You would legalize gay marriage
you would become a homophobe
I will not

Songbird67687 years ago
The thing that I hate about being a Christian is that Christans believe being Gay is a sin. Like, yes, God did make Adam and Eve straight and mate and that stuff but that doesnt mean that everyone is gonna be straight! If God didnt want. Gays or Lesbains h...[Show full comment]

SkylerRanker15 hours ago
Yeah! Preach it!
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CommentingDevice7 years ago
I'm already pansexual, how could I be a homophobe? I would happily legalize gay marriage, but I don't see the second part being possible.

MyPasswordisPassword9 years ago
its already legal

FurrySlayer27last year
Looks like Im going to australia :)
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SuperHumansUnlimited7 years ago
I hate the word homophobia. You aren't afraid. You"re an asshole

Timelypat7 years ago
Yeah but there"s no root word for hatred.

ChloeStanford7 years ago
Wait wait, I'm pansexual though why would I be a homophobe

rexafun128 years ago
I love a volley ball now.

rexafun128 years ago

assassinboy7 years ago
but what if iam gay huh

Jaraskur8 years ago
Good way to stop over population

rainbowsuzanna8 years ago
I don't want to be afraid of my best friend.

Avishag288 years ago
Taking one for the team (Also... Im gay)

Supercyzer9 years ago
It's halfway legal here anyway and I like to stay open minded, so no thanks.

SpeedDemon GT9 years ago
Would that mean I'd be against myself?

David Casella12 years ago
homophobia isnt real its not a fear its ignorance, and sacrifice one for millions

yesDOTexe4 years ago
you can have a fear of anything so technically you could be afraid of gay people it would just be dumb
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TigerMunchy8 years ago
Gay marriage is legal here and... Um... I'm pan so... I don't think it"s actually possible for me to be a homophobe??

SachiLal8 years ago
Why would I legalize gay marriage if I was homophobic?

PinkDiamond7 years ago
if you are homophobic before pressing the button, afterwards you wouldn't be cuz double negative makes a positive
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SewerRatt8 years ago
It already is legal where I live.

Dylann8 years ago
I'm already gay, lol So for me, no downside

FurrySlayer27last year
You also now make history by being gay and homophobic at the same time

Ryan Holmes12 years ago
youre not homophobic, its called being an asshole

PinkDiamond7 years ago
you know whats funny? A) we have an over populated society and need the population down anyway B) People related to homosexuals are shown to have a higher sex drive. IE more kids. there are all kinds of research done that prove the biologic advantages of h...[Show full comment]
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AndrijaFuncyman9 years ago
Upside plz

Pacopambisito9 years ago
Im already homophobic

Matthiasm9 years ago
I'm actually homophobic :o

Youssef Jbili12 years ago
what is the upside here ?

bene31163 years ago
fuck you
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Mahziel Light12 years ago
After seeing a local priest being taken to court for refusing to marry a gay couple and having his license removed from him I don't support gay marriage. When the law takes away a mans freedom of opinion and punishes him for his religious beliefs, that is ...[Show full comment]

Awesomepeach32 years ago
I don't care what anyone else says, I agree with you 100%, and am SO GLAD I found someone else who shares my beliefs. Thank you so much for saying this.
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Kevin Quinn12 years ago
a noble sacrifice

Bo Binnenhei12 years ago
gay marriage is already legal where i come from.

Dinne Levy12 years ago
Then, i would kill myself. Nahh, it's impossible for me to become a homophobe xD

MAD Shazam8 years ago
1 The gay community has proven that they can legalize their own marriage. 2 It doesn't say they couldn't or wouldn't make it illegal again. 3 One of my best friends are gay and I won't throw away my friendship for other people.

marx4 years ago
so i will become tracer from overwatch

nickluc07109 years ago
Why would you WANT to legalize gay marriage? And honestly why the hell would you be gay anyway... I hate how gays are offended by everything?! If your gay, whatever, but don't go shovin it down people's throats of how there is no "gay equality".

Timelypat7 years ago
Right, because who would be offended by being treated unequally.

lovely girl9 years ago
👉👌 yeah

XanderAguilar6 years ago
This is a really old one, but yeah I would say yes

QU. Laura Shadow9 years ago
What if I end up being a lesbian?

Lostfeather2378 years ago
Gay marriage is already legalized here

vogue9 years ago
well honestly, I'm not a homophobic but you don't know what fear people have..some people may actually fear seeing to people of the same sex together like a straight couple. Also, some people may fear heterosexual couples...but the way society sees it, tho...[Show full comment]

DrakEmono8 years ago
Uhg, the nightmare for a gay o.o"

JustLikeTheySay8 years ago
Who else pressed no because it"s already legal in America XD

jadedwolf10 years ago
God created adam and eve not adam and Steve

InfrontOfUrHouse2 years ago
Im gay what do I do

JHP19989 years ago
it already is legal in my country so . . .

PinkDiamond7 years ago
im already gay, would this make me asexual?

NinjaXChip9 years ago
Not allowed to be gay as my religion :/

Animallover246783 years ago
sooo self hate?

Gunfirereble3279 years ago

lman1639 years ago
Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grabbe...[Show full comment]

VelocityRaptor288 years ago
i love irony

Mr. Judge9 years ago
Already a homophobe. Nothing bad in hating gays/lesbians

Timelypat7 years ago
It mainly depends on your reason.

Xbox_Tacoz9 years ago
Plz no homphobics

Jayy8 years ago
I am fucking gay. I'm glad I live in germany where it's already legal.

Willy_the_Hoosier5 years ago
If homophobia was exactly as it is written then it would be an irrational fear of homosexuals, Not just being anti gay.

a3grimreaper10 years ago
62% didn't press the button. Sorry Queers.. its 2015 and the majority of the people still hate you.
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