You have the power to have anything u want with the snap of a finger
You take it from the one person who needs it most
I will not

GhostAss9 months ago
I mean whoever needs a yacht or a Lamborghini that bad is a spoiled brat

Lord_blobfish3 years ago
But what if I need it it most Loophole????

papersnakelast year
you do not need it most lord_blobfish
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Bear52 months ago

Downside.7 months ago
It's always good to have the ability to use something. Plus you don't have to use it right away.

Somebodii4 months ago
Sorry God, your omnipotence is mine now.

therealobama2 years ago
i mean if someone needed a pizza more than anyone and i take it, i probably killed a person.

JoJo_Enjoyer7 months ago
Become a disney villain, lets go!

Alessio08193 years ago
No lol

AndyMan11YT4 months ago
Whoever needs total omnipotence that much, uh, too bad.

Rrrrrr4ccggfs2 years ago
People wearing fur coats that like me

SmugRock6 months ago
So who tf would need omnipotence the most? God?

YaBoiNathan83 years ago
I am a bad person

ImSmarterThanYou693 months ago

lindaloveslina2 years ago
Is this even a dilemma lmao

qwertyqwerty42 months ago
Just snap your fingers to give to them as well

Furiousb8 months ago
what if i ask for something that doesnt physically exist, like love or satisfaction? will that even work?

235x04 months ago
who has inter-universe teleporting

SilverStriker2 years ago
I want for no one to need anything

W3ird0_x3 years ago
who tf needs a dildo most

trix8906 months ago
fuck the homeless
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