13975 (27%) 37433 (73%)
13975 (27%) people have pressed this button, while 37433 (73%) did not.
You can travle back in time and change one of your most hated mistakes
You loose all you memories from your past

Rabidpuffin8 years ago
Win win situation

The_Chooser5 years ago
Look closely at the question. You forget why you went back permanently
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Heh7 years ago
What"s "travleing?" Is it interesting?

ThePaulDude4 years ago
Good point.
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DickerKoch7 years ago
so i will lose my traumatic memories and get back to be normal? AND fix my mistakes.

P77 years ago
Travle? DAFAQ?

corrking7 years ago
this is good...

shotfire76 years ago
Better go back in time to correct that spelling...

RGButton8 years ago
That would happen if you traveled back in time anyway

Duyanhkute156 years ago

BetrayedBeast277 years ago
I don't even look back at my past so win win

Gaemer_Gaeming2 years ago
i love travleing back in time and looseing memories

Scarletthalliday187 years ago
Either way it would change

xXsniperzXx7 years ago
My entire life is a mistake lol

-frisk-dreemurr-4 years ago
win win i forget trama!

Breadprick6 years ago
Noooo :( all my memories are now loose. They used to be so tight!

MrIous8 years ago
Is it loke only one time travel?

BiGB7 years ago
i have no memeories of nuthin any ways

Skippyje1238 years ago
What's the point ?

BOSS778 years ago
Well, you go back fix it so no one will know and you'll totally forget so it's all gone!

KITTEN9993 years ago
Wha- I cant- WUT

hardgore18 years ago
i already forgot what happened last week

AmazingSuperDan 8 years ago
Wouldn't change anything because if you went back in the past you already went back in the past in the past!

THERealTrueBoss8 years ago
That wouldnt work so if say every decision makes a different universe there are infinite universes The opposite of itself is itself negative. Correct? Therefore Infinity + a negative infinity = 0 That disproves the multiverse divergence theory.
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Mowper6 years ago
It’s ok since if my memories are loose, I can just tighten them up again, this time I'll use a knot.

Gaemer_Gaeming2 years ago
wouldnt you forget the mistake?

SanicTheHogHedge7 years ago
Never knew memories could be “loose”

Irmeli7 years ago
That"s freaking perfect! I could change one of my traumas and then just forget all the others :D

czv03114 years ago
very good I pressed the button.

Ilikefortnite6 years ago
I just write and draw them down all of my memories and then read them afterwards.

Mordor8 years ago
Hope you don't mind me hitchhiking.

franzeco3337 years ago
One second ago is my past. I will lose all my memory!? Then what"s the point?

Vaultboy1111018 years ago
First, the spelling is bad "travle" is supposed to be "travel" and "loose" is supposed to be "lose." Second, if you forget your memories, you won't remember that you went back in time so it is useless.

Nibbles99078 years ago
It would be cool to start over
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CFS3 years ago
Doesn't mean I can't replace those memories with better ones by going back.

EdeBoii7 years ago
I pressed

RaspberryRabbit6 years ago
I already have a memory problem so...

Bonkboy2 years ago
Oh no, I have to travle back in time and loose all my memories

Panifex7 years ago
I try to forget my past anyway

Innovative-Question7 years ago
1. What does travle mean?. 2. What is a "you memory"?.

Ickybade1134 years ago
What are YOU memories

Jkst8 years ago
I have a bad memory anyway

Lankie6 years ago
Travle lol :p

Mc PressMyButtons8 years ago

TheGreatWizpoo7 years ago
My mistake of liking food so god damn much.. ill just write a note and tell my parents to stop being lazy and cook instead of letting me eat what i wanted

ninjabot2 years ago
Me: goes to the past and kills hitler

Sansboy4 years ago
My past is boring

CheffZed6 years ago
That makes sence according to time travel laws and physics. #Moth Effect.

Jexica millwood8 years ago
My freand try to kill me :'( kill me crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrys

maksikinchik2 years ago
i wanted to do this... but i pressed no...

ThisIsMyPassword7 years ago

Bwheezie3 years ago
I"d fuckin forget about the powers.

RobertNicoll7 years ago
Now I Don't remember other mistakes!

RGPZ6 years ago
Omg there"s to Spelling mistakes lose and travel

Marshmallowy_Archangel6 years ago
I see no downside.
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