47800 (47%) 52941 (53%)
47800 (47%) people have pressed this button, while 52941 (53%) did not.
You can change your appearance completely and as often as you'd like.
All people you knew will completely forget about you if you change.

NukeOfficial8 years ago
It doesnt say you have to. You never know when thos will come in hamdy. I dont get why so many people dont like free stuff.... I thought this was the internet.

PowerPikachu8 years ago
Best superpower for a villain. Scenario: News Reporter: Some crazy monster attacked the local bank! [Monster is me] Police: There's some white wolf here. It's got bags of cash, though. [Wolf is me] Me: *Runs away in an alley way, then transforms i...[Show full comment]

DarknessRises7 years ago

22FDMM018 years ago
The test say I can change my appearance, non I must do it. This mean I have the choiche when I want, so... I CAN DO EVERYTHING!!! WOOOHOO!!!

Purplesinister3 years ago

BadaBomb8 years ago
Limiting your powers is not a downside.

Kyle Freeman11 years ago
rob a bank then switch your apperance, everyone will forget abt u and u will be rich

Whatwhywouldyou3 years ago
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MDarkKing16546 years ago

StormyAnne7 years ago
Every time I change, or just the first?

Saqill6 years ago
It suggests the first, by the way it was said. I choose to believe it"s just the initial.

DarknessRises7 years ago
I already look good anyways, second dont ever get rid of family so i hope the fifty percent saying no goes up

sonicj018 years ago
just give them some proof to make them remember

WholesomeChungus72 months ago
i hope you've grown and changed as a person

ayyyyyyyy lmao8 years ago
Gdansk dial folds idol USNS vs has Ann's chick mask mass band psi kendo slabs BBC's lap spans ban pagan and I palm a koala of end land band had kHz gulf and is km as FCK

CoolGuy956 years ago
What in the goddamn
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HYDRA HYBRID9 years ago
then what's the point of changing your appearance?

Slyde8 years ago
Good point.

Tianna Gibbs11 years ago
It's worth it

Moli Houghton11 years ago
mutant and proud

ViolinAxolotl2 years ago
Introverts be like: I don’t see a problem with this

StickNMove9 years ago
Cool. Would it include family? Cause that'd be complicated....

Asmaxman8 years ago
I mean you can get new friends

Riptide5168 years ago
Don't stop

NiniLikesToPressButtons8 years ago
What's the point of being rich without any friends

ottertheplush4 years ago
If I change back to my original form that they would remember, do they remember? Do they think I'm a fake? Am I completely erased from their memories? I need answers!

Leah Leach11 years ago
I just wouldn't change until needed

KKm9 years ago
I would go with "limitation, not downside", but this one's too easy to do on accident

36 years ago
No reason not to take it. Just a handy ability to have just in case

Alexander Rivera11 years ago
WORTH IT! thought i can be friends with them again

Shawn Jr.8 years ago
No down side

MarthTheKing7 years ago
Selkie time!

a real person8 years ago
I dont see a downside. I can literally have multiple identities

ThePaulDude8 years ago
Looks like we have a spy in the ointment.

fedorasofftoyou4 months ago
fedoras off to you

andy173119 years ago
I mean if you can change you can always change back,right?

Liam Howley8 years ago
This isn't worth it. For me because I deeply love mt friends and family

Saqill6 years ago
Live your life until you are old and tired of that life, use face mapping or whatever to design your new self, then make the change. Potentially any person you want, age not being stated as a limitation.

blehhelb4 years ago
yes pleaseeeeeee

Violent angel 139 years ago
This means a fresh start with the person of my dreams........yes please

Lauren Culp11 years ago
make video diaries problem solved

Mikelovespopcorn9 years ago
you can aways change back Right?

CocoPlays6 years ago
I’m beautiful the way I am! *presses the button* :)

Tomcerealkiller10 8 years ago
I change to my original form. Sooooo... heck ya!

TadPLpressedTheButton2 years ago
roblox irl

Occult_Nightingale9 years ago
time to impersonate the wives of 80 year old billionaires. Plus, the transformation would have to change my age, so I would be able to do this for the rest of existence until I grow bored of it.

ForeverLonely7 years ago
change my appearance be a hot lady seduce my ex switch again and leave him dumbfounded

Lesley_Zore4 years ago
as a genderfluid person, who hates talking to people anyways, thats cool.

lildevil36610 years ago
would they remember you again when you changed back?

VeryverySerious7 years ago
Think of it as some claiming to be you.they put on a mask and everyone thinks its you but it aint..technically they forget about YOU...get wat im saying?? LOOPHOLE

omnom8 years ago
Just don't use it if you don't want to. But better have the ability just in case.

ness,ness,ness,ness,ness,ness8 years ago
I will be the best thief

Vavakx9 years ago
Don't have to use it. Why not.

Saqill6 years ago
It doesn't say anything about them failing to remember you if you return to your appearance before the change. In any case, this would create a strange scenario if done in your house, with everyone home. It also does not state you cannot make gradual changes. Potential loophole?

Chase Castellano11 years ago
Change it once before my middle school stage and I'm good, all the kind people I met are during the years after primary school anyway

FortniteJonsey2 months ago
Hello guys

Deacon Hall9 years ago
Give up everyone you love for the sake of appearances. Man, these people are THIRSTY.

AthenaMichaelis7 years ago
Can't you switch back

James Ryan8 years ago
i change in a Woman Fck all Male People and than i switch and do it again xD

sonicj018 years ago
it said appearance not gender dumbfuck
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