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Sims5 comes out
It costs $500

mooncalves3 years ago
Who the hell is this "this is legal" clown

ThePaulDude3 years ago
I dunno, they should be arrested for this shit though.
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ThePaulDude3 years ago
At least someone put the $ in the right place for once.

Destructer2462 years ago
So it includes all the DLC from the start then?

Pisusya10 months ago
Just get a pirate one

VSauce5 months ago
Hey, V'Sauce Michael here! This question is good.. Or is it?

Nappulanpainaja2 years ago
Who tf even plays sims

probably not worth it

Aiden6414 months ago
I dont play Sims

DanTheDestroyer292 years ago
mods are all i need

Sunbeam68 months ago
welp this aged badly

Poofnugget4 months ago
Never even liked sims

therealobama2 years ago
sims 4 already cost 500 dollars because you can't play the game properly without expansions.

therealobama2 years ago
oh and you can just pirate it

LazotepLazarus6 months ago
Not worth.

Duneagenda30 days ago
more is more

Maharid6 months ago
Ok, if the game cost is only here the people will be happy cause everything for 4 now is well over a thousand.

TalonG24 days ago
I love piracy

Sporlings3 years ago
There is no point if they are still updating Sims 4.

DerpyDenko3 years ago
Whats the god damn point lol. Ea is just going to put hundreds of in app purchases.

No_u_lol3 years ago
Why am I the first comment
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