53518 (61%) 33703 (39%)
53518 (61%) people have pressed this button, while 33703 (39%) did not.
Everything you ever wanted in life will come true for you.
You must give up the internet and the cell phone.

Maharid8 months ago
The downside won't be a problem whit what i want.

supernikio28 years ago
Solution: use smart phones instead of cell phones and "better internet" instead of "internet".

GD_Delta6 years ago
Its still the internet. And all phones are the same no matter what.

Porterhaslam8 years ago
Simply call the internet Wi-Fi and cell phones social media devices and then no problem

that1person7 years ago
One thing I want in life is for there not to be a downside. Loophole!

FabulousButtNugget8 years ago
Easy I will just invent something that is the same thing as the internet and just rename it! Loopholes man

TheMidnightMoon8 years ago
Who needs internet when you have The Doctor and The Tardis? Not me! (And maybe some other whovians)

moon677 years ago

MagicRainbow Kitties8 years ago
What if I want faster internet and a better cell phone?

ItsYaBoi42376 years ago
Who needs internet when mayonnaise is an instrument.

Jess Hallowell11 years ago
what if I wanted free amazing internet?

skibidyboop3 years ago
A paradox happens and the universe implodes.
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TheMidnightMoon8 years ago
Who needs internet when you have the Doctor and the Tardis? Not me!

PotatoLord4208 years ago
Everything I Ever Whanted Is To Own The Web So Fuck You Question!

Bancreas8 years ago
You can wish to own the web Problem solved.

Demigodmalfoy6 years ago
No!!!!! The cell phone!!!!!!!

Look4thestars6 years ago
And the cell phone? Oh dear, how can I ever live away from the payphone 20 streets over?

zekielw7 years ago
Nope can't give you internet

ArcticKaoss7 years ago
I could live with no phone but internet people yallcbe killing these once great questions

Icode17 years ago
ill give up my phone and computer for magic powers

voidstryker7 years ago
I can fuck any one and we get the interweb

Owain4528 years ago
I'll rename to of my shirts to "the internet" and "the cell phone" and give them up.

ThatGuyOnTheStreet8 years ago
I love how no one cares about the Cell phone, I also don't, i'm gonna use a Smartphone

Awesometigerstar248 years ago
I don't tend to use the internet that much , so it won't have a big impact on my life.

SBURBIAN8 years ago
What if I just wished for the internet again BAM PROBLEM SOLVED

Hoi! Im Tem!8 years ago
Wat if I wish 4 my phone to always be the newest version? Then I'll always have a phone.

NathanKnows8 years ago
Rename Internet and cell phone

Dimonds9 years ago
Can't live without games! So its not like I like the option

Jack Snedegar11 years ago
Who needs the internet when you can be tony stark?

Titan_Lover2398 years ago
wow, you guys do realize it says it will come true? Just get outta her you steriotypests
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Jean Carminatti11 years ago
Who needs internet when we can have dragons and magic?

Connor Bogunovic11 years ago
I'm the next Elvis and people love Rock and Roll again forever? it's worth it

Tara Young11 years ago
I was around before there was internet and cell phones, and I remember what it was like. Not so bad. I'll take it.

KoolGamer30006 years ago
It never said the IPad And Computer And PS3/PS4

SPACEJUMPER 90009 years ago
I could just get my internet and phone back

Natquestions7 years ago
Who needs internet when you can have anything you want?

UncopyrightTNT10 years ago
Well, now to see, from a third person view, all of human history with a Cyndaquil

OH_HALLO_THERE4 years ago

scheuerman8 years ago
Okay, so I just want a cell and net

Michael Bubba Thorbjornsen11 years ago

plinkyplon8 years ago
I want free internet

Firez7 years ago
Everything I want? Okay, I want internet and a Samsung galaxy s8 and trump dead, also possibly to breathe but maybe not

FunArtist10097 years ago
I am with you with the trump thing.

Arya Stark9 years ago
But how will I share this amazing things?

USGC6 years ago
I want internet

Mehtaab8 years ago
U did not tell that I could not buy a new phone or buy new internet service XD

CampHalf-BloodForLife7 years ago
If my everything I wanted came to reality I wouldn't even be able to use technology!!!! It attracts monsters!!!!!! Peace peeps

JasperChan1699 years ago
I can live if since I would marry Markiplier and the hottest character from my fav tv show so HELL YEAH!

NSCCYT3 months ago
What if want I want in life are a cellphone and Internet? Sounds like a bit of a paradox

Dilan8 years ago
1. Want to do the impossible 2. Erase the downside 3. Profit

Jamie Cutter11 years ago
Cause then you can want a phone and internet

SlimeustasTheSlimeKing7 years ago
Simply want to be an all powerful god then undo the downside

enderslenderz9 years ago
I want internet. #Theonlyway

gg27223 years ago
i see no dowm

WolficOverlord6 years ago
worth it

Wolfy88 Just8 years ago
pressed the button. Wolfy's opinion: If I have a dog, I wouldn't be spending so much time with Internet, so its okay if I mustn't use Internet.
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