47427 (48%) 50654 (52%)
47427 (48%) people have pressed this button, while 50654 (52%) did not.
You can have any power you want
When you use the power you age (if you choose immortality then you constantly age by the hour)

235x04 months ago
i get inter-universe teleportation. i go to universe with pills that when eaten by a entity give it subatomic manipulation or maybe i'd choose shape-shifting insted. i go to rain world universe i learn. i mix my DNA with slugcats i go to pokémon univer...[Show full comment]

TheLonelyCheese8 years ago
I have the power to make these kinds of buttons real, I make a button that makes the downsides invalid and I rule the Universe!

MrHerobrine126 years ago
Oh I saw a button that is like that

JAC_cmps8 years ago
But if u age while immortal than it doesnt make any sense

dankmemes1017 years ago
You turn into a dried up husk (like that old lady in spongebob) but you"re still alive.

Mr_Mortal8 years ago
The ability to warp reality and make the downside ineffective then have fun

Migdin17 years ago
Or omnipotence and warp time, space, reality, unreality, universe and everything else

Lawrence Rice King Reamon11 years ago
The power to make the downside invalid

Batman11122233333 years ago
How about ANY downside
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kathprat76118 years ago
I would chose the power to have all powers.

Hello.8 years ago
have the power to bend your rules

kathprat76118 years ago
You age constantly. It never said how FAST you age.

Deppression6 years ago
The power to never age

WillowFox6 years ago
The power to cause reality. Downside avoided because after aging I can change myself to be my actual age again while still having powers.

Han Park11 years ago
I am aging right now though

TheFriendlyGamer4 years ago
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AWESOMENESS24048 years ago

V for vendetta8 years ago
The button never actually specified whether one ages faster. Your statement is invalid!

Endercake9 years ago
WE ALL AGE MAN!!!!!! WERE ARE A NOD IN HE SISTEM?????????????????

Laura Kerry11 years ago
Eternal youth, how 'bout that?

Yukitai3 years ago
*Legal lolis now exist*
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Anastasia Dutova11 years ago
You age by default lol.

Tyler Blankenship11 years ago
...we age all the time?

Ryan Holmes11 years ago
you "CAN" have any power...no downside to a free ability

Yukitai3 years ago
Never said you "Can" control it as you please, or that you"re the only one with this power. Someone might have a force-activation ability that means you lose control of your ability, forcing you to undergo the downside and that they might choose the superp...[Show full comment]

Meghan Logan11 years ago
The Power to become younger

Bryan Rowland11 years ago
control all matter and its effect on me and everything else around me i don't age, i can't be shot, and i can use any power i want if i set my mind to it.

Dustin Burnett11 years ago
were always ageing and it doesn't say you age faster so your just gaining a power

Chantelle Louise Watkins-Smith11 years ago
Immortal = You'd look like a giant ball sack within a year.

Ryan Monahan11 years ago
the power to get younger

Kody Polston11 years ago
fuuuuuck that

nerdybucket7 years ago
How about a de-aging power

IMustacheYouAQuestion9 years ago
Power to not be affected by this downside, along with many more powers.

Xxxbutton masterxxx8 years ago
West is right why?

SuperKirby6 years ago
All the powers. Every single possible power anyone can imagine.

lethal_vendetta8 years ago
The power to live forever.

DextersLaboratory4EVER16 months ago
Just have the power to not age

TopherWaln6 years ago
The power to make all of the bads on this site be invalid

QPG7199 years ago
I would be the face of boe within the week!

Natquestions7 years ago
Choose eternal youth

Catacaramel9 years ago
Use the right powers and you either get young again or just don't have to use it much! Maybe use it to make someone else who has this ability and have them do stuff for you. No need to worry about aging now.

Theguywhosaidno7 years ago
no downside

FatPif9 years ago
Havr the power to do anything, even become youngher

yolo3604208 years ago
It never said how fast we age if we use it

GreatAide9 years ago
Crap question

Bubbleberry3 years ago
The power to be asked any question again without the downside and then choose any power, listen this is coming from a 13 year old I am no genious

ImTheMango8 years ago
The power to age normally

damo9998 years ago
You might even age slower

ninjawarriorjosh5 years ago
Give other people powers

MIDAS8 years ago
Choose not to age

Da130mb2467 years ago
What if I chose immortality and invincibility to age then what would happen.

mturner6 years ago
If your immortal aging does not matter

TheMagicalKiwi8 years ago
The power to not age? Or to beccome any age that you want? And also the other powers that you wished for.

Zacattac7 years ago
create stuff with mind out of nothing then make anti aging cream/device/etc... downside negated and i can use my powers all I want.

Nightcrawler3459 years ago
You never said how fast we will age if we dont choose immortality

TheAsh8 years ago
The power of absurdly good luck, trumps any and all side effects. Turns out that your were going to live an ungodly time, and now you're only going to live exactly as long as would make you most happy

Deadlyvirtues8 years ago
So. The movie covenant

immortalpoet9 years ago
Then I choose the power to never age.
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