Your favorite book is made into an 8-hour movie and everything is included
it looks like it was filmed with a damn potato
I will not

Maharid3 months ago
An 8-hour long movie is a nightmare for me, no matter the subject, i want movies like in the '80-'90,90 minutus with a range from 60 to 120 minutes.

Thanks For The Footage9 years ago
Could be a HD potato

R111111cklast year
+100 IQ
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Dapper_Potato7 years ago
And what"s wrong with Potatoes?

andreithepotatoman2 years ago
i know right!
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Nicogirl57 years ago
This is the kind of question where there is no down side. You might as well push it! It"s better that no movie at all. Kind of like the ones that say you can have a power but something limits it. So what? I still have a power! Better than nothing. (For exa...[Show full comment]

okMelon2 years ago
I mean, I dont have to watch it if I dont like it.

Ruby_Slippers9 years ago

Daneeko8 years ago
wait, what?
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UstiniMcWeenie8 years ago
im pessed it because i might see it in Portal 2 if only it was filmed with a damn lemmon...

Assbabby6 years ago
Get someone to make a high quality camera named ""potato"" first

AdaptGaming7 years ago
you cant film with a damn potato. you cant film with any kind of potato

Vegetto87016 years ago
It was a 9gag longitud post
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TheRadiantDehd7 years ago
The Way of Kings would need a second part if I only get 8 hours... Plus, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD WATCH AN 8 HR MOVIE?! Can I split it into a series of movies?

BlueBlade6668 years ago
it doesnt matter if you watch the movie or not but the movie sounds pretty funny :3

Siddington9 years ago
I hardly watch movies, it would just mean other people see a terrible looking movie.

Joonas Sandelin11 years ago
I don't even read books

EMPTYENDER116 years ago
Me neither reading is overrated.
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Patrick Berisa11 years ago
Why would i spend 8 hours on watching a movie wher i acsectly know what is going to happen

Press it or not8 years ago

EpicGold9997 years ago
Not doing this πŸ‘ŽπŸΌπŸ˜‘πŸ˜ πŸ‘Ώ!!!

WBGrock9 years ago
so it was made by the people who brought us Birdemic.

Christine128 years ago
Everything is better with potatoes

Greensusngl4 years ago
lmao these comments

MrsLoki7 years ago
That"d break me. I couldn't stand that. Lol

cat1221029 years ago

Endlan8 years ago

Jusegabe6 years ago
Put a 4K lease on the potato

Bloodgamer8 years ago
Movies normally ruin the books anyway

Aaron129986 years ago
Does the potato come with a sarcastic ai?

toystyle1019 years ago
Not just any kawaii potato

donkey7 years ago
hah lol HD potato???????????????????????

fartoholic209 years ago
A kwaii potato

lolol36747 years ago

Allen_Hope9 years ago
I dont want to a watch an 8 hour movie... Especially with all the inner monologue

Soupster8 years ago
Most snuff films are made on potatoes anyway.

Johnny Joist11 years ago
My favourite books are made into movies and the movies are more popular than the books. And if you would do these books into 8-hour movies, I think they would eb really bad shit.

thekingofmemes3 years ago
it would be very interesting to see the potato cam

CosmicXD8 years ago
Die potato!!!

Spud8 years ago

Poofnugget8 years ago
Its already being made a film.

GameBoyR4 years ago
I’m not gonna spend 8 hours watching a book that was made into a movie that looks like it was filmed by a damn potato

ninjurtle8 years ago

Nosuri7 years ago

rayraythebest9 years ago
Why are you talk ing about potaoe chips

EikichiKuwabara6 years ago
Magnus Chase ftw <3

shinygold8 years ago
that would be one funny movie and i love to luagh to win win

Redstoneandstuff7 years ago
It could be a 4k potato

RaptorPhysics 9 years ago
I like potatoes! *headbutts random potato into button*

johanevil8 years ago
Better than nothing you dont have to watch it either. No downside.

ShankaDaWanka7 years ago
I don't give a fuck about video quality.

fandom_stuff10 years ago

Fire_breathing_bitch_queen2 years ago
The hunger games: potatojay Only true readers will understand Its already about 3 hours long

snowewhisper8 years ago
An HD potato problem solved

AnIncrediblyFatMan7 years ago
There is just a random potato in one of the scenes. Filmed with a potato.

Isaax9 years ago
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