21859 (44%) 27587 (56%)
21859 (44%) people have pressed this button, while 27587 (56%) did not.
You get your own free private jet and a life time's supply of jet fuel, in-flight snacks, drinks, in-flight movies, and busty Flight attendants.
Your private jet will one day be used in a massive terrorist attack. You do not know which day that will be.

Diastatic Power8 years ago
Do I get it back when they're done?

Taker_of_Hells10 months ago
You asking the big questions
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Sane in Insane Asylum8 years ago
Plot twist, disassemble the wings and engines of the jet whenever it's not in use.

lol3313 years ago
disassemble the whole jet
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Taker_of_Hells3 years ago
So no downsides

_Fredder_8 years ago
It will be used against the terrorists...

AwesomeBro4047 years ago
And even better, you could use it.

High on Potassium8 years ago
I will sell said jet to buy myself a mega yacht, problem solved.

NotTheProtagonistlast year
“BREAKING: private jet sold to terrorists for yacht; jet later used in destroying <important structure>”

dankmemes1017 years ago
Bitch, I AM a busty flight attendant.

ThePaulDude6 years ago
Want to join the mile high club?

AidenRees6 years ago
I would be dead when my private is used in a massive terrorist attack

AidenRees6 years ago
pravate jet*

Bountyhunter32336 years ago
In a massive terrorist attack trying to stop the terrorists...Loophole achived

Elektrik-man1437 years ago
So i get a free jet and get to do the next 911 where is the downside

DragonEXE6 years ago
Fucks wrong with you

The1KINGpig7 years ago
No need for school bus anymore

Ryanhammond7 years ago
What if I become the terrorist

Howday2 years ago
Or hire the terrorists.

Hooman7 years ago
I could just sell it and buy another one And keep all the extra stuff

Winter647 years ago
what year is it for this button? im guessing 2001

ras218 years ago
I already pressed a button that said i could see into the future so LOOPHOLE

lol3313 years ago
its gonna be used in 8752 for me

The_old_hag8 years ago
Bus type flight attendants, I like the sound of that

MGThanatos6 years ago
Ill take the jet but I gotta get rid of the flight attendents and get new ones.... I have a feeling my (very) busty gf wouldnt like me going on that plane with these.... Instead Ill just take her with me Ayyy

TheMultimention7 years ago
As long as I get the jet back I'm good

99cake8 years ago
Used in a massive terrorist attack? Kill Donald Trump with a missle on it. Terrorist attack done.

creepercrew238 years ago

JMRPBLEL5 years ago
As long as they pay me yes oh and why dont there be a password or fac recog or hand rec9g or whatevs

BlackCatCZ7 years ago
Hello are you my new pilot? No I am terrorist. Oh ok

TheAnalyst997 years ago
Always pack heat.

tsundereking8 years ago
If the attends have sex with me sure

Smokincrow4567 months ago
Does that mean i only became ugly just once...every time i redo my life i will redo from my that face yk

OpticalOllusion7 years ago
But I barely even have any terror attacks where I live

Lonewolf35157 years ago
I couldn't do it. There is no telling what terror entails if I press that button. Also, it won't be fair to the busty flight attendants if they are aboard during it.

Chronus Lord Of Shadows8 years ago
I'll live on my jet, and kill my ex-president with terrorist I contrat myself while pretending to be kidnapped

Creeperkiller20006 years ago
What if I crash it into the ground?

The_Darkstar7 years ago
Just disable it when it"s not in use..

Fastsnake508 years ago
Uh fly away

I_LIKE_TRAINS_892 years ago
What of you are the terroristi? 🤔

super person8 years ago
If it is my private jet then wouldn't only the people I allow to know about know about it.

Oldiron_793 years ago
Assuming you aren't using it constantly the odds are fairly low on any particular day.

crazykilller7 years ago
Personally I"d just sell the jet and jet fuel and make off with the money the property tax on that shit isn't worth keeping. (that and I'm no longer associated with it once its used)

mariothedog6 years ago
I can always sell the parts.

Fireborn27 years ago
Sell the fuel, then dissmantle parts and sell to separate people

googlyeye598 years ago
We'd better

mntp19077 months ago
Sell the jet, buy a new one. Or just sell the fuel after you sell the jet, because you have unlimited supply of it. Profit.

TeamAwesomeness3 years ago
I"d rather have a flying fortress like the varidorin

Aloox7 years ago
How about don't use it? Just go on board for the snacks then get off.

Whydoesthisapphavesomanytakennames6 years ago
How do you know I won't be the one flying it?

Taker_of_Hells10 months ago
Do I get it back after the attack

alanalot7 years ago
Jokes on you I would be the one carrying out the terrorist attackso from my plane that never has to land

buttonpusher2001 8 years ago
I would always die with luxury than die because of a stupid decision causing me to die

Mendesgirl1013 years ago
I"d press the button if it was muscled hot male flight attendants instead of busty flight attendants 🤷‍♀️😂

Theguywholovestits6 years ago
But its a private jet

DottySpot7 years ago
I'ma live on there and when the terrorists come, I can cut them with my katana!!!!

Loldude3626 years ago
Just sell the plane and buy a limo of some sort

NodoBird8 years ago
It wouldn't be a private jet then, would it?

realnice3 months ago
If it's used in a terrorist attack, it's not like it's my fault. Also, the life-time supply of food and water will help fix world hunger.

Fermdog8 years ago
Bring weapons
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