You have photographic memory
but u cant remember the faces of the people you love
I will not

Maharid2 months ago
So it will be faulty, no.

ReWyne8 years ago
I'll just remember my loved ones by their voices and postures. My vision's so bad I never ID people by face anyways. XD

TigerKingTundra3 months ago
Yeah you do, if you don't, you've already pressed the button.
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Tennisftw7 years ago

UltimateSpaghettore4 years ago
I pressed a button that said 90%chance of getting 1 million dollars But 10% chance of you immediately dying And I got a weight loss Ad.

This Comment Won't Be Read8 years ago
That means you don't have a photographic memory though!

Deadant1347 years ago

mdu80208 years ago
That is only a problem if you define love as anything but a survival mechanism

procharleston14 years ago
jokes on you i already have a photographic memory

SonOfABeast2 years ago
Who is disliking my stuff
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Danniboy12347 years ago
What use would a photographic mind if your blind...

AnimeOverride7 years ago
Too much other crap I"d like to forget, and my friends and family can never be sacrificed for such bs.

StarflowerAnimations_YT4 years ago
I already don’t remember people’s faces

Coolgirlz8 years ago
That's just sad.😥

SeanGGTV6 years ago
All I lose I"d the memory of the face not the person I'll look at pictures

Twirdledirdle17 years ago
I already DOOOOOOOOOooooooooo...

loversattack8 years ago
i want to remember niall horan´s face..♥ XD

This-is-the-longest-username-i-saw-the-previous-longest-username-and-decided-to-2 years ago
Just imagine a picture of them

LillianS6 years ago
So many loopholes

Wigiman97028 years ago
So who do I forget I love no one

MAGIC_OTAKU7 years ago
if you can't take the time to spell out the word "you" i won't take the time to read the downside.

Sparta27 years ago
People are so much more than their faces. And having photographic memory would be super useful.

Aaron Keener8 years ago
Bro, the well I'd do on my exams will be off the charts.

Majorasmask6 years ago
I cant remember them by memory anyways

TaylorFoleyGehring6 years ago
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EZ Gamer 1018 years ago
take a picture of your loved ones and boom

Nico_di_Angelo6 years ago
Thats my dreams

ceafaxer8 years ago
Only the faces though

modini6 years ago

TaylorFoleyGehring6 years ago

TheCorrupt7 years ago
I love nearly nobody.

JackSorrow4 years ago
I wont press it cuz i already have photographic memory so lol

Loophole man8 years ago
Nothing changes. People say I have a photographic memory because of my quiz scores; and I don't even remember my own face

TooManyFandoms16 years ago
I am not giving my self prosanpagnosha

KarmaticYT7 years ago
I'm legally blind

Panifex6 years ago
And commenting on either an app or a website, which means that even though you"re blind, you"re using some device which requires sight to be used

Doglover1018 years ago
Can't you just see them again

Gameboy12238 years ago
Does this thing know what photographic memory is?

Korenv775 years ago
I dont love anyone

LilithLaBelle6 years ago
I think the most people don't understand the downside, If you see as example a friend of you from a far, you will probably mostly recognize them because of their face. But there are people who wouldn't recognize them if they only see their face, they can r...[Show full comment]

PortalIsLovePortalIsLife7 years ago
I can just photograph them with my memory, no duh. Make a diary and screenshot it. Boom, fb friend saved. Wait.. Since when do i have friends?

Za_Taiyo3 years ago
I can't remember faces

Porkenstine6 years ago
I already have photographic memory!

ShadowfangTC7 years ago
I already have this issue. I have "photographic" memory, but it doesn't work on faces for some reason.

mashow2 months ago
RIP my loved ones. Bye parents *evil laughter

nerdybucket8 years ago
that sounds sad

Angie-Zambrano5 years ago
I already have photographic memory...

QueenCat6 years ago
I dont have a love :(

Ebony_Pusher3 years ago
Hate everyone! Become bakugo!

himom8 years ago
How am i supposed to masturbate?

Deppression6 years ago
I'll take a picture of them and keep it with me

MatthewCooper7 years ago
Im Blind

Tricky7 years ago
Then how did you read the button and comment it?

JaxTheDesteoyer5 months ago
If I have photographic memory I could just hunk back to when I last saw them and know their face if my memory is good so there is no downside.
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