The United States government will enact any one piece of legislation that you want, no matter what it is. Gay Marriage, making abortion illegal, legalzing pot, anything. Whatever you want.
History is changed and the Confederacy won the civil war, becoming their own sovereign nation.
I will not

Deer49557 months ago
I'm good with starting another war.

Glitchy_N7 months ago
I am de captain now.

XxDiamondxX8 years ago
What's wrong with gays? How would you feel of everyone liked their own gender but you liked the opposet gender of your gender and everyone hated you for that? People these days I tell ya, who ever created this is just plain rise and mean. BTW, I'M NOT BUTT...[Show full comment]

DARKARES3 years ago
A: im gesuing Your gay B: if your gay you burn in hell
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Mek1017 years ago
I'm Italian, so i don't fuking care

Italyman30442 years ago
I cook da pizza
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MapleUndertale20168 years ago

Beebop914 years ago

Celia Ace8 years ago

MrSean4208 years ago
Fells good to be irish

ThePaulDude7 years ago
Are you drunk yet?

TheShiningCometShiningComet2227 years ago
>start another war >make sure we win this time

I-like-pressing-buttons6 years ago
I’m lesbian, pls don’t do gay marriage

TheShadow3587 years ago
I'll declare the US a communist country lol

WildKatGirl7 years ago
I would prefer if it actually affected my own country, but it"s better than nothing I guess.

MerlinTheMidget5 years ago
Illegal abortion? Hek, who would want that?

NotTheProtagonist11 months ago
Certain conservatives, but those particular conservatives are really loud about it.

Your-Face-is-Enforip7 years ago
My wish is to kill Donald Trump. They have to accept. B)

Comment-Browser4257 years ago

JammerCandiesAJ7 years ago

Rachel7216 years ago
Same lol!

Ridragon7 years ago

WriteShootEdit8 years ago
Making it illegal for people in the south to be come into the north unless they swear to become citizens and follow all laws.

Savannah3518 years ago
I'm Canadian so... I cld care less

Tyler Callin11 years ago
i would deem myself king of the united states! everyone is equal and the confederacy can eat it!

Rex963 years ago
Ay thats what ima do
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Trevon Champion11 years ago
Slavery wouldn't exist,

NikaQavtaradze6 years ago
If i can control it it won't be bad, no matter who owns it

Man-cheese7 years ago

CallJGWentworth877cashnow6 years ago

GrandpaStudios 8 years ago
Legal weed!! Don't got that in the Confederacy!!

MrSmolBeans3 years ago
* legalizes murdering homophobes *

Cinnamonbunny1125 years ago
I'm mega gay

AnthonyGualdoni7 years ago
I see no downside.

YourBoyNaPalm6 years ago
No homework, ever again.

transgirl1232 years ago
dont even care bout war

GabrielHartman7 years ago
This question is shit

DragonEXE7 years ago
Like i give a shit who won, may end racism in the south, but I especially don't give a shit about being able have anything for the government to enact just to get rid of it, because they give but take advantage of to use against the people of whatever coun...[Show full comment]

Neks43 years ago
Im a kurwa person so it wont matter

OhyeahMrkrabbs6 years ago
Make slavery illegal

I-like-pressing-buttons6 years ago
It already is in America

Cathrope7 years ago
I hit the button, and made everyone my slaves. :)

Buttonpresser3146 years ago
If the Confederacy won, they wouldn't become a soveriegn nation, they"d literally take over the USA.

impossible 8 years ago

hairbingo7 years ago
the downside is the confederacy would have slavery be anti lgbt anti minority rights you know anything about history

Ratee5 months ago
I don't care about the USA, but it would be cool to control a government

Dally McIntosh Michel11 years ago
this would be great.

Sepriolus3 years ago
No downside. Gays, baby killers, and non-Christians get the death penalty and I live in the Confederate States of America.

NeonFlash7 years ago
I live in Texas my changes would have been worthless to me and any on i know

TotallyFine4 years ago
I accidentally clicked yes. Whatever number is up there, -1.

Oldiron_796 years ago
Yes as long as slavery has already died because it isn't economically viable once machines are available.

callumscorner-slittleomegaslut2 years ago
I would make the United States communist

FredBearGold7 years ago
downside o not I won't press it. burn in hell fowel demon. allow abortion allow gay/lesb who needs pot?

Zergrush223 years ago
I would push that button and the law would be that we should join the confederates.

ellaella7 years ago
I will demand that the other side one.

Nerdyboy7 years ago
I would like that I never liked the south I always feel alienated there.

Wrysunny5 months ago
Im not American, I dont give a shit

lesslife6 years ago
But I live in a would-be Confederate state :c

MarcusofMenace7 years ago
Not American so don't care, but Texas would be happy about both
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