32737 (34%) 62368 (66%)
32737 (34%) people have pressed this button, while 62368 (66%) did not.
You can have any computer (or build any computer) you wish, free of charge
You aren't allowed to control the software it runs or what it does, nor can you modify it in any way

235x03 months ago
Get me a computer with a edible CPU that gives you inter universe teleportation if you eat it. And the HDD contains a copy of a Inter Universe Teleportation Device (IUTD) that functions in this universe.

abcx8 years ago
It's still a free computer you can sell.

CBobbert8 years ago
you don't lose anything on this button! You gain very little, but you don't lose.

oldnotweak8 years ago
.................oh great............... you just made me create skynet.......... you bastards.

Firepaw9 years ago

Kyle Neil11 years ago
So basically a MAC?

nnnhhhgglast year
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah wtf
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I_dont_judge7 years ago
Loophole, get a pc worth a shit ton of money, sell it, and get a slightly cheaper one.

EverFreeGaming8 years ago
So its like a PC with a SHIT TON of Malware

Mike Walsh11 years ago
Well, it would serve no purpose for me; but since I could sell the blasted thing, eh, why not? pure profit!

Colbstein226 years ago
This has nothing to do with the question but, do people still say blasted?

matsa8 years ago

Serenity9 years ago
Free computer for somebody else I guess.

Richie Leo11 years ago
Microsoft's future business plan.

RobotBrobot8 years ago
Can't I just program the things? As a robot, I can do many things... â–¡ â–¡ â– â– â–

StoryShiftChara3 years ago
didnt say i couldnt have a cellphone...

Burasta10 years ago
What's the point of having a computer you can't control the software of...?

tehhypergamer9 years ago
Well try asking that to mechophilliacs (people who fall in love with/have a fettish for/fuck machines. Yes this is a real thing)

noobynoob677 years ago
I cant control it... I can still make my friend do it then :D SLAVE COME HERE!

Dah_dude5 years ago
I could get the biggest super computer that exists, take it appart and then sell the pieces at the Black market.

Matheus Eduardo3339 years ago
Hi Guys

Home Brand Cereal8 years ago
I just keep making new ones till i eventually get windows 7 a good firewall and some other useful stuff

Deadeye24869 years ago
Sell the computer for money

delliselled6 years ago
Very soon its gonna be raining moola, so get your bathtubs ready!

Jbrick9 years ago
already have the best compooter lel

Lymle9 years ago

ReMax7 years ago
So a Chinese bootleg Windows computer.

mr.whatface8 years ago
So I have a Bootle pc. FUCK.

Scrudgiegamer7 years ago
make the world"s most advanced computer, then sell it for $99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999...[Show full comment]

Scrudgiegamer7 years ago
$999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999...[Show full comment]

PhxGaming8 years ago
Why world

agreement-processing4 years ago
i"d just not really be able to use it.

chicken9 years ago
You can sell infinite computers amd earn infinite money, why so many people didnt press the button

Firepandalord176 years ago
Make them ,then sell the parts for a working computer

Squirtle dude 1527 years ago
Sell it

GDonor9 years ago
Tell someone else what you want them to do with it. Loophole

ZeusHaxer6 years ago
I have consoles, TV and phone. Get millions per month... worth it

Doflamingo8 years ago
Build the fastest computer that is charged by light, hydro electricity, wind, make it everything resistant and taser anyone who touches it without permission and etc.

puredarksoul7 years ago
all ready have a computer

petrucci158 years ago
thats not building yourself then is it.....whats the point

mememememememememememememememe2 years ago
just sell it online and don't tell people it"s useless

PallasAthena10 years ago
You can just sell it.

Bensezer9 years ago
Um.. build 1000 computers and sell them, and then be the richest

Perhaps4 years ago
So I can't use it?

Travis Steiner11 years ago
Then u can't have the computer tht u want. It contradicts itself.

NuclearSans7 years ago
Build and sell man. Build and sell...

delliselled6 years ago
Phew! I almost pressed no! Reading the comments before making a decision really helps.

TheMidnightBlade8 years ago
Then make hardware that does what you want...

Piratewaffle439 years ago
Sell super computer for millions.

spacecat658 years ago
HOW WOULD NOT WANT THAT you make it SOO advanced that you wouldn't need to modify it you could leave it how it is and when you make it yo ucan make a anti virus code ssooo whats wrong with it

GoldenApple9 years ago
*builds best gaming PC ever* *installed with mac and melwares* no

Cashmh247 years ago
Just sell it

Ionlydidthistocomment3 years ago
The software ain’t my problem

Elana Clare Smith11 years ago

Nettume7 years ago
Answer MY friend does it
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