You can see into the future.
You can never think about the past.
I will not

BlasterIce8 years ago
Dafuq.Once i see the future, the time when i see it is the past. So ill constantly loose memory and know nothing. I would be brain dead.

Migdin17 years ago
This people has brain, me want.
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janetteamalia8 years ago
Win win my past is really dark and I would not like to think about it anyway.

Callmepaul6 years ago
So true
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hmmoryes3 years ago
no because if I do a mistake I can't remember it and I'll end up doin it again

DarklingDragon3 years ago
I don't really WANT to see the future. This is kind of a lose/lose for me. And memory is one of the most important aspects of learning. This would probably even reverse things I used to know! I would be mentally a one-day old. No thank you.

ceafaxer8 years ago
So I don't have to study. *sees into the future* So the answers are BACBDEDBEADCBADEDACDBADE

Duckington3 years ago
thanks those were actually the right answers cept for the e there was no e
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memandylov8 years ago
Save myself nights and nights of crying myself to sleep over shit that happened in the past AND be able to see shit that's gonna happen in the future and be prepared for them? HELL YEAH I'LL PRESS THE BUTTON!

Wolcott7 years ago
That is the equivalent of the worst case scenario for Alzheimer"s. Which is said to be one of the worst, most painful diseases for yourself, and those around you. You"d be a fucking vegetable plagued by visions of the future.

TigerHutchins7 years ago
I need my past to see my future. If I forgot my past, I wouldn't be who I am.

iForgotHowToHuman8 years ago
Future Time!

Jeffguy8 years ago
Back to the future

Humanperson5823 years ago

HotSauceBear8 years ago
Didn't press. "A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own." -Solid Snake, 2005

oceanbreeze456 years ago
I hate my past anyway. To many depressing memories

TurtleGalaxy7 years ago
I forget alot anyway

Scaredtopressthebutton3 years ago
This is just being a baby and not knowing what anything means b r u h

TeamKobus27 years ago
Not thonking about the past forever is like permanent amnesia. But worse. You can't think about how to breath because that happened in the past. So is walking eating, blinking, talking and basically everything. Not to mention you don't know who you are

Awesome Ness 8 years ago
Good!!! I don't want to think about the past.

TeamKobus27 years ago
Lol ur dead. You would get a heavy form of alzeimer"s going so far you forgot how to breathe

D4rkmagician4 years ago
Its contradicting because after u see the future, your vision is in the past, therefore you don't remember it. So no

Kritzy6 years ago
It has been a dark past...

TheDawg18 years ago
Then you cant remember anything from the past. Any studying would be useless

TeamKobus27 years ago
You would die from forgetting so much. Because you learnef to breathe in the past, buttonpressers would die

LlamaRicePotato7 years ago
My past is horrible, so it"s good that I can't think about it.

cRdshRk5 months ago
99% percent less problems 1% from the present

canja_38 years ago
I have too many good memories with ppls so sory button I no slam you

AloneAgain3 years ago
Wtf it doesn't make sense

Oddsout6 years ago
My family when I grow up :( NO!

lhoran08118 years ago
NO DOWNSIDE, See What happens, and not think about the things that happened

TeamKobus27 years ago

Drawesomethewizard7 years ago
I don't my past that much anyway. To the future!!!

DarthNecratron8 years ago
Does that include your own past and if so does any memories you make become meaningless as you cannot think about them which causes you to not remember them since you can't think about it

TeamKobus27 years ago
Yeah. So badically the people who pressed it forgot anything

EggXOX6 years ago
I would never know anything, I would never be able to know anything, I would get killed without knowing how to drink or that I need to drink.

hwll5 months ago
emmm… Some memories are unforgettable,i do not want to lose them

betterert7 years ago
I like my life being unpredictable and remembering memories is great too! Also, you couldn't study, as that would be thinking about something from the past, also instructions would not be rememberable. You would become a demented person like in Harry Potter.

EmmaPressesTheButton8 years ago
"A future is something that you make yourself. You have to believe in it." — Ami Mizuno, quote from Episode 27 of Sailor Moon Plus, if I see the future, nothing will surprise me and there will be no point in life if I already know all about it. Life is...[Show full comment]

EmmaPressesTheButton8 years ago
Sorry it did the rnrnrn thing, I didn't type that.

greaterfiend3 years ago
It says you can never think about the past, not you forget the past. Which is what therapists will always tell a traumatized person anyway, so is there a real downside?

FandomsWeirdo6 years ago
Bye all my mistakes I mean if I don’t remember them the didn’t happen

KamiNeko8 years ago
I see no downside.

TeamKobus27 years ago

Puffy8107 years ago
Not being able to think about the past is a gift if you ask me

Dilan8 years ago
Literally no downside.

TeamKobus27 years ago
You die of alzheimer

therealobama2 years ago
this is so useless no! how would i even have memories?

Ghjkluiop123457 years ago
I never will see my past mistakes? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

fox233 years ago
i dont think obout the past anyway I had a bad one

xXTROLLERXx8 years ago
where is down side

TeamKobus27 years ago
You get alzheimer

phanisprobsreal8 years ago
That would mean I can't think about all the pinof's that's not good

Julian_Frost6 years ago
How would I finish school?

JoelWatts7 years ago
So you can't remember anything... No thanks.

KermitThePanda8 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow you will be kissedrn555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555. Count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Now close your eyes and make a wish. Now paste this into 15 comments and your wish will come true. Hurry you have 20 minutes or the opposite of your wish will happen

betterert7 years ago
What if I wish for bankruptcy? O_o

Codingmaster3983 years ago
Well that"s kind of a shame...

Raven13238 years ago
It says 'Can' so...I can choose if I can't think about the past?

TeamKobus27 years ago
No. You straight up get alzeimer

setokabia4 years ago
i had seizures as a kid

Panifex7 years ago
So... I can see into the future?

DeAdPOoL160018 years ago
Or what?

TeamKobus27 years ago

TrinityButton7 years ago
But then your life becomes absolutely nothing. Everything becomes past even what you see in the future. Your life will be knowing everything ahead and never remembering it.
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