drugs are completely legal
it's only because there's anarchy in the world.
I will not

dogpond123 months ago
i just want to feel anything again....

Unavable Button8 years ago
Smoke w33d everyday while 420 noscoping b1tchez

BenTinolast year
call of duty modern warfare in real life
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Name.EXE8 years ago
Upside.EXE is not responding.

realjacksepticeyelast month
more like Downside.EXE is not responding HAHA up top 😎✋
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rainbow will not...8 years ago
wait... Drugs are illegal?

ShadowCrawler7 years ago
Huh...who knew?

Sans..8 years ago
Upside.exe has stopped working.

Ikilledacan2 years ago
So it"s just a non stop purge

Gameboy6358 years ago
Don't do drugs kids

Panifex6 years ago
@Loophole man Weed is a drug with many negative effects.
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AllastroS487 years ago
Anarchy is good, it"s not like crimes, rapes, murders, there will be no government, people creates free laws that don't compromise individual rights and who doesn't like some laws can leave and create another society with different laws and people who agre...[Show full comment]

sonicj018 years ago
drugs are bad anyway

DaBestMind2 years ago
@Gannon12340, medical drugs are legal.
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CARR748 years ago
Then where's the upside

CARR748 years ago
Failed to see the upside

Handsomejack12345678 years ago
Where's the Upside?

mrperson4209 years ago
We're better off with anarchy anyway

Gannon123406 years ago
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ShippingTrash7 years ago
You guys do know there"s a reason why drugs are illegal, right?

realjacksepticeyelast month
cus da govement wants to keep em all 4 demselfs amirite B-)

Yourgesflergen7 years ago
Smoke weed every day! 420 blaze it bro!

Polarize21127 years ago
Yay anarchy

GarrettSumpter7 years ago
Win win situation

TeamKobus27 years ago
404: upside.exe not responding

deathgasm7 years ago
where"s the bad side?

vaclavko27 years ago
In anarchistic world arent laws. So nothing can be legal or illegal. -_-

OguzhanYigit7 years ago

RedKnight7 years ago
Upside.EXE Has stopped working

pudgyfishy7 years ago

NHLic7 years ago
Anarchy? naaah. You know, democracy is not always bad shit.

sonicj018 years ago
drugs are bad anyway

galolo8 years ago
only pressed cuz anarchy might be fun, idgaf about drugs

MCGamerGirl3178 years ago
Double downside in my case.

amie392 8 years ago
Well I don't use drugs

Jacksepticeye707cc8 years ago
Yes, I can smoke all da marawanna or da weed, the cocaine would be nice to... Or steroids

mr cat8 years ago
I dont need drugs he jacksepticeye

clou_di_8 years ago

Chase Tris11 years ago
I dont see an upside...

realjacksepticeyelast month
PrejudiceAgainstDeadPeople that's what i'm sayin
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VVsilverVV10 years ago
i wouldent take it for the drugs but for the anarchy

Jeremiah Vires11 years ago
Drugs are actually not bad. Drug rates go way down when it's all legal.

realjacksepticeyelast month
ders a reeson pepl gets addicktid 2 drug... it couse drug is fun!!
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Elijah Sea Monster Griffan11 years ago
*mashes button feverishly*

ZaneP11 years ago
Downsides are important usually. But I like this one.

💩8 years ago
This comment may be offensive. Press to show.

ExpIodingTurtle6 years ago
no downside

TARDISsnowman_511429 years ago
Where's the upside to this?

madmen1277 years ago
Champs don't do drugs, right?

David Jones11 years ago

Huckabeej124 8 years ago
I hate drugs but why anarchy

Igoras4 months ago
half life 2 with meth?

Xbox Master8 years ago
Anarchy is way worse cause would you imagine getting your house robbed and its legal.

BreadSanta3 years ago

lolvorka9 years ago
I don't see the downside

99_Face_Problems_But_Booty_Aint_One8 years ago
Yay! 420 blazed humanity, go me! 8D

TheButton1016 years ago
I dont like drugs

Liara118 years ago
WINNERS DON'T DO DRUGS I don't want them to be legal anyway. Thank you FarCry.

IronDragon2000 8 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

Suburbius7 years ago
Wll be my dream?
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