66884 (59%) 47434 (41%)
66884 (59%) people have pressed this button, while 47434 (41%) did not.
You die painfully
you are considered a hero for eternity among all people.

Enderben7 years ago
Wait a sec dyeing painfully is the GOOD part?

XG2 years ago
Well, the two parts of the question are separated by a "but, so it is never specified that the upside has to be on the top, that"s just usually the way people do it.

VuDjuBuh8 years ago
I think they did it the wrong way round why is being famous a downside?

Blakey6 years ago
Lol, i hate dying painlessly
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BoCo3658 years ago
I can see the news: Man dies riding a shark into a volcano with 2nukes and 150 tons of TNT strapped to him to save the world from certain doom

Sexylegs7 years ago
That sence was in a movie called despicable me 2

Filipe Esmeraldo11 years ago
Pain is temporary, glory is eternal.

Hyltran3 years ago
As the toss unit said ;)
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Whyvern6 years ago
Knowing myself I'mma die painfully anyway

-Jedi-Grimes-8 years ago
If I am never forgotten, then I have served my purpose in life.

Ryleerk1018 years ago
Pain pain is only a temporary thing. Plus, it never says WHEN I'll die.

Wolfheart 8 years ago
When I die I want to be a hero

Facere6 years ago
... I get to be remembered by some kids who don't actually give a shit (ake mushroom) about me and just have to write biographies and study me.... HELL YA BOI, FEEL MY SUFFERING F____IN SCUBS!!!

BoiZeBery6 years ago
Lol how could you mess this up

jshaw716 years ago
Death without a reason shouldn't be rewarded with glory

Loopholes4days6 years ago
What"s the point of being famous if Ur dead

LaatDovahkiin6 years ago
I have too. Saving humanity wait- it didn't say humanity was dying 🤔

SciArtHerp7 years ago
I will be known as the first person to ship Circus Baby and Nightmare Freddy.

SomePerson25692 years ago
r/thanks i hate it

YellowBear8 years ago
While I have pain ill just form suicide

Jacquel Bradley11 years ago
Pain is painful and i would rather ride into victory than well die period

NOOBYTHEYT3 years ago
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Adam Cerda11 years ago
Pain is fleeting in the grand scheme of eternity.

derpyherp8 years ago
they should be switched around...isn't it a good thing that you are considered a hero...

dein8 years ago
a hero never dies byach so im imortal if i click the buton

Dalvion9 years ago
Pain is transient.

Slastina9 months ago
So dying painfully is a good thing?

Petrovoytsitskyy9 years ago
Soi go to heaven and am treated a a hero

Bradley84057 years ago
I am a druggie I died from drugs I am the best

Pete10 years ago
i will die once but not twice because people will keep sayin my name

Gabrysiovic 8 years ago
It was supposed to be switched.

iamnoone7 years ago
I'm dying painfully right now. It"s a very slow and painful death also known as life

Aaron Voborny11 years ago
Honestly, I'd rather not be worshiped.

raccoon8 years ago
It never said right now

givemefreefortmaite3 years ago
If a hero is what they need,then a hero they will have.

discophone429 years ago
So your a legend for what exactly

Karrex8 years ago
When will i die? Thats the real question...

Oinoi5 years ago
I know it"s stupid that"s so stupid I want to live and I want to die not painfully it is I don't want pain it"s a pain is so stupid I hate pain not no no pain please please please please please put no press button please

jomama9 years ago
I pressed a button that makes me immortal if I were a watch so no upside or down side

showchoirkiddo9 years ago
Doesn't say how long your death takes...

Onyxecho 8 years ago
I'll die when my internet goes out

Darth Revan8 years ago
Has anyone noticed that sentences end with rn?

poseidon.rjk8 years ago
what did i do

I can see it now: "Breaking News! Creator of the device to allow humans to shapeshift into magic dragons dies by falling out of a plane into the ocean and belly flopping, surviving, getting electrocuted by eels and a tsunami launches him into a active volc...[Show full comment]

zero the joker9 years ago
I Dont see a downside

TeamAwesomeness7 years ago
shouldn't these effects be in reverse?

Lancha Fabuloso11 years ago
Like I care, NOT

Shigaraki4 years ago
Hell no, I have s t a n d a r d s.

dhi_awesome9 years ago
But when do I die? In 100 years? Sounds good to me!

PlumpiXD7 years ago
Actually it´s my worst fear to die painfully so NO

Vince Puma11 years ago

Shyshy8 years ago
Yeesh ummm

LowKng8 years ago
What if I'm a her because I figured out how to be immortal ? :O

star_skitter9 years ago
i don't have to be a hero to be happy

William7778 months ago
You mean now?

JMG7879 years ago
I don't want a legacy
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