All of your pockets now lead to a different dimension, if you root around in it for about 7 seconds, you can pull out whatever you want (Provided it would fit the width of the pocket)
There is a carnivorous and indestructible inter dimensional creature living in the pocket-universe which desperately wants to eat your hand and gets close enough to bite you in 6.5 seconds
I will not

Mvttafvka9 years ago
Get a shock glove

BugTypeEevee7 years ago
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TheWaywardWobbuffet8 years ago
What happens when you just sit there with your hands in your pockets and forget about the monster?

NinjaDragonPusher9 years ago
*Gets death note* *kills monster* *gets other things*

pepepepe27 years ago
Indestructible, not unkillable
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Melzy8889 years ago
how big is this creature? carnivorous and indestructible it may be, but it could also be microscopic so you don't even feel it

Kulles8 years ago
Must be large enough to not fit out of your pocket
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gagedude898 years ago
what if you want to pull the monster out

BruhBroz4 years ago
*yeets the monster to area 51*
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☆Tinker☆8 years ago
*finishes last stitch and steps back and looks at giant pocket* ok! Time to find you! *rushes to pocket and pulls out dream boy* Yay!

lovey8268 years ago
It WANTS to eat your hand. Doesn't say that it can.

Ironthumbs4 years ago
Doesn't say it can't

the117doctor8 years ago
What if it"s a cute flying fishy type dude who feeds off of dead skin cells

Crusader21138 years ago
Mind controller. Get it to be peacful

The_coder018 years ago
Make a pile of hands for it to eat

Awesomemcgee9 years ago
If my hand is the God of the dimension, can't I get a fly swatter?

CollinBernardino8 years ago
Make my enemies reach in the pocket... Put it into their own pocket

Mai-chan8 years ago
I will sew together a large pair of pants with huge pockets, jump inside of it, and go to the Fairy Tail dimension.

Slipshod3017 years ago
Turns out its just a cute widdle puppy.

A strange person9 years ago
Didn't say how hard the bite

lofine8 years ago

Squeaky8 years ago
it could be the size of an ant tho? fuck it! hell yea!

Your-Face-is-Enforip7 years ago
Bullet ant?

thanatopsis8 years ago
Seems fun

Mai-chan8 years ago
Challenge accepted.

InsignificantMuffin8 years ago
Can I send my hand to a dimension where there"s a smol thing that'll let me travel anywhere? Because that would be freaking worth getting bit by a monster.

RiverRainWing8 years ago
Huge pockets... spike gloves.... HECK YEAH

jakesgotgames8 years ago
Good thing I"ve got really, really big pockets

AverageDude8 years ago
MEME 100 likes and I will and I will kiss my crush I will do a video channel ( Madjag )

CianCian8 years ago
so wat claw hand is replaceable if the original is eatten so keep going until it happens when it does get over it your now a pirate

Poonut8 years ago
Use a graby claw

DATBOI698 years ago
get a fucking gun dumbass

Coaster8 years ago
*at weapon store* I'll buy this gun please. *repeaditly shoots into pocket* There, now let me get you the money I owe you...
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ethan79664597 years ago
A. Just use a metal claw

Hamistagan8 years ago
I actually love spiders and have always wanted to try eating cooked insects. Meh

Underfell Papyrus 9 years ago

Potate_kun7 years ago
*creates giant pocket crawls inside and slays beast then enjoys life*

ILovePenguinslast year
good thing for guns

Pub7 years ago
Put in one hand, root around, put in the other hand, pull the other out, the switch should give you wnough time to get the hands out unbitten.

Draco-Flamewing7 years ago
Tame it, then you wouldn't worry about a missing hand.

Your-Face-is-Enforip7 years ago
Pokemon & Yu-gi-oh become reality? SWEET!!! B)

Frosterboi34 years ago
I already did this one

DFDragonFire7 years ago
It didn't specify what kind of monster except a carnivorous, indistructible, inter dimensional creature. Technically, we are too.

HenryWheeler7 years ago
Put your enemies hands in the pocket. Bingo!

ihaveaway9 years ago
*pulls out gun* kewl! *shoots thing* DED!

MovieFree.com11 months ago
Can i eat it???

Hargl3_Bargl37 years ago
Get a pistol

MrBlooCreeper7 years ago
pull your hand out

Panifex7 years ago
Use heavy-duty gloves

Impredictable4 years ago
*stuffs in bone* here doggy doggy

Soot7 years ago
Idk which one to choose

AceRiderYt7 years ago
Take it out of the pocket universe and give it to the government so they can take care of it, the way you get it out? A vacuum with a camera at the end so u only suck up the creature

235x010 months ago
Chainmail glove and bait. first thing i would get is a pill that when eaten gives the consumer abnormally strong and durable skin. Second thing i would get is a pill that when eaten gives the consumer inter universe teleportation.

WriteShootEdit9 years ago
Well that makes no sense because then I would get fucking bitten before pulling out something useful or whatever I wanted. Maybe I grab a bombproof glove and a bomb and blow the sonofabitch up and then get what I want after

Kulles8 years ago

GangsternauwL8 years ago

WhiteLotusGod7 years ago
Just give me the death note and I’m good

XxBannaGirlxXWillNotPressTheButton7 years ago
Grab it before 6.5 seconds XD there"s always another time
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