You will have all the moneys in the world
You have to marry Zandberg
I will not

AmazingSuperDan 8 years ago
Right after I marry him I will get divorced cuz I'm not gay. No offence to gay people of course.

Xx_Slenderman_xX4 months ago
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Gaster3458 years ago
Who is Zandberg?

FantasyKitten7 years ago
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D@rk Angel8 years ago
who the FUCK is Zandberg?

KittensAreCute1057 years ago
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23Kittenlover8 years ago
whos zandberg?

Cosmic Communist8 years ago A social democrat? I'll make sure he turns communist and me and him will redistribute the wealth socialistically (and make sure the bourgs get none), and ensure at minimum, socialism will prevail :D

MahBoi7 years ago
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Soaku7 years ago
If I have all money then they all lose value...

KewlRanch6 years ago
Moneys? Zandberg? This button is fills me with questions

thsmanassou8 years ago

Rainbows-Jumper1237 years ago
It didn't say nothing about getting divorced

who wrote this

Jacobryan9017 years ago
Ill do it then divorce him #it was Adam and eve not Adam and Steve

justaregularnoob2 years ago
we are homo-sapiens not hetero-sapiens
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xxx_n0t@n0sc0p3r_xxx8 years ago
U can divorce

IhasButton8 years ago
Marry then divorce lel

NicholeKrueger7 years ago
It probably means "laughing extremely loud" ThePaulDude
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Panfoo1238 years ago
dont know who that is

DerpyisBestPony8 years ago
Nice icon!~
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tydickson9 years ago
Ty Dickson

Laparas8 years ago
No Fuck You

OUTSMARTER6 years ago
Who the hell is zandburg...

LunaBPYT6 years ago
...I'll hire someone to kill him

deathbypanzer8 years ago

RaymondThomas7 years ago
I think you mean zoidberg

NickWithDaTrick3 years ago
I not gay so.......yeah I wouldn't take the money it just not worth it

AssHar7 years ago
Literally who?

Joke1017 years ago
All the moneys

Floofula6 years ago
I thought it said monkeys!

Swshine3217 years ago
It"s called a divorce and risk who he is

TanideCristofaro7 years ago
Then I divorce

sine21078 years ago
I could just marry someone rich

Tedder2 years ago
Zandberg sounds nice...but I'm worried about being the only person left with money. It will become unusable because it will be replaced with something else

Rye_bread6 years ago
Then everyone now has nothing. I would not do this but if I had no choice, I would give back an even amount to everyone I can.

jjcom1007 years ago
kill him afterwards and cover up the murder with all the money

SneakyAssassin4716 years ago
I ain't homophobic or something but i ain't marrying HIM!!! I a boy as well.

Kuroyukisenpai7 years ago
All the "moneys" in the world for marrying a random person i"ve never heard of...yep ...

diddo3 years ago
. I"d like to spread a message about something I have encountered more frequent than ever. Spam messages. These mostly tell a story or find the 2 or some other shenanigans, then make you paste into a certain amount of comments. I have rand out of tolerance...[Show full comment]

TrueRenegade7 years ago
I don't know who zandberg is, but he might be a commie, so no.

TrueRenegade7 years ago
Posted this, and found out he is a commie.

Master16 years ago
Zandberg is Polish

Krusek7 years ago
I got this from the book christmas Genie by Dan Gutman, if you had all the money in the world it would become worthless and the economy would crash due to people not having the money to buy anything.

JuulBix38 years ago

Mincrft_Lovr-697 years ago
divorce. also who is Zandberg

Hyltran8 months ago
If you have all the money in the world it would be the end of the world.

dankmemes1017 years ago

DenaNagy7 years ago

Gorflop6 years ago

MisMatch7 years ago
I will divorce zandberg

Whocares3517 years ago
If one person has all money its worthless

captain-america253 years ago
if you spelled money moneys then you got some major problems

CharlieGooberman7 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

Panifex6 years ago
What"s a Zandberg?

Kagekao7 years ago
Who the f is Zandburg?

jjcom1007 years ago
so true but the moneys though

iplaygames8 years ago

Stuzi7 years ago
If I have to marry another man, and he be one I don't even know, for free cash, F**k it.

Drakor7 months ago
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