You would have unlimited supply of cookies
Your bruises and wounds would never disappear
I will not

daabat58 years ago
I love smell of diabetes in the morning

Loophole man8 years ago
9/11 was also a serious thing and now look. Making jokes/dank memes help ease the pain.
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geekygirl2288 years ago
you'll get sick of cookies AND die early from all the sugar

snowman24last year
seys you
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dannyade36 years ago
Fat with a lot of bruises no upside unless you sell the cookies

oceanwaterpug274 years ago
That"s the point, free money from cookie sell

Jacksepticeyefan 8 years ago
U would look like a badass

Emglo9 months ago
my thoughts exactly
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FaZeHarambe7 years ago
I would love to have a scar on my face forever I would be a bad ass and I would have cookies

AmazingDragons6 years ago
Sell da cookies and make money

KeemstarTrolls6 years ago
Diabetes here I come!

ShinyNox8 years ago
I pressed o the button with infinity money before.I pay some guys to build a super suit. I would throw cookies at so many people's that I don't like.

HumanRepresentative696 years ago
yo how bad-ass would I look when im all black, red, and scarry?

lifehacker4206 years ago
Can your bruises and cuts get smaller? Like 0.00000001 millimeters wide? They"re still there, so...FREE COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tour Xiu Rose11 years ago
Psh, cookies will rid them.

lofine7 years ago
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Clayton A. Usher11 years ago
Cookies and looking like i just won the biggest fight ever!...I THINK YES!

Constanza Margot Ibacache Recabarren11 years ago
Bring it on bitch.

Alanna Elric11 years ago
I could say I was on the front line of war.

Kurt Gifkins11 years ago
WHO CARES COOKIES, (also i can sell them and make 1 million dollars)

Linda Rose French11 years ago

potfrnk8 years ago
I don't like cookies that much anyway.

marmitedude15 years ago
Cookies are awesome

_fangirl_trash_7 years ago
Or have the ability to shapeshift into other creatures and have the same outcome but a cooler power.

_fangirl_trash_7 years ago
Junkmail Go fuck yourself.

Nikitaw998 years ago

undead 1189 years ago
After cut once you bleed to death

Hamster7 years ago
Diabetes and always feeling pain... Where"s the upside?

HotTea04 years ago
So, I will die from blood loss I guess

jeckn7 years ago
Then I would be black from head to toe

Eat A Boob8 years ago
I'm not a big fan of cookies anyways

Indiana5768 years ago
Depends with type of cookies... actually no I don't need infinite cookies.

EmeraldHead9 years ago
Cover the wounds up with cookies

Panifex6 years ago
Sell the cookies! Not all of them, but some of them

jordy.song10 years ago
i see no problem here.

MegaDoge6 years ago
But if bannanas don't work,I"d have millions of injuries!

CoolCuPkake8 years ago
Cookies will heal mine 🍪

KamranLukacsi7 years ago
We now we know who stole the cookies in the cookie jar all the people who pressed the button

OtakuTaco8 years ago
Yum, cookies.

Chathy12343 years ago
You never said sickness

BonesTameWolves8 years ago
I'll just buy cookies! NO MATTER HOW BROKE I AM!!!

Cheshirekitten5485 years ago
All my wounds scar anyway.

50dimensions7 years ago
i dont want cookies, PANCAKES IT IS THE- no

Aaxx8 years ago
just wrap yourself in bubble wrap for all of eternity.

CapnKayso 8238 years ago
Yes. Just yes.

Mollywolly9 years ago
S. italy battle scars! chicks dig it *winks seductively* Me: Yes. They tell a story.

XxDiamondxX8 years ago
Think befor you post things, people.

Oliviakemp10 years ago
Challenge accepted

Clifford 278 years ago

PaperMarioTheOrigamiKingFtOlivia4 years ago

ZiadElnawawy7 years ago
My bruises already doesn't disappear so win win

TheBulletMoBot6 years ago
oh so that explains why cookie monster is blue

Somerandomwizard8 years ago
Why would I want cooking suppli- oh cookies! Oops, too late

nolovoto8 years ago
Diabetes wouldn't disappear either.

CoolCuPkake8 years ago
Find the 1 and u will get kissed tomorrow 395659949394949504930459850495959602589569954368096543347908753224689974337890532568997433690975325890964335780076433bifvjjdjk$*9%?'lsndidbskdhfjjdhv*"$)%"%)%?!?)?hhfjhfhdjsh#):Sdbjsbshdbchhxjdj:-Ssjkja1)%(&?&):?$...[Show full comment]

TheSmoshBroOfGallifrey9 years ago
I really dont see the bad side in this one......

peace6 years ago
be a hermit
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