50351 (85%) 9063 (15%)
50351 (85%) people have pressed this button, while 9063 (15%) did not.
You don't have to pay anything anymore.
You still have to work

Reagan_The_Bunny8 years ago
What if my job is being a YouTuber?

Psychokiller4 years ago
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butterenergy8 years ago
My job is a professional non-worker.

Kittenlover1017 years ago

Cosmic Communist8 years ago
I'm a communist so I see absolutely no problem with this.

nBingII11 months ago
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blackheart918 years ago
just upload youtube videos that are 10 seconds long

oceanwaterpug275 years ago
Lol, me too

Anonymous20057 years ago
my job will last from 5:00-5:00

You-sir-neigh-mmm6 years ago
12 hour shift. Damn

Rcksn7 years ago
Everything that requires energy is work Loopholes

MeganShuler6 years ago
Well, if the thing you"re applying force on moves, then it"s work. Sorry, I"ve been studying for science exams... so......................

Temmie!8 years ago
My job now is play LoL

Forehead_dart8 years ago

Nick Wilde8 years ago

HumanSam6 years ago
I do art for job c:

210727Frake6 years ago
Anything that requires energy is work

MeganShuler6 years ago
ANYTHING THAT REQUIRES ENERGY THAT MAKES SOMETHING MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I already saw this once before and I'm studying for science exams and my ears/eyes are sensitive to anything wrong.

JustinSpencer6 years ago
My job would be to not have a job :)

Kritzy6 years ago
My job is: Being rich

jaredninjadude6 years ago
You can get anything you want for free but you still have to work it"s better than not getting free crap and working for cheap stuff

BenjTMB6 years ago
also by the ay It doesn't say job it says work but its not specific on what kind easy, hard, or homework or something like that

BenjTMB6 years ago
I did It because I might have a fun or easy job and I can get like everything for free

vert3437 years ago
404: Downside Not Found (Im unemployed)

joaquin557 years ago
Professional lazy fuck.

Pleshy7 years ago
I give effort to move my mouse around and is therefore work

Hodgepodge3217 years ago
Doesn't say you have to work professionally, technically breathing is work.

Douchebag697 years ago
Soooooo what"s the downside?

XERA7 years ago
Imma be an illustrator :D

The Angels Spirit7 years ago
I'm an artist, I see no downside...

TrueRenegade7 years ago
1. My job will be fun. 2. That would **** up the economy.

Foxyt337 years ago
What if yr dream job is not to work? XD or yr a youtuber or streamer?

Carliux067 years ago
What if my job is selling kids helium filled condom balloons to kids in the streets of Detroit?

Gerpar7 years ago
Self employed ;)

abigail68798 years ago
It didn't say how many hours though

Louispower11118 years ago
Work at mcdonalds

dragon_fruit8 years ago
I'm going to write limericks, make cupcakes, and pick flowers. What hard work c:

Minecraftersguide8 years ago
school doesnt pay so im just good and if i have all d a mo nies the n i no knead any of d wo r kin gg g

dgadiuaghd6 months ago

Bossgod_awesome8 years ago
work as a you tuber -_-

Allie543217 years ago
I don't have a job I am in 12 grade and where i am you can't have a job

ArdaTR3 years ago
scientists don't work for money anyway

Wwefan123458 years ago
I would be your best or gamer so REDPECT BITCHES

youha1236 years ago
Il work out for 10 seconds

hjannig8 years ago
Work in your house?

Sphinxmagics7 years ago
I'll just get a job I love/an easy job

barnacle10 days ago
there is no downside, this just makes everything free forever

Rivelle8 years ago
My job will be sleeping

BalorClubFoLyfe6 years ago
My job is breathing. Check-fucking-mate.

dsdcool028 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

bruhbruh999bruh2 years ago
work one day and then you don't ever have to work

The Button Presser 1018 years ago
i... this..... what? really, i could just fucking rule the world without having to pay for anything!

123ludwig7 years ago

Sirayo6 years ago

ambriz2027 years ago
Why do we still work

CollinUtley4 years ago
I could buy out the company and hire someone to run it.

Hannahjoypaz 8 years ago

ArttuIkonen7 years ago
I see no downside
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