32737 (34%) 62367 (66%)
32737 (34%) people have pressed this button, while 62367 (66%) did not.
You can have any computer (or build any computer) you wish, free of charge
You aren't allowed to control the software it runs or what it does, nor can you modify it in any way

235x03 months ago
Get me a computer with a edible CPU that gives you inter universe teleportation if you eat it. And the HDD contains a copy of a Inter Universe Teleportation Device (IUTD) that functions in this universe.

abcx8 years ago
It's still a free computer you can sell.

CBobbert8 years ago
you don't lose anything on this button! You gain very little, but you don't lose.

oldnotweak8 years ago
.................oh great............... you just made me create skynet.......... you bastards.

Firepaw9 years ago

Kyle Neil11 years ago
So basically a MAC?

nnnhhhgglast year
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah wtf
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I_dont_judge7 years ago
Loophole, get a pc worth a shit ton of money, sell it, and get a slightly cheaper one.

EverFreeGaming8 years ago
So its like a PC with a SHIT TON of Malware

Mike Walsh11 years ago
Well, it would serve no purpose for me; but since I could sell the blasted thing, eh, why not? pure profit!

Colbstein226 years ago
This has nothing to do with the question but, do people still say blasted?

matsa8 years ago

Serenity9 years ago
Free computer for somebody else I guess.

Richie Leo11 years ago
Microsoft's future business plan.

spacecat658 years ago
HOW WOULD NOT WANT THAT you make it SOO advanced that you wouldn't need to modify it you could leave it how it is and when you make it yo ucan make a anti virus code ssooo whats wrong with it

GoldenApple9 years ago
*builds best gaming PC ever* *installed with mac and melwares* no

Cashmh247 years ago
Just sell it

Ionlydidthistocomment3 years ago
The software ain’t my problem

Elana Clare Smith11 years ago

Nettume7 years ago
Answer MY friend does it

zakvejadzack8 years ago
This is MAC. Im never like MAC. Better get pc for gaming.

TheRadiantDehd7 years ago
Eh. It"s a free computer. If anything, I'll just take it apart and use its pieces to build a new computer

EricNøtRice6 years ago
Im gunna wish for a computer that can grant me wishes

Kimberly10FourtIsBackInAction9 years ago

DavitoSiechay6 years ago
Why not... Free computer!

oldnotweak8 years ago
so i can build a server for free and sell it for like a 200k dollars? WHERES THE DOWNSIDE??!!!

asda127 years ago

Fri3ndlyD3ath8 years ago
Build it and let someone else programs it

leapfroggrr2 years ago
texty hfjone

AwesomerThanYou10 years ago
Burasta i think it means you can't decide if it's windows 8 or MacOS something or whatever

RickNL9 years ago
you can just make your computer with the program alraidy on it

Darthvadersbestie4 years ago
You can get a nasa super computer then sell it to commies to buy the one you like

windymooncake7 years ago
If it"s "any computer you want" then couldn't you just set it up exactly as you want, and what counts a modifying? Is installing a game "modifying"?

Malmquist95546 years ago
Free cash

Lolwutbuttons9 years ago
Shit.I wish I thought of that.Im not smart :'(

Mkvii20058 years ago
Ill just build a 100 trillion Euros (i live in europe) Then just sell it why not PURE PROFIT

neko9 years ago
So practically you can only get a mac?

Sumorooster6 years ago
Why would anyone say no. You don't have to build it"s the ability enabling you to build one. I pushed the button cuz maybe I wanna sell them. And even if I don't I'll be able to build a computer by myself!

Thinky_wörmm3 years ago
Make some, sell them for 100$ cheaper, then just buy whatever one you want with the money you get

Thomas Clarke11 years ago
lets go with trial and error

Pattap1237 years ago
So I can become a computer salesmen since I can have/build them for free and then let the customers deal with the software.

Chief_Eagle8 years ago
get quantum computer sell make shit ton of profit and then buy 10k pc

useless to me, so sell it

tehhypergamer9 years ago
But then its useless especially what it does. You wont be able to do anything. Unless you have mechophilla and want a useless computer you cant use just so you can fuck it ._.

tehhypergamer9 years ago
Its a real thing, look it up.
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JopDKmeow76 years ago
So it’s a terminator?

Ozph9 years ago
So... I can't install games or even save a game because it involves creating/overwriting a file? Sounds pretty pointless.

VioletTheNerd6 years ago
Sell them.

CapnKayso 8238 years ago
Why did people not press the button? You Don't lose anything, so why not?

Arcaderis7 years ago
I can always sell these computers for money...

RipJaw5678 years ago
So wat I'm seeing is SELF THE DANGIT THIS FOR $100

T._Lost_is_a_good_boi10 months ago
You can’t control what it does, because the computer is free of charge. Literally. You’re stuck with a paperweight.

Nix10 years ago
You can have the best computer in the world, but you literally can't use it!
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