52678 (58%) 38428 (42%)
52678 (58%) people have pressed this button, while 38428 (42%) did not.
You get to become Spiderman!
Your uncle dies.

Taker_of_Hells4 years ago
My uncle who is dead dies again

HAZZARD1238 years ago
What if he is already dead

stratton11268 years ago
That means you're spiderman

Bonkboy2 years ago
Jokes on you my uncles already dead.... *crys*

SpamtonG.Spamton2 years ago
i don't know any of my uncles

minecraftmonkey1131mincraft57 years ago
It doesn’t say when ur uncle would die. So no matter what he will eventually die.

UNSC_GA_Dash8 years ago
My uncle is a piece of shit who wastes all his money on booze. I'll fucking kill him myself

Migdin17 years ago
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BunnyLover11018 years ago

yournightmare877 years ago
i got 3 uncles so who dies id rather die than them i freaking love my uncles

CherryBombPoP6 years ago
It’s a win-win

KenJen64207 years ago
I have like 6 Blood uncles and 5 more I consider uncles soooo..... what are the rules for that?

Blue_Mage657 years ago
I dont have an uncle, so downside?

Dcreaser7 years ago
i don have an uncle anyways its just my aunties god damnit

TsunderePrinceVegeta7 years ago
so you just become spiderman

theemeraldkinglast year

Katsuo Raiden8 years ago
I hate him... *smash the touch screen pressing the button *

Wackywoo8 years ago
Spider-Man would be a lot of work, besides fapping is messy already, I don't need it to be messier

Lancelot253 years ago

NooraEloranta6 years ago
I love my uncle so its a no even if i love spiderman also

Luke Ryffel11 years ago
I fucking hate my uncle.

My_dreadlast year
You are also my uncle
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asome8 years ago
Well which uncle would it be considering that I literally have 4 UNCLES?!

asome8 years ago
Me too! :)

Leoguy8 years ago
... I dont have one...

Samantha Nicole Ray11 years ago
Can I pick the uncle?

X123466 years ago
I could choose an uncle who is already dead
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thisgameisdumb2 years ago
So I just become spiderman

anime_trash_7 years ago
Wouldn't that happen anyway?

IcarusTokoya6938 years ago
Which one?

yusufkasman5 years ago
Great power requires great responsibility

AlanPrower7 years ago
I don't have an uncle ha

Migdin17 years ago
Then you cant be spiderman... or youre enitre life changes so you have a uncle that dies and it makes you sad...

Isaax9 years ago

MasterZK5 years ago
Jokes on you, I don't have an uncle!

Shadow_Mario988 years ago
Question what uncle i have more then one i have like 5 lol so like who??

NarsistiNauta9 years ago
My uncle is already dead so I don't have to risk anything.

Batmanlover967 years ago
Spider Man sucks

the splitting arse9 years ago
true that dr who 3067

Logical-choice6 years ago
I have like six uncles but just one Sure sounds good to me

onion bot10 years ago
Which one? I have like 4

Lancelot253 years ago
Wich one

KerKsaGoG7 years ago
I don't like spider man and have great uncles

Batoast8 years ago
My oncle is too nice with me !<3

Tmpancakes8 years ago
Uncle is dead but still have one....can I choose the dead one to die?loll loophole Beside I hate Spiderman.

Leo Skyes11 years ago
my uncle is dead. idgaf

AColdGuy3 years ago
*laughs in orphan*

Josh_p7 years ago
My uncle is already dead

Aikka8 years ago
I dont have uncle

Imiflip218 years ago
what sort of question is that? spidermans uncle dies anyway sooo

lovey8269 years ago
im a girl, i dont wanna be a guy

Adofl Hilter11 years ago
so im Spiderman times 2

TargetThatBoi4 years ago
What if I don't have an uncle

mabo7 years ago
I wouldnt be spiderman if that didnt happen

Zyzz Shavershian9 years ago
I fucking hate that cunt

Daxmvarg8 years ago
My uncle's already dead

bonnie9 years ago
Do I get to pick which uncle???

theguytho2 months ago
I guess that’s the canon event
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