There is no slavery on Earth
You drop every sandwich you make
I will not

Joseph_Andreis2 months ago
My sandwich!☹

RMJ5 months ago

KillYourseIf4 months ago
can I have my slaves make it for me instead?

Darian183 months ago
There's no slavery on earth tho

Kitt_the_Cattlast month
Bbut I love my sandwiches 🥪😔

TheRealGlacadia4 months ago
And the downside is? Like, seriously just ask someone else to make the sandwich

Bob123575 months ago
Hey at least white people in the Middle East with Muslim owners get freed

Steve_Jobs25 days ago
I don't eat sandwiches.

GarrickDD4 months ago
1. I make a sandwich. 2. I drop it. 3. It drops onto a table. 4. I pick up the sandwich (Off the table) and eat it.

Mastergames2 months ago
There are barely any slaves the only thing close is child labour

Chris___J5 months ago
Lose lose situation

The_courier24 days ago
I need my sandwiches.

therealmunchkin14 months ago
MMm.... sorry.... but i REALLY like sanwich >.<

KOGDavidJohnlast month
Just don't make sandwiches

MaxGoldein5 months ago
I don't need to make my sandwiches, subway my beloved

Yumekun12 days ago
Just don't eat sandwiches lol

AlmondKatKitlast month
It's fine just ask someone else for a sandwich

CaptainDemozan4 months ago
I'll just ask for sandwiches instead, and make something else in return.

Yabi2 days ago
The cost is great, I'm going to have to think on this for a while...

BakedBacon3 months ago
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