54703 (62%) 34094 (38%)
54703 (62%) people have pressed this button, while 34094 (38%) did not.
You become a world-famous composer, as prolific as Beethoven.
All of your songs are absolutely terrible, and you're the only one who notices.

Mrkun2 months ago

Yazo2 years ago
soooo Nickelback... if your the internet that is

fuzzybunny7 years ago
Well NO ONE ELSE notices! They think i"m good! LOOPHOLE (ok not really a loophole)

Trey KrazyGalaxy Nielsen11 years ago
so i'd be one direction

LLUB6 years ago
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PianoTiles2Channel20177 years ago
I'm a master of piano but if i get 8.5 points, Beethoven get 10 points

Ryan4108 years ago
Did Justin Bieber press the button?

All_the_good_names_were_taken6 years ago
No we all know he sucks. (Unless your a teenage girl)

ThatTacoDude8 years ago
So Justin Bieber then

PhoenixAshes8 years ago
OMG so true ok one time in art class my teacher put on one of his songs I yelled "KILL IT,KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!" I hit the table as hard as I could needless to say I got paint in my eye

TheOmega6 years ago

amaarshmellooo7 years ago
that is already me

Mr_Somebody7 years ago
I still couldn't listen others people"s music

Spenser McManamy11 years ago
well if i am the only one who notices its not like im forced to listen to my music

abcx7 years ago
Also thought so.

Anya McGee Stoehr11 years ago
Every musician I know hates the sound of their own voice, and honestly wonders why people like to listen to them. I know there are exceptions, but if you think your music is horrible, you'll just try to improve, which means you'll make better music. It'll...[Show full comment]

optimisticow3087 years ago

Julian Nunez11 years ago
So... Basically Skrillex?

Fedxftw7 years ago
Skrillex is good. Its different taste in music.

Mituna Captor11 years ago
so two upsides no effort put into it become famous

Fluttershy Guy11 years ago
Isn't that being an artist?

Richard Allen Lundberg11 years ago
If only one person think that they're terrible how are they terrible?

Patricia Davies11 years ago
baby baby baby oooooooooooooooohhhhh!

fuzzybunny7 years ago

Ky Colburn11 years ago
It should say "...but you're the only one who notices", not and.

Cakeilike8 years ago
I don't see a downside to this.

ScarlettRoseSparks7 years ago
If other people enjoy it, who cares if I don't

Ratee7 months ago
Why would i become world-famous if all my songs are bad?

Nominomicon7 months ago
Only you think they're bad. Everyone else is practically brainwashed to think they're good.

blinderbuster40009 years ago
rnGirl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grab...[Show full comment]

aderyderp728 years ago
just don't write music it never said you couldn't

Tmoney9 years ago
rnGirl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grab...[Show full comment]

Neemem4 years ago
Not forced to listen to my music

TigerGamer110 years ago
It's all about making others happy

BawkBakbak6 years ago
If only I notice, who cares!

Free Mr. Lucas8 years ago
rnGirl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grab...[Show full comment]

Clockwprk7 years ago

MaryAnne Ravenchild Emberlin11 years ago
So I will be the only one that knowing songs are terrivle

liad2209 years ago
who cares? everybody loves you songs

Aaradhy2 years ago
Abe chutiyo kya kar rahe ho jab song hi ache nhi honge to composer banke kya karo ge bye chutiyo

RedTheFox7 years ago
EZ cash?

MaddieT336 years ago
TYLER SWIFT HER SONGS ARE PURE SH** so thats fine with me

Singing_style8 years ago
No way i will become famous with real talent

Thinking9 years ago
Oh so the reverse of Justin Bieber

Dcmonkey8 years ago
Still a win win

DC_129 years ago
How you can be famous if your songs you compose is terrible?

MrTrollface6 months ago
i AM kidsbop.

Kalsdodil313 years ago
So are many paintings, yet they are sold for many million dollars.

PhoenixAshes8 years ago
From the way it says the downside it states that I'm the only one who notices how bad that are

Blaiz_9 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

smoloutboy8 years ago
Just don't listen to your own music. Duh

TheOutsideBox10 years ago
As long as I make money, I'm happy.

MishtiDoi6 years ago
I still make money because no one else thinks my work is terrible. Downside?

Roxyfox8 years ago
If I'm the only one that notifies that my music is horrible then everyone would love it and I would be famous as all balls

FirehawkLazerblade7 years ago
Sure, I'll be a millionaire

6BigLuke99 years ago
this isnt bad unless its the only songs i can hear which is why i made them

Pikachu_with_a_knife2 years ago
I"d be rich and I would just never listen to them

Toogayforlife9 years ago
This would be hilariously awesome
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