58049 (66%) 30081 (34%)
58049 (66%) people have pressed this button, while 30081 (34%) did not.
Endless banknotes in your wallet.
Never in the currency of the country you are in.

Ironmaster5317 years ago
Live in Canada. Get American. American dollar has more value than the Canadian dollar. Convert cash. Get more cash. ??? Profit.

RunYouCleverBoy7 years ago
Plothole - don't use a wallet!!

blobs948 years ago
Writer didn't think that through I can just hop to the nearest currency exchange :I

Anonymgord8 years ago
No country uses bitcoin as its own currency...

stayAdragon7 years ago
Loophole Loophole: There are no Bitcoin banknotes

Beth Stephens11 years ago
off to the currency exchange I go :P

oceanwaterpug275 years ago
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Poppy Pika8 years ago
I can go to Japan with endless banknotes of ¥! Sounds good XD

DenaNagy7 years ago
"Never in the country you are in." Meaning, if you went to Japan, the yen would change to a different currency. :/
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Da_Lero7 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow you will be kissed 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555552 II Coun...[Show full comment]

DatBoi216 years ago
Flagged for spam

Sampat7 years ago
Guys, if you were thinking, " oh I will just go to the country where this currency is based on, " it says, " never in the currency of the country YOU ARE IN."

Rowan Knox Langford11 years ago
you can just change the currency

Dyanna Stegner11 years ago
take it out of your pocket and go visit that country with the tons of money you acquired! SEE THE WORLD!

Ben Harvey11 years ago
Now to go to Sweden (The best place ever)

SpeedDman7777 years ago
Nah bruh sweden is trash now
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Cio.16128 years ago
Hectic here to view the locations of the most important thing is that the new year to you, I have a look at the moment, but I. ☺I love auto correction☺

Jordiotto9 years ago
Take them out of your fucking wallet

doomguy646 years ago
then I just get a lot of pound notes, convert, and walk away feeling richer.

Jax Ryder11 years ago
Ebay anyone?

~Wave~length~9 years ago
Quickly! To the exchange market place thing!

Da_Lero7 years ago
infinite money

Giga_CMG YT8 years ago
currency exchange anyone???

bakedeath7 years ago
Exchange Time

TheDiamondGear8 years ago
Not really a downside here.

Mailcs063 years ago
Nah I can’t ruin the economy like this!

TheGreatPotatoLord9 years ago
if the bill I had costed 100$ for 1 in their country, I have unlimited so I could get how much I need

Jay Bomb Gaming8 years ago
then whats the pont wen you go to country you wont get the profit because wen you get thare the money will tern in to a nuthe countrys money

OUTSMARTER6 years ago
Money changer!!!

YouDontKnowMe8 years ago
currency exchange DUH

TheMemer8 years ago
exchange it for the currency of your country. no downside

theAzone9 years ago
V Yeah, I know right, WE can just currency exhange xD.

Etsimaresei8 years ago
Change country?

Lyncher982 years ago
Time to destroy the economy

WheatleyWheaties9 years ago
So many loopholes

zonikil5467 years ago

nlashay168 years ago
So, I take it to the currency exchange, or travel to wherever the currency is accepted

MrXhantos4 years ago
lol since i am not american that means i can get dollars

XyaBunny10 years ago
You could just buy stuff online

Ray28G8 years ago
No downside at all

MisteriousHoodedFigure6 years ago
I'll make it really old ones and sell it to an antique shop

Taylor Thomas11 years ago
Currency exchange

Strae8 years ago
If I had an endless amount of English banknotes in my wallet I could just move to England. It didn't say that the banknotes that are already in the wallet would change when I moved to the country the currency is accepted in. It said whatever banknote is pu...[Show full comment]

The KKD9 years ago
Fuck yeah, i live in Denmark, i'd press it

Wampster48 years ago
Just give someone else that you trust a load of money and have them exchange it and then put the new money in something OTHER THAN a wallet

Mondola2829 years ago
Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grabbe...[Show full comment]

skyrimlegend218 years ago

smartman294323 years ago
this was a good idea at 3am but you"re really fricking stupid

Sudokori 9 years ago
Exchange it in huge bundles.

Cupkake_Kitty7 years ago
0nline ordering

pressmedont1238 years ago
Exchange them?

Kookeekwisp8 years ago
Who the fuck calls them BANKNOTES? They're obviously Smackaroos. What shool did you attend, sir?

Spadehound8 years ago

SuperSoda246 years ago
Currency exchange

luna10 years ago
I'm confused?

music6749 years ago
So loop hole when u have a different currency go too the place that the currency is in or just learn about money and pay the right amount
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