45463 (51%) 44539 (49%)
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Have the ability to breath underwater
you can't survive outside of water for more than 24 hours.

JaCkIsSoMeFiSh!9 years ago
just bring a water bottle around with you everywhere you go, and every know and again, just dab a bit on. they never said how much. Actually, scratch that. The atmosphere is full of water particles

MacTheFag8 years ago
"Dab" XD

disposable_teen6669 years ago
i could finally explore the 95% of ocean we haven't discovered

TheBulletMoBot6 years ago
The reason you get pressure crushed is because your lungs cant deliver enough counter-pressure. If you can breathe underwater its no problem.
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DavidHarper6 years ago
Put a bowl filled with water around my head

billythekid03186 years ago
ok spungebob
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ThePhilosopher7 years ago
Why not just sleep in the bath?

LilmanMarcell6 years ago

Watermelonman7 years ago
There os an invention called bathtub. Govin for one second and go out again, repeat every 23 hours.

LillianS6 years ago
Umm I touch water every day.... drinking water. Washing my hands. And I take showers....

HoneySlime86 years ago
You are made of water.

Tesla027 years ago
Dunk my head in a bucket of water every 23 hours

lovey8267 years ago
Just keep a water spritzer with you at all times. Boom.

Connor DaBoss Cavanagh11 years ago
Good thing i wash everyday

Mistermika06last year
Even better, the air consists of a bit of water so you could survive normally
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Z_Emruld6 years ago
That’s my dream I could become a mermaid

oceanwaterpug275 years ago
Except you have legs still

RandomDude4206 years ago
Spongebob fish bowl, here I come!

VirginiaHB6 years ago
So I’m fine I continue to shower every day😁

kitkatblast6 years ago
I'll just live underwater😂

PenguinsxRxkewl7 years ago
There is moisture in the air moisture is water, therefor we are always constantly under water, free water breathing

Camicameron7 years ago
Almost everything on earth contains water

DerpyHeichou7 years ago
I'm a mermaid, that"s why

Expectro_Nothing_From_Me_When_It_Comes_To_Sharing7 years ago
Uhhhh....... One day in one day out I'm the newest Nixie from HP

Nneonn7 years ago
There"s water within the air! I'm technically within it!

LilmanMarcell6 years ago
And your body is 75% warter

DerpyKitten7 years ago
I'll just start taking baths more than showers, whenever I have a bath I end up trying to stay in there for 24 hours.

DonutGirl77 years ago
You can just touch water and refresh to more 24 hours

Babes8 years ago
Another way to write this question: Become Undyne

ATSLoopholes7 years ago
Hahahah true

XxDiamondxX8 years ago
Our bodies have a ton of water in them soooo... Where not outside of water of our bodies have water in them.... LOOPHOLE.

LilmanMarcell6 years ago
No it’s 75% warter dude

ErdoS8 years ago
it's hard to survive without water for 24hrs ANYWAY. Only upside here

Magnify1238 years ago
youd just be a fish.

ProXelaetoR8 years ago
The air we breathe has a little bit of water in it.

Fox229 years ago
Are you numbskulls forgeting aboutpressure if you diversos without training you just kill yourselfs

jjjeff0202039 years ago
so I'm Sponge Bob

Derek Rasheed Baker11 years ago
I love water so much why to fuck not

Conner Wolf11 years ago
Just take a quick dip, and you're good

Kristopher Camden11 years ago
i'll take a bath every day ^^

marioman6 years ago
i always stay in my room and either play games or do homework

xXminiboyXx9 years ago
i don't even like swimming

Anime_potacos8 years ago
Just take a bath once a day

Mettatoad7 years ago
Bring a water bottle

greaterfiend9 years ago
Basically already that way. I grew up in the water.

IHaveABigDick8 years ago

AdrianAPV036 years ago
Technically, showering or being in the rain counts as being "in" water

AWC8 years ago
Good thing there's humidity in the air...

alqiwa09 months ago
reject humanity return to fish

bossman320348 years ago
You could just get in the water for a second and get out,then you'll be fine for another 24hrs

P0TATO7 years ago
555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555552555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 Count down: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4- 3-2-1…Now close your...[Show full comment]


tharmofta8 years ago
good thing i drink everyday

Kalin Popov11 years ago
Just take a bottle of water everywhere with you. In case of emergency just drink/spill it on yourself

Easyboy137 years ago
I am coming Atlantis!!

Suchtkrebs8 years ago
I am washing my hands everyday and I drink water everyday. That should be enough to survive

Takata Cheroki11 years ago

JerryTheRock17386 years ago
Just go outside for 23 hours and 59 minutes
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