You can control ice, and thus become immune to cold, able to cast any ice-related spell you desire!
Your bones become very brittle, like ice, and thus breaks under a forth of their normal threshold of pressure.
I will not

skeletraz8 years ago
I make my bones as cold as Bose-Einstein Condensate, strengthening them greatly.

Apollo9242 years ago
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TurtleShroom7 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't I just make my brittle bones colder and freeze until they are not eadily breakable. Ice is sturdy if it gets cold enough.

Liam123last year
Hot or cold?
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Ahuman7 years ago
Death by pebble.

Polypoo3 years ago
This is the third Tim I’ve saw this one

Somerandomwizard6 years ago
Ice is a lot stronger in extremely cold conditions (like <-150*C) so I just chill ma bones

CitrusWasTaken3 years ago
genius :0
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Sanstheskelepunton6 years ago
First off where is my super suit then second you’re cold as ice

Pornflakes8 years ago

AwesomeBro4047 years ago

whomst6 years ago
protein shakes my dude

MJ7776 years ago
Found Walmart Housesuki No Kuni

Zacattac7 years ago
i mean there was snow in my back yard that broke an ice pick soooo i think my bones would be stronger than usual if i get them cold enough

LlamaDrama6 years ago
There is a condition with bones being brittle. Just one sneeze can break your neck. NOPE

Satan's Puppet8 years ago
Am I the only one who thought "Let IT GO"

DisIsMyUsername7 years ago
Your not alone I hate frozen btw
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africanotaku927 years ago
Danny phantom with brittle bones

Bianca Mobius Di Angelo11 years ago
Hmmm...I guess I could regenerate anything that breaks?

SpamtonG.Spamton2 years ago
just turn yourself into an indestructible permafrost humanoid creature, that way you don't need to worry about breaking any bones

Demalion11015 years ago
Can't I just be subzero

Thispersonisweird7 years ago
Man, now That is COOL..... Get it?

Milkshake1236 years ago

gagedude898 years ago
i can freeze my bones to reinforce them

Streamstaraj8 years ago
I would make never melting ice armor and freeze my bones to strengthen them

OverwatchMain7 years ago
The cold never bothered me anyway!

DaRealConMan3 years ago
So I’m basically Elsa with weaker bones?

will_you20067 years ago

superE047 years ago
can I make ice armor that supports my legs and stuff?

COSM6N6 years ago

LegitimateObject8 years ago
Sub Zero anyone?

AssHar7 years ago
While that"s not nICE, I'm pretty chill so I doubt I'll actually break my bones. Snow problem here.

ducky8 years ago
Ice armor

KnifeandFork2 years ago
*rebuilds bones with more ice*

StarSapphire64 years ago
What about artic ice. Turn your bones to that and your good to go.

JordanGraham7 years ago
I'll get new bones... SCIENCE!!!

KarmaOkami6 years ago
I will be called "Minnesota Ice"

EdwardFuller8 years ago
Bones? What are bones? We humans of the future don't have an idea of such a thing, but there's Metal Thresholders. Made with Durasteel!

RandomnessInc7 years ago
Considering I live in Minnesota, I’m immune to cold anyway.

ButtonUnMaster3 years ago
You"re as cold as ice, willing to sacrifice our love

darkdop7 years ago
Ice exoskeleton

Dogeness7 years ago
So bassicly become elsa from frozen...

Mikuelious6 years ago
I could create myself a frozen armour that never melts and protects my bones. And, like the top commentor "skeletraz" said, I could make my bones super cold and strengthen them.

GoldenGamer218 years ago
So become a handicapped elsa? Nope

IsaacFalcon6 years ago
This person needs to learn physics

SpamtonG.Spamton2 years ago
cast an indestructible permafrost spell on your bones to make them unbreakable

Ocelotz7 years ago
My permafrost legs will be unbreakable

ducky8 years ago
Make an ice armor around your bones

MALADY034 years ago
That’s worse than Deku honestly

ConnorT8 years ago
First of all, *fourth. And one fourth the strength isn't that bad. Bones can already take a lot of forces so it's not like you'd have osteoperosis.

threedog646 years ago
Ice heal?

Nazi Pineapple8 years ago
Im currently writing a book om somerhing like this. Its called snow angel and the main character has ice powers wand wings but brittle bones.

Matix7772 years ago
fourth of regular bone breaking threshold is 1000 Newtons, so a person a bit heavier than 100kg falling on you would crack quite a few bones in your body

StormageddonRUCB7 years ago
I just want to be elsa

Hargl3_Bargl36 years ago
This man sounds like a fucking Knight. “THUS SHANT WE CARE ABOUT OUR MEN..”

Mouldypupz7 years ago
Basically be a slip n slide?
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