67722 (78%) 18790 (22%)
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You loose the fault you hate most about yourself
No one notices

BlueBlade6668 years ago
my fault is i have no superpowers

SSJB_Ace3 years ago
Why are we talking about cookies???
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mr.whatface8 years ago
I have no social life. Boom. Social life gained, no-one notices a change, they think I always had these friends. Suuck those nuuuts

idiot_999999999999999999999999999999999999999999993 years ago
*me* WOOHOO I DONT SHIT MY PANTS ANYMORE! *my friend* yes you do.

kamila_25718 years ago
*Slams button*

tacobell158 years ago

Drain7 years ago
No one would notice because it"s a feeling that I hate about myself........IT"S CALLED HAPPINESS

FurryDouchebag7 years ago
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Hereuall27 years ago
I hate that I’m not exactly like rick c137

Biohazard_WYPTB7 years ago
what if other people liked that fault?

Simran Dusanjh11 years ago
It'd make me feel better about myself though

RafaelIscool6 years ago
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Hereuall27 years ago
In every way

FurryDouchebag7 years ago
My fault is my damn depression so without that, i can actually be happy.

PigGamer7 years ago
Nobody notices I have everey superpower but immortality Under Cover superhero

Jummy7 years ago
So I don't have crippling social awkwardness and everyone thinks I just always know what to say? yea boi

OsisiZZ7 years ago
This doesnt have a downside, other people"s opinions don't change, but you are a better person

_Fredder_8 years ago
There is literally no downside... you"re better off than before... people are stupid.

Bella241318 years ago
That might be good cuz if i know that im friends with undertale monsters or toby fox no one will know.

RainaLovesStampy8 years ago
YES! No more forgetfulness and/or insomnia!!! SCORE

rockface8 years ago
I could finally be free of my chesticles

Trey Cooper11 years ago
I have autism, ADHD and double vision... This would be amazing

Mrusername2 years ago
How do you live with autism ADHD and double vision???
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littike9 years ago
no frinends

Wolf1237 years ago
I dont see why not.

Anonymously judging8 years ago
Surprise people pleasantly

Brian_Jones7 years ago
At least it would boost my self confidence

Janethesupirior3 years ago
Fuck yes. No more dysphoria

Lelsanic9 years ago
BryciclernWillYouPressTheButton?.comrnI will not!rnBe a viking but Never be able to go on raidsrnrnSharernrnCommentsrnrnYour commentrnrnPost commentrnrnseiberternI am from Minnesota we have come for your womenrnrnElementInsanityrnGirl: am I pretty? Boy: no...[Show full comment]

firewaffle8 years ago
win win

Coolbutcruelnickdoop6 years ago
Idc meany I don't care about it

Kiko Avin 9 years ago
most hated fault my self-loathing no one knows I hate myself anyway im really good at hiding my depression

Ahto7 years ago
The fault I hate most about myself is an incurable autoimmune disorder.

Cody Mayo11 years ago
I'd lose my nearsightedness. I'd still wear my glasses, though.

BRUHBOY8 years ago
Well other people tell I'm annoying so what's the upside in not annoying to myself

MetalHeadEnda9 years ago
Fuck yeah

Ducky9308 years ago

lookingood9 years ago
I don't care!!

Spoopy-Scary-Skeleton7 years ago
My fault is everything. I'm okay with no one noticing.

Noaple5 years ago
I hate that i"m not the most beautiful person on earth

WhoTheHellAmI?9 years ago
So no one notices if I lose my face...

Randomguynuberwhoevencares7 years ago
What, no-one"s going to notice my absolute f*cking laziness going away?

George2226 years ago
I could just tell them.

Bryan Rowland11 years ago
yay i'm not a pathetic loser (A.K.A. i have confidence)

Jummy8 years ago

Random Girl Named Cat8 years ago
It'd be impossible for no one to notice, I think they'd notice if I were no longer a clingy, possessive bitch.

Merry21558 years ago
i would feel better

Im not Jesus9 years ago
Well,im not no one.

DoubleDP7 years ago

Caribou2 years ago
It seems to me the asker may have a fault something like vanity?

Tewbahk9 years ago
Hey guys, if you can visit http://WillYouPressTheButton.com/166567 then thanks :)

Realesk7 years ago
But how can no one notice?

CRAFTBHOY248 years ago

ChoiceMaster1017 years ago
If you don't meet someone before you make the change, when you do meet them, they won't notice and they'll probably think it"s awesome. The negative didn't say anything about recieving admiration from people you meet after

JoshuaRyanG8 years ago
what if I'm poor and I'm ADHD

jens10006 years ago
Thats no downside
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