a very very (25x) nice wizard for magic. That or live in the world of Log Horizon.(Favorite Anime)

GamingFlame7 years ago
What if a normal human in that world as a strange trait in our eyes like lets say your a human in fairy tail (the anime) and if you dont posses magic that would be an unusual trait since most people posses magic

I Am A Duck8 years ago
I'd still know about the powers which makes me more special than the people who don't.

RainaLovesStampy8 years ago
Transformers Prime. Problem solved.

wrong choice mofo8 years ago
I would want to live in New New York from Futurama. Most of the humans there (like Fry) are pretty normal.

NovaJ7218 years ago
I will live in the world, where evil aliens die as normal humans touch them =)

Charlotte Lock11 years ago
That's basically Adventure Time

Gasai Yuno11 years ago
Sure... Everyone else is a normal human... *They* technically didn't have any powers..... Their phones did.

JSlothy6 years ago
Mirai Nikki reference?
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Natasha Cherryblossom11 years ago
Transfomers or Pokemon. Solved.

bobthebogan7 years ago
or sodor, its just real life but vehicles have faces

Annie Ackerman11 years ago
Ha! Didn't want to be a Titan shifter anyways, ATTACK ON TITAN HERE I COME~~~~

RNJR7 years ago
You are crazier than hange!
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Aaron Green11 years ago
Cant you just go to the world you choose (e.x. DBZ) and use the resources there to wish for or gain powers/abilities?

Austin Lange11 years ago
Pokemon, Doctor Who, My Little Pony, shall I go on?

I like ur thinking but Doctor Who isn't anime cartoon or fantasy, Its science fiction.
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Iain Cavins11 years ago
"Unusual Traits" ... idk man. Having 12 regenerations is pretty commonplace on Gallifrey ...

Jared Wiley11 years ago
Go to Xanth, have the magician of knowledge give me a magician level talent.....Profit

Eri7 years ago
Doesn't say I can't gain powers...

tino-k8 years ago
In Hetalia a human can become a nation and Vise Versa, this is proven by the Republic of Niko-Niko who went from human to nation, then nation to human. He even has a child now.

IdkTbh8 years ago
Hello this is Stephen hawking

IdkTbh7 years ago
I don't see how Undertale is magical in anyway.
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meepdwarfme9 years ago
Hetalia, no downside

Souprice8 years ago
Akame GA kill... The Relic has the power not me

Sundi Edwards11 years ago
in Yugioh I don't need magical powers just a deck and a dueldisk

Rayomax338 years ago
pokemon? I have no powers exept the power of FRIENDHIP

Haedric Kiel Daguman11 years ago
Full Metal Alchemist. Knowledge Brah.

KIRA18 years ago
Alchemy is science I'll be an alchemist and fall in love with Edward

Aratol3 years ago

SwordsmanKirito8 years ago
Where I would go, unusual traits are not needed. Fuckin cat girls HERE I COME!

anime gamer9 years ago
dude pokemon no down sides

WhiteLotusGod6 years ago
Yugioh bitches. Only need the cards

mr gutsy8 years ago
I hate anime

IdkTbh7 years ago
Then do a cartoon instead.
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AshyLane7 years ago
well, i mean sakura did it jk, shes cool but i felt the need to make a sakura is useless joke

Webdisaster9 years ago
Alot of animes are like that, like Pokemon.

RavenXBeastBoy8 years ago
Get to SAO NOW

Celco White11 years ago
That's Ash and Finn in a nutshell.

WolfyOne7 years ago
Pokemon, Undertale, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Mystic Messenger... Do I need to say more?

Azreeq7 years ago

Zeditha9 years ago
Dipper and Mabel are ordinary humans. Well, aside from animating style they are. I get to fangirl at Dipper! :D:D:D

PrinceKeirDelicious8 years ago
No point.

Claudia Scotson11 years ago
I can be like finn the human!

Superwar37957 years ago
There are a lot of series like this where the main characters don’t have unusual traits.

strikergamer8 years ago
Come to HSDXD then die and be revived for rias or whatever

ReallyToast3 years ago
DBZ, just summon shenron and wish you had powers
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