You could be the richest person in the world.
The whole Africa dies.
I will not

Maharid3 months ago
Wait, thinking back, there is a problem, you "could be", it's not sure, so you can exterminate a continent and get nothing... i'll press it anyway.

MrMinecraft12108 years ago
Step 1. Move everyone out of Africa Step 2. Press the button Step 3. Move everyone back in. GENIUS

bunnygirlsenpai3 years ago
Move everyone from Africa to hell Please
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DevinMatt9 years ago
*After pressing the button* Oh, hello there Satan. What's up?

Miluna6 years ago
why would you press the button!?!?!?!?!
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All_Sham_No_Wow9 years ago
I can see the heavens, but I can hear the flames, calling out my name

All_Sham_No_Wow9 years ago
What if it's just Africa in my coloring book? .3.

A17_GaminG9 years ago
If its just your colouring book then ok

Casper Arp Knudsen11 years ago
Im going to hell. lol

FlamingGuitarWizard76467 years ago
If you share some of your money with those that need it then no. But if you keep it all to yourself then yes.
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Dragonhunter17006 years ago
You can't kill a landmass

KevoGamin8 years ago
It doesn't say the African Population, just Africa, and Africa is not a living thing. Loophole. .w.

Tyler McMahon11 years ago
lol bye africa

Taker_of_Hells4 years ago
Adios Africa
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DarkOverlord27 years ago
I'm a terrible person

Strategic9 years ago
Never specified which Africa, I'm thinking of the Africa in my head

So sufistic8ed9 years ago
People that say ur selfish and all that crap chill out, its just a game and If it was a real situation and 47% pressed the button then u could say that

nadsoos7 years ago
What worries me is their priority. Yes, ok, some of them pressed because of loopholes, but the others didnt care about those people. Given the choice they would choose for their own convinience. Its their way of thinking. Sure, for now it"s hypotethical. B...[Show full comment]

Wagner Filippini Neto11 years ago
I can feel Hell's flames already, heheheheh

Nobody cares8 years ago
it's a glitch
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Alfred Jones11 years ago
You're all sick motherfuckers

Atheist Potato8 years ago
A landmass can't die you idiot.
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Benjamin Schwartz11 years ago
The continent can be re-settled by foreign colonists and GUESS WHO WOULD BE ON TOP OF IT ALL. Me, because I am filthy fucking rich. I'd control a massive empire and dominate the world.

nadsoos7 years ago
Yeah, after killing thousands of innocent lives.
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Taylor Thomas11 years ago
It's sad that 47% of people would wipe out an entire continent's population to be rich...

MajorMomHappy7 years ago
Fuck Africa.
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Spike Man11 years ago
win-win? :)

Isaiah Poole11 years ago
Nothing agianst africans but..."the whole africa dies"....dont they mean, "the whole contient of africa dies"?

Schalk van der Merwe11 years ago
I'm FROM Africa.

isakthebuttonpresser8 years ago
That's good! Now we don't have to worry about them. Stop feeling bad. They were having it so bad anyways.

LogicalDolphin9 years ago
Clearly you shouldn't, because that's horrible, but the phrasing is wonderful. "THE WHOLE AFRICA"

grumbo2 months ago
you COULD be, key fraise could.

awesomeboss25107 years ago
don't hate but if they die they won't suffer so win win?

izzycat8 years ago
I dont think a landmass can die

ThatGamerDan9 years ago
sorry africa...ya had a good time!

Isabelle the red button9 years ago
bye bye afica hello hello money sweet money

abcx7 years ago
I like the song, but if I had to choose between hearing it and become a billionaire, I"d choose the money.

Zacattac9 years ago
continents can't live only the things on them

mgapope8 years ago
Thats 1,000,000,000 people ya know

oppositeofamnesia8 years ago
Uhh ... who would press that button?

Spewkies8 years ago
I would, I don't care about people I don't know and will never meet. Sorry.

Martu :D9 years ago
Poor Afroca I pressed no

Vixa6 years ago
THE Africa dies but the people don't. PROBLEM SOLVED!

Noire8 years ago
Good bye

Wiseman9 years ago
Its just africa

BoneSaw10 years ago
I COULD be rich? Does that mean there is a chance I won't be rich

alorg7 years ago
Africa is a shithole anyway.

Index1548 years ago
What the fuck

fenix2509 years ago
Moral questions!

2D-Hollaegt7 years ago
Doesn't say the people, says the continent and last time I checked it wasn't alive in the first place

Helpingly8 years ago

Tomáš Modrovský11 years ago
I didn't like africa anyway

TomB0997 years ago
Pay to re name it

jacksepticeyefan2889 years ago
See ya africa!😁

MarcusofMenace7 years ago
It never said the population, it just said Africa meaning the land. The land could died as in no more plants sense

Nate Benincasa11 years ago
Hell has a special place for me. right on the throne.

angeldead8 years ago
This is the old saying and the boy who came up with this

julesdesmit118 years ago

oldnotweak9 years ago
hopefully that doesn't include the animals

Shampooboots6 months ago
Jesus fucking christ what the hell

MLG_GAMING8 years ago
Whoops I pressed it my finger slipped
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