You become the most intelligent person in the world
You are not able to interact with your environment
I will not

Coffee447 months ago
Einstein's predicament

LolerImawsome8 years ago
i find that kinda ironic because it says your not able to interact xD But i clicked it and I'm still interacting with it xD OMG BREAKIN THE FOURTH WALL

Alzoran6 years ago
I think you lose that, right after you"ve pressed it.
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JasperTehClod8 years ago
Already smartest person *airhorns blast in the distance*

Vikram6 years ago
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SyndicStadtrat9 years ago
Huh, no breathing. Welp, I'm just going to stay dumb forever then.

cjl6 years ago

Wolfo6 years ago
What environment? Nature? Sure i never go out that much tbh. Ill still interact with people and things regularly ritd

MadelineMcBride6 years ago
If your so intelligent, then you'll find a way to interact with the environment

Thebeastfrom20000fathoms7 years ago
So i become Stephen Hawking?

Karinne Hiyama11 years ago

that_one_person_0w02 years ago
No shit
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Jake Freedom Schmitt11 years ago
Stephen Hawking

KITTEN9993 years ago
Then… I Could Get Away With Murder?

CatOfGold8 years ago
You would die.

Daiannie Vera11 years ago
I'm the mosy inteligent person, I would find a way to fix it ;)

Strider8 years ago

CollinCarter7 years ago
Oh no... Be- kotuy

Davynavy028 years ago
Do you want to make a robot

Shaunethomas7 years ago
So what I'm already intelligent

GameGuru9910 years ago
not worth it if I can't even open a fucking door

Illuminati6665 years ago
I already don't interact with people anyway, I'm a very not people person.

Yolo4208 years ago
Lawliet Ryuzaki

Myl14196 years ago
What’s the point then?

KiLEdEnNis8 years ago
does that mean I'm antimatter now?

demutrudu7 years ago
so nothin to do with that intel

Jaime Devin11 years ago
*boops button*

imnoysmsrt2 years ago
pov:stephen hawking

djcool2328 years ago
I'm already happy and grateful of how smart I am.

MyVoteRules6 years ago
Interact with environment, hmm. I guess this means nature. If so, I’m not pressing the button. I care for the environment, people

oaklogs98 years ago
so like steven hawking

Lye8 years ago
Si no puedo interactuar con personas u objetos alrededor mio, para que me sirve ser inteliente?

TheJockRohnson7 years ago
So, I become a genius that can't do anything?

RobertNicoll7 years ago
Don't interact, let someone else do that

Penguingamer9 years ago
can't exist because all atoms in your body interact with air which is a part of the environment...

D-Man8 years ago
There is an ad of stephen hawking as one of the pictures, XD

ezpress384 years ago
I wouldn't because you can breathing

JoshuaRyanG8 years ago
me and the environment = BFFs I would rather become smart the old fashioned way

Ghost_Dragon7 years ago
Only if I can interact with electronics. I NEED MY NINTENDO SWITCH!

KittyW9 years ago
Nooo thanks

Stacy Fluttershy Butler11 years ago
I don't want to be alone q-q

that_one_person_0w02 years ago
*Stephen Hawking music intensifies*

JanigjeWoodsman8 years ago
I can't interact with people anyway, so whatever.

SabreRulez6 years ago
I'm inelegant to know math so I'm smart enough to know how to interact with the environment. *good in a Zelda game teaching me to interact*

starlight668 years ago

thats pretty much like not living.

Buttonpresser256786 years ago
Air is part of your environment so that means you can't breath

Geeky_Geecko7 years ago
I'm almost like a hermit anyway. . .

BlueAngel039 years ago
F*ck intelligence.

Dogizmaster8 years ago
I am already the most intelligent person in the world.

ThePaulDude8 years ago
Touché yukiy.
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ankitislive4 years ago
If I am the most intelligent man so I will find a way to interact them

dankmemes1017 years ago
Would breathing air be considered interacting with the environment? Or eating?

Pika Girl9 years ago
Wait-that means I wouldn't be able to watch anime?! NOOOOOOO

VelocityRaptor288 years ago
tis a sad loss
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