Have the power to create and control your own dimensions and universes.
Three random people control time, space, and matter to balance you out
I will not

Commissar8 years ago
We befriend these strangers become a pantheon of gods

LachlanParker7 years ago
My thoughts exactly!

hollyskyes8 years ago

Reuben Holman11 years ago
they are balancing me not limiting me

Yourboydulexe4 years ago
Just send them to a detention where they have control do they don’t bother you
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A strange person8 years ago
I will create a black hole. Since there is 40 millions of kilometres between the horizon of a black hole and its centre, if we were fighting in other galaxies (which is extremely unlikely) and that there is NO escape from a black hole, they could be done for if they didn't react quickly.

FeelingLikeAMillionDeutschmarks8 years ago
You gotta remember they control time, space and matter, the time controler can just stop time and walk away, the space controler can just warp himself away, and at last, the mass controler can just decrease the mass of the hole to such a point, that it wou...[Show full comment]

aka91x9 years ago
But if you can control the universe that means you can do what these guys do so wipe them from the universe and youre good!

xXX_n00bslayer_XXx8 years ago
They balance you they don't limit you so good luck controlling a universe all on your own with no one to help you making you have to distroy that dimension

NonP6 years ago
control them.....

Natasha Cherryblossom11 years ago
Palkia, Dialga, Giratina... I am Arceus.

Mixmaster6 years ago
You are right. And how many people right now are thinking about creating a porn universe?
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XavierGauthier6 years ago
just give them there own universe or kill them

Motherfucking7 years ago
They are balancing me not limiting me, so Palkia, Dialga, Giratina and Arceus.

GangsternauwL7 years ago
People are too dumb to be granted those powers

Oops25cnot30c7 years ago
Kill those three people, go to my universe so no one finds me

sans111i8 years ago
Well that"s hard because I'm insane

Lymle8 years ago
Just kill them... o.o

Myzuuf the Wiccan Wolf8 years ago
We can't

Bacon Man9 years ago

KAPOWstudio9 years ago
Einstein people! Time is relative! I control the universe, I control time! Also, if I control the universe, I control matter and space! They're apart of the universe after all.

Clayton Baslee11 years ago
So become Arceus?

Urocjon7 years ago
You can always disintegrate them if they will annoy You. It"s not said You can't change them or get rid of them :)

Harley_quinn8 years ago
What if one was Donald trump

TeamAwesomeness3 years ago
I don't want to turn into a llama

LucarioTheSavage9 years ago
I simply find and kill them all, carefully though because I have to be sure to know where they all are and kill them at the same time.

Merricat778 years ago
If I could control universes, all hell would break loose.

HtEo1w5 years ago
Irl griefing

potatomurder1239 years ago
Same iwould kill them

sonhol7 years ago
so dialgia palkia and garatina :D

Midoriya6 years ago
They might be really amazing, and you could of found true love and two awsome friends. And you could make a dimension were you all could live happily ever after.

BlueDogXL9 years ago
So I'm Arceus? OK!

lovedogs7 years ago
TBH, that kind of ruins the point.

AWESOMENESS24048 years ago
i will kill them 3 people

Zacary8 years ago
what if thier just like me?

Bradster20026 years ago
So it just makes my universes abide by physics, got it

Ian Kraemer11 years ago
AKA Homestuck

EddyAbrahamPimenteldelRosario3 years ago
I can just create a dimension where nothing they can control excist

c0mplikati0n9 years ago
34% of people dont want to be gods

roflcopters7 years ago

Rachel Corston11 years ago

gamrejess135978 years ago
get my best friend, touka and my dog who does every thing i want to help me.

StormedTech57 years ago
be arcues then

killjoy33478 years ago
i kill them

dat_guy456 years ago
I become Arceus!

jintoya9 years ago
all three of the jackoffs below me said it, in the event that julianbaca is not below me.....that is 1/3 jackoffs i refer to

SuperCoolDude8 years ago
Can I be one of the three

ChickenMcDalek6 years ago
If you control it... then couldn’t you make those three people eternally faithful to you?

ZoruaGirl199 years ago
The pokemon creation trio much, still clicked it though

12thHemingway8 years ago

SoufsButtonBashing7 years ago
Just kill em.

Lieselotte De Bruyne11 years ago
I want to have time

TaStYfrúít2 years ago
Does it get me out of school?

DarthPhasma9 years ago
Why they can kill u in an instant

EpikRexz8 years ago
i can controll thwm away >:D MEsa good

illuminatiunconfirmed5 years ago
That"s not how balance works...
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