By pressing this button, you will gain the ability to shapeshift into anything you want
you will have forgotten everything that happened to you while in the form.
I will not

235x02 months ago
Version of myself without Inter-universe teleportation , Shape-shifting , Pearl manipulation , and Weak Telekinesis that is stronger on Pearls. first thing he does is make a pill that gives my normal form read data pearls then before he returns to his norm...[Show full comment]

BrolyFromGartenOfBanBan4 months ago
I will stay as Jumbo Josh and never forget but it does not clarify if returning to that form will 'temporarily' remind you (allowing you to have a new default form)

Frostinii 8 years ago
What is THE form. Is that just any form? Because then you would never change. You just wouldn't even know your power. I'm probably missing something, but this question horribly worded lol

Chiefcommanderanimeme7 years ago
Basically whenever you shape shift you have no memory until you change back. But LOOPHOLES. You can change into a former that still has all your past memories
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Babes8 years ago
Idc if I forget, I want to be a friggin alligator to kill all my enemies.

RGPZ6 years ago
But You Forget Who Your Enemies Are
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Mineblock50008 years ago
Better than nothing.

Migdin17 years ago
What is The Form? Is is a square? A shape? Food? What is it!! But aslong as i dont turn into The Form i will be okay

TheShapesAndTheBeats3 years ago
It’s what you want to turn into, which is what you turn into, which is the form, god fucking damnit
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Ray28G8 years ago
i could just only use this power when its important like saving a life

Danielisme1238 years ago
u should not press the button because u would forget every second of ur life because u would always be in the form of a human or any other animal

Zillyhau8 years ago
The way the dilemma is worded makes it seem like you would forget what had happened when you change back to normal.

NarutoFan1018 years ago
Might as well tbh. You can just live 'in the moment' whilst transformed

vert3437 years ago
The form? so my form class from highschool? fine i can forget that

TheDarkPants7 years ago
Dude you don't even have to use it izs better than nothing

Migsilver7 years ago
Not many downsides. You become a wolf, kill a bunch of ppl you hate and when your back to normal, you won t feel bad because you won t remember anything

woof8 years ago
everything tthat happened to me not what i did or thought

Lzke7 years ago
Assuming you mean that I forget everything after I transformed back, I'll just simply not turn back...

Cheshire shadow8 years ago
so i remember that i can become the shadow walker but not what i did?

PrinceEKC4 months ago
I could just write it down, if I still remember how to speak, read, etc.

leapfroggrr2 years ago
i have short term memory loss anyways, and what if i just stayed in the form forever? hell yea

Cc190217 years ago
There is no downside

RGPZ6 years ago
Boi Imma Killer Whale Now Come At Me

RumblyBiscuit667 years ago
I think in some cases i think forgetting would be a good thing

Lostfeather2378 years ago
Then just never leave that form!

TabWasTaken30 days ago
just strap a camera to you and record everything you did while shapeshifted, easy

yourfavouritebaguette6 years ago
what is "the form"? does it mean my school form?

ILovePenguins5 months ago
video on phone boom

TheOriginalKirito7 years ago
But if we forget while in "the form", whatever that form is, wouldn't we forget our power if we forgot EVERYTHING that happened in the form?

Steves_evil8 years ago
THe grammar is so bad nothing happens.

JacksonBurroughs7 years ago
I'm a goomy and I forgot how to turn back!

Press_it_lol3 years ago

gabrielcosta5236 years ago
So I"d shift into something that could easily make me steal stuff, steal stuff, drop it at my house and shift back to my shape, also I"d make a plan to follow while being another shape so I would know pretty much what I did after I shifted back

sammyo1314OConnell7 years ago

Pugsly the magician 8 years ago
Press the button might aswell you don't have to do it you just have the ability whenever you want

Alligator_Lover2 years ago
Alligator time

Greatcat7 years ago
I think it means that if you shape shift into, say, an alligator, when you changed back to human you would have no memory of being an alligator.

GalaticDoge6 years ago
So I would have an alter ego that doesn't know that I'm the main personality?

Mckenzei7 years ago
Cat life, here I come!

Andy28 years ago
Can i shape shift into a werewolf? i can go howling scaring the living shit out of everyone making them piss their pants and shit their pants.

x_Kakarot6 years ago
i would take the form of cheesecake

Cyanfall8 years ago
i would shapeshift into something that can remember things while im in the form

ILovePenguins5 months ago
penguin mode activated!!!

gman297 years ago
This isn't even my final form.

AspenMuku3 years ago
I become a dragon, chill out with people, then turn human and mystify everyone-

hwschimmel7 years ago
Turn into a woman. Sell my body. Next thing I know, I have a sore jaw and a lot of money, but no memory to explain it all. I see no downside.

JaydenEcker6 years ago
So does that mean to press the button

Nerf6 years ago
When I change I forgot so y don't I just change back to myself

dahmanner8 years ago
so brainwashed m8

PWJsmith4liberty7 years ago
Well... Sometimes, I don't want to know what I did in that form

SoulFire2 years ago
Even if I forgot my time while transformed, perhaps I could still use those memories to stimulate my creativity subconsciously. That"d be cool.

TheBulletMoBot6 years ago
Using the power of fuck you, I will not be affected by this downside. Fuck you

tomita7 years ago
why forgotten all your life for a ability

Sylveon4046 years ago
Let someone tell you what you did
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