You can never, at any point, for any reason, die. You will exist for all time, and are essentially indestructible.
This ability is exclusively yours, and cannot be passed on to anyone else, nor gotten rid of in any way
I will not

Eliluigimario9 years ago

Hyltran3 years ago
The downside is that you eventually will spend an eternity in sub atomic space. And I think that would be pretty boring.
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POKEMANER_318 years ago
what about the other people who press the button?

Hyltran3 years ago
You would still end up alone in sub atomic space after the heat death of the universe. Because the powers would pull you all in different directions.
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BoiledSpuds4 years ago
Why is immortality an upside? It sucks and even if every body else is immortal you will still be wondering what happens after death or how the universe began. I'll pass

TheFriendlyGamer4 years ago
You"d become bored. Life would be pointless. Immortality is overrated.

I'llDieSomeDay8 years ago
I would protect people dying for, even though I can't die. I would try to stop war, think about how much good you could do. I don't care if I become depressed, people are more precious than me.

AndroidWalllast year
Cringe, I’d jump into a volcano
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Princessofgame8 years ago
I try to save people and make The World better. (sorry if I make any mistake in that, but I don't write and speak English very well)

grilledhedgehog111 months ago
i am glad to tell you did very good with the spelling
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Excalibur Sapphire8 years ago
No, I love my family and I would hate to live for trillions of years, and see the last Black hole in existence go out, after that I would just be floating through space, for all eternity.

Migdin17 years ago
There is no upside for you, but what about the world? You could make the world a better place, because you would be very famous because you cant die, so you could help the world alot. You could save someone dying, and if your family is in trouble, save the...[Show full comment]

Erwin3337 years ago
Have you ever seen wolverine?

jkmc12057 years ago
No upside if you think about it.

Migdin17 years ago
No upside for you, but what about the world? You could make the world a better place, because you would be very famous because you cant die, so you could help the world alot. You could save someone dying, and if your family is in trouble, save them. They w...[Show full comment]

MatthewCooper7 years ago
no downside

46and787 years ago
I AM NOW THE DOCTOR! !!!!!!!!!!

grilledhedgehog111 months ago
error 404 tardis not found

GalaticDoge6 years ago
I would just commit crime then.

OanaMunchkin7 years ago

Brent Maxwell11 years ago
So you're saying I could live a Doctor Who type lifestyle minus the TARDIS and sonic screwdriver. Awesome.

DestroyDecoy7 years ago
But when the world ends youd still be alive in the void also it says nothing about feeling pain for all we know we feel all pain we"d feel normally
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Mariofan11152 years ago
No thanks I’ll leave that problem to aqua

Cody Beahrs8 years ago
Time to change my name to jack harkness

DakotaWilloughby7 years ago
So I Would be the White Version of Luke Cage? I'm in

grilledhedgehog111 months ago
luke cage is not immortal just really durable and strong

brebeenz9 years ago
I'll just hang with Shadow the hedgehog. Problem solved.

Maqil8 years ago
*Grabs kill list again*

One-Sixty7 years ago
Think about it you'll see all of technology"s advancements and see how the universe wil

One-Sixty7 years ago
Will turn out

Quinton Rhoads11 years ago
id get puzzy till da universe ends doh eheheheheheh

Smart Maleki8 years ago
I Don't Want To Watch Family Members And Friends Dying Around Me, Plus... I Don't Want To Stay Longer Than I Already Have To In This Cruel World

SillySmackle8 years ago

I-might-press-the-button4 years ago
So...I'll die 999999999999999999999999999999999 times during the big bang cuz I can't die. XD

LPSWolfen21748 years ago
Why not rule the world?

the11thdoctor8 years ago
umm capt. jack harkness

Spamslayer9996 years ago
Easy loophole for everybody who hates on immortality spend years working on something like Ricks portal gun from Rick and Morty and boom you now have infinite universes to explore

grilledhedgehog111 months ago
with todays tech you physiccally cant

ThatGuy( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)9 years ago
I would spend my time learning of everything 0_0

geek7 years ago
Would you want to live long enough to be ripped apart by a universe-encompassing black hole? Not me.

Michael Dailey11 years ago
I will finally be able to do everything

Captainlongbow6 years ago
But anyone else who pressed the button would be with me, GO TEAM DOCTOR WHOS!!!!! Wait a second, do I get a Tardis, and a sonic screw driver and a psychic note pad

V3GETA9 years ago
*slowly presses button* Yeeesssss *puts on Deadpool mask* CHIMMICHANGAS FTW

rn_rn_rn8 years ago
rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn r...[Show full comment]

xtremechickenfarmer8 years ago
Why would you give it to someon

Herbert-Jefferson3 years ago
What"s the point of life if it doesn't end? What"s the point in life if you can't form any meaningful relationships? This is a hard pass for me.

Zyzz Shavershian8 years ago
This comment may be offensive. Press to show.

Timelypat7 years ago
The wording of the upside makes it sound like the downside.

emotionlessdeath10 years ago
hmmm. Take a shot every time you see a choice has immortality in it, take a double if they phrase it as a good thing...

Adam_bomb346 years ago
Behold your God

liongirl17aj9 years ago
btw ho do u change ur profile pic???

Yoshi Otis Williams11 years ago
the price of immortality is NEVER too high.

Farewell saskue8 years ago
Great I can play videogames for all eternity

ShitHappens8 years ago

Banzai276 years ago
Where is upside

Dark Matter9 years ago
fair deal

Super-Shark282 years ago
you can see how the world ends and starts

Scott8 years ago
*Presses button* *Takes note not to commit crime that ends with life in prison*

Snivuteam1237 years ago
I accidentally pressed I won't, oops...

grilledhedgehog111 months ago
that is a good thing

_squirt_9 years ago
I'll be hangin' with Magnus Bane and Tessa Gray man.

deadpool4lyfe8 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

SciArtHerp7 years ago
Aaannnndddd already pressed a button that"s way better than this. No.
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