You can become a super powered god-like any time you want.
The source of your power is the life energy of nearby people.
I will not

235x04 months ago
never said it kills them

duckbutt8 years ago
i will just create emotionless beings to be alway by my side, then normal humans wont die... yet >:D

Kelvingtsfan2 years ago
you know I'm somewhat of a near by person myself
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lavabob20007 years ago
doesnt say it uses their life energy up, like when u see light it isnt used up

Baughg17 years ago
Creat immortal people to follow u around by using Donald trump, hilary clinton, putin and justin beiber lol #loopholes

frigomanu6 years ago
Well, I don't find life energy a very scientific term neither anything real. Is like if the source of your power were unicorn blood or goblins nails

QuestionDoge8 years ago
Ill go to a field somewhere or you know I'll go to NYC hahahahaaahahhahahaha >:D

MDarkKing16546 years ago
This is perfect

Justawesome20058 years ago
Well I can just be like... (beside a jail)now bow to me!XD

Kelvingtsfan2 years ago
@pain is right they"re already being punished
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LightGuardian668 years ago
Those of you who pressed it you are very selfish

jessicatmeow8 years ago
I dot want anyone too die. Theres so much death everywhere

Claire Elizabeth Brooks11 years ago
this is a surprisingly good book idea.

MyVillainAcademia3 years ago
That"s basically the entire plot of the anime Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Classic, masterpiece btw
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Morgan Geddes11 years ago
Easy, I'll just go around people I hate or just go visit a jail and do it

dedirake3 years ago
Ya.. they rob and they do it nicely
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Lyon Scott11 years ago
its like Evil Cole from inFamous.

João Paulo11 years ago
If i'm a god-like, i can make them live again...

KrakovHjrta7 years ago
You use Their lifeforce over and over 👨 --> 😀 --> 👨 --> 😀 So whats the point of Saving them. If You use the power for something else. you will take the lifeforce

Szymon Wojcik11 years ago
If your next to Oprah Winfrey you'll be fine

David tennant8 years ago
Her or a leprechaun

Smoky6889 years ago
Doesn't necessarily mean they'll die.

painslut8 years ago
I don't have to use it tho

Kamdiria Lathan11 years ago
I would turn into akuma anyways. So their lives would mean nothing to me

Maddox12276 years ago
Anyone who said yes you are horrible if I had pressed the button I would suck your life force Of your body

KneeSlapper8 years ago
Get away from everyone as soon as you use it

BaconSonicGamer13 months ago

bravocado8 years ago
yous your god powers to give them life well there life is taken!

JaydenDhaliwal6 years ago
yeah thats easy

Penetretus9 years ago
that means like Satan in real world without enough energy

thelocalcannon8 years ago
create an army with excess life and have them invincible and very lightweight then turn them into gems to power me up, its like Celestia from MLP

NightOwl9 years ago
Stay close to people you don't like

Psyferno9 years ago
Hajahaha Devil isvpart timer!

Lonely Pizza 8 years ago
I can i dont have to

you10 years ago
stand near people i hate

BR-storming2 years ago
If I give them life energy then I have infinite power, press the button

Boss Ayse8 years ago
Yeah sure and all the humans in the hospital would die just because i wanna show my freaking power!!! :/

brendo25059 years ago
Philosipher stone for Fullmetal Alchemist

Zekecraft8 years ago
I would live by people I hate, win win

Taco Flocka Flame11 years ago
use your god like powers to find a different energy source

illuminatiunconfirmed5 years ago
A small price to pay for salvation

BawbRaws7 years ago
I"d keep creating mindless people and keep them close to me. They'll basically be moving dolls. I"l use the unlimited power to help real people and be a god and all.

mark slap u *90008 years ago
If i'm a god then I can change my power source would be all the stars🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

P4bl0Que6 years ago
I'm gonna need a cool name. Someone think of one for me plz?

xlittle9 years ago
how much power from one person?

Panifex7 years ago
A super powered god-like what?

Eldude9 years ago
Ayy lmao

Ruby_Slippers9 years ago

nameishard6 months ago

ninjadager8 years ago
Fucking goku

AH PERSON8 years ago
Just take someone with me

dizzle mizzle10 years ago
i'd be swole af

greaterfiend3 years ago
Just says use life energy, so let them reat in between using your powers.

Ka gaming8 years ago
Ill just stand next to people who are dickheads

pedophile277 years ago
Immortality for you Immortality for them Immortality for everyone!

lantu9 years ago
No especifico si eran mis familiares, asi que puedo tomar la energia de vida de personas malas, me iria a una prision y a los peores criminales les quitaria la vida, porque escorias asi no deben existir :D
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