54063 (52%) 49172 (48%)
54063 (52%) people have pressed this button, while 49172 (48%) did not.
50% chance the button kills you painfully, with no chance of an afterlife
50% chance the button makes you eternal and happy

ChanceMannor7 years ago
Damn it didn't work

Adam Bech Harms11 years ago
Congrats! If you are reading this you are eternal and happy!

silly_gooberlast year
sorry but my name isnt eternal and happy!
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Fedxftw7 years ago
No after life is good. Only about 100k people go to heaven read apocalipse in the bible im not christian and i know more about it than most chritians

TigerKingTundra3 months ago
I don't think you know the Bible more than Christians if you don't know how to spell Christians.
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Amity_Rawr7 years ago
Yaaaaay I'm alive!!

WBGrock8 years ago
Flipped Coin... Dead.

Bigsharkdad7 years ago
That"s why I picked the button

Panifex6 years ago
It"s supposed to be upside first unless you"re suicidal

Nerdkind6 years ago
Buttons can't kill. At least this one can't.

Gracicorn157 years ago
I'm eternal and happy! ^_^

James Scott11 years ago
This is probably the best "Will you press the button" Ive seen on here. Other than "You can fly BUT only feet first."

WordFilelast year
Bro that"s funny as shit
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TheNensy7 years ago
Im sure that i will be the 50% who died...

Pandamaken7 years ago
This has no downsidd id be happy either way

GamerWatchYT7 years ago
Im Alive!!!!!!!

GottaPoint7 years ago
Just go look at Ho-Oh already.

gabbo verde 9 years ago
Guess the button doesn't work :^)

lman1639 years ago

Jared Loussier11 years ago
No afterlife means no hell either sooo...

ItsCatBreadYT3 years ago
I'm an arthiest so I don't believe in hell or heaven
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Mark Kent11 years ago
i like those 50/50 odds

Eliasson Koffe11 years ago
I would hate being eternal

marcuitos8 years ago
you wrote that so you are eternal cuz you aren't dead
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Frequent Button Presser8 years ago
It should be 50% chance the button makes you eternal and happy but 50% chance the button kills you painfully with no chance of an afterlife.

Holy8 years ago
Holy WillYouPressTheButton?.com You have pressed the button! 25097 (55%) people have pressed this button, while 20549 (45%) did not. Did you enjoy this dillemma? Like or Dislike 50% chance the button kills you painfully, with no chance of ...[Show full comment]

Q2976 years ago
-.- why i always get bad

Penguin_lover9 years ago
Im already happy No need to press it

Jojo42h2 years ago
Haha still not happy

MartialArtsOtaku8 years ago
For many beliefs, is this not just a suicide button?

Rinapress7 years ago
I survived! And so did you!

sigma leader9 years ago
i probably have a better chance with the dying a horrible death

Ciel the Earl Phantomhive8 years ago
Hmmmmmm..... Yes. Okay.

MetaKnightFangirl8 years ago

Enderdragon14 years ago
I don't believe in afterlife anyway so screw it

Piotr Grochowski9 years ago
Person of this profile died :(

dearergoose8 years ago
OW I WAS SHOT X X /---\\\\

Ouatislife6 years ago
I'm happy either way

alexleehowlter9 years ago
sounds risky

Andy28 years ago
I don't believe in god so no chance for heaven.What happens after you die? my thoughts are:You simply cease to exist.

RNJR7 years ago
We are the lucky ones.

lilzach249 years ago
50% 50% is kinda gud

The Swedish8 years ago
I risk my life of torture and entarnal darkness but maby a happy and eternal life. Fuck that i sticking with what i got.

PNALT2 months ago
Erm downside??????

Holy8 years ago
I'm a quack.

Logan224510 years ago
I'll take that chance

NINTENDO 108 years ago
No no no I'm too young to die but yeah I guess so

Goldenunicorn42113 years ago
I don't want to be immortal anyway, that would be hell.

dinolord sonic8 years ago
you know that 50 percent chance is more of a 70 death and 30 happy becuase right now my ear just felt like it got cut off

_Mangle_Fox_8 years ago

ExoGaming5 years ago
Win win situation

Klarix9 years ago
Yetno one can make a 50/50 out of this result.

legakeir5758 years ago
I'm not feeling lucky like my life worst enough

Holy8 years ago
Holy WillYouPressTheButton?.com You have pressed the button! 25097 (55%) people have pressed this button, while 20549 (45%) did not. Did you enjoy this dillemma? Like or Dislike 50% chance the button kills you painfully, with no chance of ...[Show full comment]

bigblackdude8 years ago
why am I here im dead

Scoutery2 years ago
Its a win win , either end the suffering or become happy XD
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