You gain the ability to teleport anywhere in the world instantly and error free
every time you use the power, your life expectancy is lowered by 7 days
I will not

LoopholeHacker8 years ago
Only said expectancy. Still means I can live as long as before.

ChickenNuggies292 years ago
You just think you lost a week of your life
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TeamKobus27 years ago
It"s better than losing 1 year

Drawesomethewizard7 years ago
True dat teamkobus2

andrewls6718 years ago
It said "gain the ability to". I would only use it in case of emergency...

AgNO3_Ja50nlast year
No it probably means that when you use it you die seven days before you"re supposed to so even if you teleport I doubt you"d still die instantly somehow
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ImmaBanana8 years ago
doctor: im sorry i think you will die tommorow... Me: Well you can thing what ever you want

Foxyt337 years ago
teleport back in time :D

TigerKingTundra3 months ago
You can teleport far away that Earth seems like it was a week ago, travel back to Earth. Time travel.
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cheeseburger536 years ago
Still pretty useful for emergencies

Panifex7 years ago
If I teleport a few times a year, I can still live a long, full life.

jkmc12057 years ago
But you just said it was error free!

Kiwi4637 years ago
I think loseing life is an error.

Luxyrion7 years ago
*teleports to fountain of youth*

TeamKobus27 years ago
Sorry. POTC 4 and stuff

Skull4ever7 years ago
7 days is nothing ;)

Brayden12345678901234567890975312345678909786543215 years ago
until it adds up into 7 years
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Bodhiskywalker6 years ago
Its oonnllyyy a week

FangirlFanatic6 years ago
Not like it was high to begin with. Screw it.

TheRationalist6 years ago
Doctor: Sir, we expect you to live for only seven weeks. Me: I’m 21 already...

Aniyah_Jackson6 years ago
No thanks. I"d like to live as long as I'm supposed to...

ValerieParker6 years ago
Use for emergencies!

forcedFunny6 years ago
I want to meet aliens, and then transform myself

ClassicGamer6 years ago
ok what if you find an error and get all your days back XD

CedricNicholas6 years ago
tel;eport out of prison XD

Loopholes_galore7 years ago
Expectancy. Not when you WILL die.

DeutschlandundDenmark7 years ago
sorry it"s error free

JacobSartorius7 years ago
Jokes on you I still get immortality from a previous button

Watermelonman7 years ago
Buttons are not compatible. Also, will you be floatin" around in space after earth goes down?

Captain_Nemo7 years ago
It said no errors

MarcusofMenace7 years ago
It doesn't mean my I won't live as long, just means they think I won't

ZachariahReeves7 years ago
Its error free so that dont count

thealphabetaomega7 years ago
This means that I can teleport into my girlfriend"s house. No downside...

Squishy66887 years ago
I will teleport to the future where there could be a medicine that increases your life expectancy. Then I'll come back.

Watermelonman7 years ago
That"d be time travel. Teleportation means going somewhere else (not sometime else)

wrightdylan8307 years ago
I thought it said WITHOUT error.

usoutlaw7 years ago
i would consider shortening my life to be an error

DragonEXE7 years ago
My life expectancy is infinite because I'm am a dead man walking with a IQ of 169

pandastuff1018 years ago
Yo whoever said yes to this think about it this way. It never said you couldn't die it just said you would get those tgings. You could still be in that 90%

CornSpielt8 years ago

Watermelonman7 years ago
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regan.lundie8 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

Watermelonman7 years ago
Find the 5 and nothing happens 5 Count down 5000, 4999, 4998... ...3, 2, 1 If you did it, you wasted your time. Now close your eyes and make a wish. Now paste this into 0 comments and your wish will come truE Hurry you have 100 years or your wish will actually come true (not)
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happylego918 years ago
I already pressed a button that made me invincible

Emily_paris_117 years ago
Error free that"s a error INTERNAL LIFE... Wait that"s Terible

ZippyDoggey7 years ago
What is I teleport to a world where I live for 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 years?

Taromochi8 years ago
1. Let's say I wanted to teleport on holiday 4 times a year. That's once a quarter, good enough for me. 2. (No. of Teleportations) x (Expected Years Left of My Life) = 4 x 60 = 240. This is the total number of teleportations I will be using. 3. 240 x (Co...[Show full comment]

Loophole man8 years ago
4.6*10=46 46 years ago illuminati confirmed
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Oldiron_793 years ago
Well just because you have the ability doesn't mean you have to use it

The Howling Wolf8 years ago
Probably not

LeoGJ9 months ago
Just no, it's a lot of time and I would get addicted easily

Krusek7 years ago

Emily_paris_117 years ago
Error free thats an error INTERNAL LIFE... Wait that"s terrible... YAY NORMAL LIFE PLUS TELEPORTATOIN

Tegan 8 years ago
There's a thing called planes and the have comfort

abysssans8 years ago
I'm already dead BITCHES!

Michelebenedetti7 years ago
I can be night crawler an live 40 years ~

Trixie3 years ago
You literally just teleport to where they give you power and get infinite power which includes immortality

jsebastiand8 years ago
huh, didn't think of that

Artyom_i_guess8 months ago

Red_Panda696 years ago
So if I only teleport places 7+ days away, my life expectancy would be the same as if I had walked there, or I would have more time.

Innovative-Question7 years ago
My life expectancy would just mean how long the average person lives goes down. Doesn't mean anything to an individual who can teleport.

trojanfan8 years ago
Ummm I thought it was error free
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